- Vyacheslav Shcherbinin, 28 years old, technical director and trainer at a fitness center
- Alexey Kirpichenko, 24 years old, director of a sports nutrition store
- Sergey Nasonov, 40 years old, worked in law enforcement agencies, now a coach in bodybuilding, powerlifting and fitness
- Denis Romanov, 21, personal fitness trainer
- Sergey Baistrukov, 28, lawyer, online nutrition and training consultant
- Pavel Volkov, 20 years old, personal trainer
- Denis Suraev, 22 years old, lending specialist
- Andrey Ivanov, 23, science fiction writer, director, graduated from medical university
- Ilya Ershov, 24 years old, personal trainer, fitness trainer
- Denis Istomin, 28 years old, programmer
It is not for nothing that they say about men: “He said – did!” We learned from Siberians, which you can admire in the gym, on the beach and just on the street, why they decided to change themselves and how hard it was for them.
Vyacheslav Shcherbinin, 28 years old, technical director and trainer at a fitness center
A year ago, weighed 119 kg, now – 88 kg.
Marital status: single.
Change history
On October 19, 2014, I realized: today is the day when it’s time to start taking on yourself and not wait for Monday. My weight at that time was 119 kg. I walked around the apartment, hesitated, quickly packed up my bag and went to enroll in the gym. On the same day I started training. Coming from training, I took photographs of myself “before”, they played a very important role in the subsequent motivation. For the first week, I calculated my diet and brought myself to a regimen. He began to eat complex carbohydrates, protein foods and fiber in the form of vegetables and fruits. He ate 6 times a day every 3 hours, always had breakfast at 7:00.
In the first month I lost 18 kg and decreased very decently in volume, in the second month it took another 11. It happened that the weight stood for several days, I wanted to give up, but, looking back, I realized that a good job had already been done and there was no turning back. The support of loved ones, my own photos and pictures from various fitness groups in social networks helped a lot to motivate myself. In the third month, I lost 7 kg. Here, regular workouts in the gym have already yielded results. The muscles took shape, some relief appeared, the figure began to take shape – from a bag to a sports physique. And then I realized that proper nutrition and the gym seemed to be embedded in my DNA, I can’t imagine how I used to live without it. Here the war with weight has already begun, the body has adapted and in every possible way did not want to give up excess fat. Over the next month, I lost another 4 kg, and in just 4 months I got rid of 40 kg and became thin.
Then he began the cycle of the regime of weight gain, followed by drying. In the diet, nothing has changed, only there are 9 meals and the portions of complex carbohydrates (porridge) have increased. In two months I gained 16 kg. Then he started drying. In the summer it was hard, I relaxed a little, the weight was kept at the same level. He began to run in the evenings around the city, he also attended trainings in the gym regularly. Over the summer, I fell in love with jogging so much that I pumped my body from the kilometer from which I started and barely ran, up to 19 km, almost a half marathon distance. And I run a distance of 3 km in 12 minutes – this is the standard of the 3rd youth category in athletics. With the onset of autumn, I set up my regime again.
Now my weight is 88 kg. I want to lose another 6-8 and gain again in order to achieve a body condition of 90 kg with 14-16% body fat. I think everything will work out by spring. Moreover, now it has become not just my favorite pastime, but also a job. I went through interviews, a bunch of tests and training, passed exams, and now I am a gym instructor. And sports not only give their results externally, but also educate willpower, temper character, improve the quality of life and mood. Self-organization in everything increases and a lot of time appears, because you also organize your time and use every minute. Plus, you begin to feel your own body, including its hidden capabilities, the food takes on a different taste, and the meal turns into a whole cult – always without salt, you always visually decorate the dishes beautifully, because our eyes are the first to eat. I believe that nothing is impossible, there are no concepts of “wide bone”, “slow metabolism” or “constitution in mom, dad, uncle, aunt.” The main thing is to just want to, set a clear goal, break it down into stages and not wait for quick results. For 28 years I have ruined my body … And the year I spent on putting it in order is nothing, because the price of this victory over myself is very high!
Advice for beginners
Everyone should clearly understand why they need it. There must be a clear goal and a solid plan to achieve it. Working on yourself is a difficult job that requires clarity in everything! But in the end, the complexity of all efforts will be fully paid for by the result. Win at yourself once, and you won’t want to lose the taste of victory! All boundaries are only in our heads. Anyone can overcome them. Patience and good luck to everyone.
Vote for Vyacheslav on the last page.
