On the eve of the New Year, we make wishes and want them to come true. How to imagine a dream so that it begins to come true? How to set up the brain for a systematic movement towards the goal and does visualization really help with this? Psychologist Olga Mazurkevich shares technique.
“Have a dream? Run to her. Can’t run? Go to her. Can’t go? Crawl to her. Can’t crawl? Lie down and lie in the direction of the dream!” – this is a statement by V.A. Uspensky reflects the essence of the issue. I would supplement it with the clarification “Dream right!” You can set goals, overcome obstacles and achieve your goal, or you can lie in the direction of your dreams and dream “correctly”.
Technique “Dreams come true”
Before going to bed, mentally imagine a dream. Concentrate and think of it as having come true, without using the past and future tenses. The words “will” or “was” send a signal that now it is not so important, everything has already passed or, conversely, the right time has not yet come. So it’s irrelevant and not worth considering.
Do you want a new car? Imagine that you are sitting and driving this car. In fantasy, you see that brand of car, color, interior trim, pronounce an affirmation (confirmation) in the present tense: “I am sitting in my own white MAZDA CX-9 / BMW-5 / Hyundai Sonata (substitute your choice), with a leather interior, with automatic transmission.” Feel comfort, pleasure, satisfaction, joy from this event. The dream is palpable, you felt it.
Imagine how sunlight fills everything you see. It fills you with love for yourself and the dream, penetrates into the heart. You have what you wanted. Say the affirmation regularly, it will fix the desired image, installation in the subconscious and lead to the result.
Affirmation works only for the life of the one who applies it, we have no right to make decisions for others
By visualizing and relaxing, a person seems to be programming the subconscious to reproduce what the imagination draws. By imagining what he wants to be real, he deceives the subconscious, and it takes what is desired for reality. It is advisable to do this before bed. If you imagine what you want in all details, feel everything to the smallest detail, the subconscious will remember the event as having happened, the last thought before going to bed will be fixed and will work all night for implementation.
Affirmation changes thoughts and life, works to switch from negative experiences, attitudes, to positive, life-affirming ones. You can speak out loud or imagine what you want in fantasies.
An affirmation only works for the life of the one who uses it. A person has no right to make decisions for others, he can only influence his own life. You need to dream actively, purposefully every day before going to bed for 14-30 days.
Once the dream is “programmed for fulfillment,” bless and release it. Prolonged concentration on the result, volitional energies block it. She is already “at work” and needs freedom. Do not allow doubts, believe, it will certainly come true. Dream is a miracle! Remember how, as a child, on the eve of the holiday, we fell asleep and dreamed that Santa Claus would bring a gift, and in the morning we ran to the Christmas tree and found the treasured box or package? Let the miracle come to life. Believe in miracles, they will definitely happen.
About the Developer
Olga Mazurkevich — art therapist, perinatal, crisis psychologist. Her