Alexey Kirpichenko, 24 years old, director of a sports nutrition store
At 16 he weighed 55 kg, at 22 and now – 105 kg.
Marital status: Married.
Achievements in sport
I have been in sports since I was 8 years old, I did everything in a row, at the age of 16 I began to engage in bodybuilding.
Change history
Before bodybuilding, I had an injury and did not exercise for about six months. Unless he played a little football and basketball – just for fun. Mostly I sat at the computer. I had a constant headache and a breakdown. In the end I decided to change this situation. The father’s example was the motivation. He trained professionally and constantly, teasing that I was so thin. Until now, I am guided by his phrase: “Bodybuilding is everything! Strength, beauty, work! “
In the first year, I gained 15 kg. The hardest part was starting to eat right. But I managed to rebuild. Now, due to proper nutrition, I feel great! Headaches practically do not bother, I sleep well and get enough sleep.
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Sergey Nasonov, 40 years old, worked in law enforcement agencies, now a coach in bodybuilding, powerlifting and fitness
Before the start of bodybuilding training, he weighed 108 kg. For the first bodybuilding competition, I lost 19 kg.
Marital status: married, has a 20-year-old daughter, who also linked her life with iron sports and is already an international master of sports in powerlifting, as well as a record holder in Russia, Europe and the world.
Achievements in sport
International Master of Sports in Bench Press. Repeated winner of World and European Cups, winner of All-Russian tournaments. The absolute champion of the Tomsk region in bodybuilding. Bronze medalist of the Altai Territory Open Cup in bodybuilding.
Change history
He has been working in iron sports for over 25 years. He first came to the gym in 1989 with friends. Then there was the time of video salons, in which films were shown with the participation of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and other idols of all the boys of that time. Naturally, everyone wanted to be like them, to have the same huge muscles. After watching the action movies with fearless movie characters, I ended up in the gym. I was then 14 years old. Since then, he fell ill with the “iron disease”. Until 2005, I was engaged as an amateur, so to speak, for myself, although I already had good strength results. Then I decided to go in for powerlifting more professionally, started performing in competitions, fulfilled the standard of an international master of sports. In the spring of 2015, I decided to try myself in bodybuilding and began to prepare intensively. Training in strength sports and bodybuilding is very different. If in powerlifting the goal is a lot of weight lifted, then in bodybuilding it is beauty of the body, proportions, low fat and sufficient lean muscle mass. Before training, I weighed 108 kg. By my first bodybuilding competition, and this was the Altai Territory Open Cup in bodybuilding and fitness, I managed to lose 3,5 kg of unnecessary ballast in 19 months, come up to my first bodybuilding competition in good enough shape and become a bronze medalist. After two weeks of even tighter eyeliner, I already managed to become the absolute champion of the Tomsk region in bodybuilding.
Advice for beginners
The most important thing is to see the goal, be motivated and go towards this goal, no matter what. And it is very important not to break the woods out of inexperience, it is better to start practicing with an experienced coach.
Vote for Sergei on the last page.
Denis Romanov, 21, personal fitness trainer
Before training with iron, he weighed about 60 kg, now 100 kg (off-season). Bodybuilding competition weight (after drying) 80–85 kg.
Marital status: single.
Achievements in sport
Winner of regional championships (Novosibirsk, Omsk and other cities). Champion of Siberia, multiple winner of the Russian championships (silver and bronze medals) in bodybuilding. Master of Sports in bench press. Winner of the European Bench Press Cup (2015, according to the WPC), winner of international tournaments (Eurasian Cup “Steel Arena” and the Siberian Challendge World Cup) in bench press (IPA version) in powerlifting.
Change history
He started going in for sports at the age of 6 – it was swimming and football. From the age of 13 he was fond of martial arts. At the age of 15, he began to actively engage in the gym, which was at school. At that time, the first place was the desire to become stronger and have more developed muscles than my fellow gymnasts – guys about my age. The goal was achieved, I started looking on the Internet for photos from bodybuilding competitions. I decided that I can also perform with dignity. So in 2012 (I was 17 years old) I prepared for the spring competitive season and immediately won the championship of Novosibirsk, Siberia and took second place at the Russian championship in Krasnodar. At the moment I continue my competitive activity.
Before classes, I felt like an ordinary thin teenager, but now the large size of the body often causes increased attention. Sometimes it is even embarrassing, but in general, developed muscles are a kind of social marker, thanks to which there is always a special attitude towards a pumped-up person in society, most often positive.
Advice for beginners
First of all, improve the level of your knowledge – read books, attend seminars, communicate with experienced athletes. If possible, be sure to contact a competent coach who will direct you in the right direction, help you not to make mistakes, not to get injured. And, of course, persistently follow your goal and never give up in front of the difficulties that will surely arise.
Vote for Denis on the last page.
Sergey Baistrukov, 28, lawyer, online nutrition and training consultant
10 years ago weighed 68 kg, now 85 kg.
Marital status: single.
Change history
From the age of 8 he began to hang on the horizontal bar, and for the first time he went to the gym at the age of 13. I studied for about a year and went to karate. At the age of 18, he decided to return to the gym again. I saw the first results after 3 months of training.
I have been training for 10 years now and I feel great without any health problems. The hall is like an outlet for me, here I rest mentally and gain strength.
Advice for beginners
Read less about nutrition and exercise on the Internet! The best for a beginner in the first 2-3 months is to work out with a personal trainer, he will give you the technique of performing the exercises, since technique is very important in this sport. Firstly, so as not to get injured, and secondly, so that there is progress in your form. Without the right technique, don’t expect great and quick results.
Vote for Sergei on the last page.
Pavel Volkov, 20 years old, personal trainer
Before playing sports, weighed 49 kg (then he was 172 cm tall), now he is 110 kg with a height of 182 cm.
Achievements in sport
Five-time vice-champion of Siberia and vice-champion of Russia in bodybuilding.
Marital status: single.
Change history
He began to play sports at a young age. The main motivation, of course, was the desire to become stronger, more beautiful and not like everyone else. Well, to fight back the bullying classmates. The most difficult thing was to find reliable information on proper nutrition, training, preparation for competitions, but now this is available everywhere. Already after 6 months, after enough information from the literature had been collected, the first records in strength and torn pants and T-shirts appeared.
I don’t remember how I felt before, but I know for sure that I feel good now! I feel in my place.
Advice for beginners
Go in for sports, because this is a direct path to a beautiful body and health!
Vote for Paul on the last page.
Denis Suraev, 22 years old, lending specialist
Before playing sports, weighed 80 kg, now 105 kg.
Marital status: not married.
Change history
Winter, 2006. Skinny as death, fifth-grader Denis, by chance coincidence, finds himself in a “rocking chair” preserved from Soviet times, located, as it often happened then, in one of the basements … Probably, this was how my story about how I did not feeling sorry for himself, he built his body from year to year, but, alas, it was enough for me then for two or three weeks. I noticed my first leap of enthusiasm after a year and a half. Then I underwent surgery and was released from school for a couple of months. A week later, spent at the computer, my wandering gaze, devoid of interest, settled on two 6-kilogram dumbbells (which are found in most of our population in the most remote corners of the apartment and have been waiting for their time for years). From that moment on, every day I performed various exercises, which, I must say, were initially given to me quite difficult, since from birth I was not gifted with health, strong constitution and muscle strength. After some time, when the number of push-ups and lifting dumbbells for biceps approached a good mark, I, already being confident in my decision, again signed up for a gym in a local sports complex. I will not say that even then it was the beginning of continuous training, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. I and my entourage were not one of those guys who were set as an example, and my “wrong” side often took over.
Three years have passed, and, unexpectedly for everyone and for myself, I decided that something needed to be changed. I realized that I needed to give up all bad habits, to nullify communication with those people who pulled me down, and to focus on education, sports and self-development.
Probably, then there was that turning point. Since then, I have been constantly improving in areas of interest to myself. Yes, at some moments everything was not easy, but it was worth it. I began to feel much better on all counts. My weight has grown from 80 kg to 105. I am surrounded by successful, educated, pleasant people, and I try to follow their example. For someone, I am also an example, and it gives me great joy when they turn to me for advice, and I can help.
Advice for beginners
My advice will apply not only to young guys who dream of conquering Olympus, but also to adults, family people who have decided to change their body for one reason or another. Not all of us are given to be professional fitness models, so initially set adequate goals for yourself. Do not think that only personal fitness instructors who do not leave the gym and count every calorie can be the owners of powerful and prominent muscles. Personally, my world doesn’t revolve around fitness alone. Rather, I treat it as a hobby. I work, get a higher education, and this does not prevent me from simultaneously preparing for competitions, keeping myself in great shape and doing what I love. Believe in yourself and you will succeed! There is much more you can do than you think.
Vote for Denis on the last page.
Andrey Ivanov, 23, science fiction writer, director, graduated from medical university
Weighed 57 kg, now 75-80 kg.
Marital status: not married.
Sports achivments
Personal record – bench press without equipment, as well as without a “bridge”, full-amplitude 160 kg. Third place in the Mens Physique fitness festival in Novosibirsk.
Change history
When I started training, like all teenagers my age, I was looking for an effective way to attract female attention to me. These were the days of experimentation based on both internal assumptions and the experience of others’ trial and error. Everyone attracted attention as best they could. Bodybuilding was not yet as viral mainstream as it is now, but I was fortunate enough to be one of the few who saw the potential and revolutionary idea in this direction.
I must admit, my passionate desire to win the hearts of pretty females was not the only impulse that pushed me to train. Indeed, in the same way, I was surrounded by circumstances peculiar to adolescents, which, with their weight, pressed and closed the review for any positive perspective of the future. I was confident that the expressed muscle mass would overshadow the whole mass of deficiencies that I thought I possessed. Therefore, I gave all the afternoon time to training, as merciless as senseless, because then I still did not know anything about the regime and the importance of nutrition in this matter.
The most difficult stage of formation, I will call the beginning, because it was nothing more than exhausting movements blindly. For many, including their parents, this whole process only caused condescension. But nevertheless, despite the resistance of others, despite the absolute ignorance of the nitrogen balance in the body, and also in spite of my constitution that is not inclined to growth, the first impressive result appeared two years later. If at the beginning of training my weight fluctuated within 57-59 kg, now on the dial of the electronic scales the value of 63 kg was displayed. It was an achievement, a push away from the quagmire of self-deprecation. Inspired by the expressed success, I continued to grow until it all came to regional competitions in the Mens Physique discipline and ended in an unsuccessful trip to the Vishnevsky tournament.
Advice for beginners
Do sports for yourself, do not chase the ghostly limit. You probably won’t succeed where a great many people are already involved. I will not become like many, calling on you to fight, no matter what, wipe everyone’s nose and be the first in all competitions. It took me a while to understand what a delusion this is, and therefore I just want you to save it, time. Take care of where a person’s foot has not yet gone, where even the most zealous thought has not reached. Open yourself up to a whole new business and you will be the first by default.
Vote for Andrey on the last page.
Ilya Ershov, 24 years old, personal trainer, fitness trainer
Weighed 75 kg, now
Marital status: Actively looking.
Change history
I started training in 2008, I decided to become more attractive and strong! The first result appeared after 3 months of training, then I gained 7 kg.
Before training, I felt sad, because all my classmates could pull up, but I could not, and this one strongly motivated me to learn.
Advice for beginners
I recommend that beginners be patient and work hard. And the second thing to do is find a competent coach!
Vote for Ilya on the last page.
Denis Istomin, 28 years old, programmer
Weighed about 70-72, now 83 kg (86 kg in the photo).
Marital status: Have a girlfriend.
Change history
He started light training around 2011 with interruptions. He began to train regularly in 2012 in the fall. I wanted to become more courageous, and to start sports activities. Honestly, I did not work out for the sake of pure mass gain. The most difficult thing was to overcome laziness and start practicing regularly. Probably, about a year passed before the moment when changes were already really noticeable.
Before class I felt quite well, and I also feel myself now. Only now there is a need to go in for sports.
Advice for beginners
Exercise regularly, eat right, and sleep well. And write down weights and sets in a notebook. In my opinion, it will be easier to achieve results if you make a hobby out of visiting the gym, and not set the goal only to gain / lose mass. As the saying goes, “if you want to pump up biceps – attach.”
Vote for Denis on the last page.
Dear friends, our survey has been completed! We are grateful to everyone who voted for the participants of the “Strength and Will” project. And, of course, the main gratitude is to the participants themselves, real men of dreams who made themselves! The voting leaders will receive diplomas from the Woman’s Day portal and gifts:
Sergey Nasonov – 1st place, a certificate for the purchase of household appliances for 2 thousand rubles.
Sergey Baistrukov – 2nd place, certificate in the reality quest “EXIT” for a group of friends (up to 4 people).
Vyacheslav Shcherbinin – 3rd place, a certificate for visiting the indoor ice rink “Siberian Ice” with a group of friends.
Congratulations to the winners. In the near future we will invite you to the editorial office to present the prizes.
Whose history, figure and athletic performance impressed you the most?
Vyacheslav Shcherbinin
Alexey Kirpichenko
Sergey Nasonov
Denis Romanov
Sergey Baistrukov
Pavel Volkov
Denis Suraev
Andrey Ivanov
Ilya Ershov
Denis Istomin