Dream meaning: what your subconscious tries to tell you when you sleep
Have you dreamed of flying, falling into the void or finding money? This is what your dreams try to tell you

Have you had a nightmare and have you woke up in a bad mood? Or on the contrary, has your dream been one of those in which you meet your idol, find money or manage to fly as if it were a bird? At first, it is already a good luck to wake up and remember what you have been dreaming all night or part of it and, although in most cases you do not remember it, it is scientifically proven that every night we dream, even if afterwards we cannot remember What was it about. «The matter of dreams is so fragile and subtle that if when we open our eyes the first thing we do is look at the time or focus our thoughts on the daily routine, it happens that the rational mind monopolizes all the attention and the memory of the dream evaporates . We will be left with the vague feeling of having dreamed something curious and possibly interesting, but we will already be unable to know what it was », says María Jesús Palmer, author of«Interpretation manual of all dreams», Which explains in his book the meaning of more than 500 references to the unconscious that appear when we are asleep.
And it’s a shame because on many occasions, with the evaporation of some dreams, valuable information that comes from the unconscious is lost. «Information that sometimes makes it possible to discover the origin of a fear or a guilt not yet overcome. Other times, it’s about inspiring dreams loaded with creative ideas, although it can also be symbolic dreams that announce future events “, clarifies the expert. Nothing to do with dreams that are repeated over and over again, those in which you already know the feeling you have when you open your eyes and you are approached by a perception of emptiness, pain or relief: «There are dreams that are repeated, they are called recurring dreams, which should always be taken into account since they tend to carry messages or notices of interest to the dreamer ”, María Jesús Palmer warns.
Dreams, a reflection of fears and desires
María Jesús Palmer, an expert in dreams and their meanings, assures that on many occasions they are the reflection of our unconscious where, even before birth, emotions are registered. It can be said that dreams revive old emotional memories that were important and decisive at the time but are now totally forgotten over the years. «If in childhood we had an episode, for example, with a pigeon that takes a little dove from our hand, quite possibly with the passage of time that person develops a kind of feeling of threat every time he sees this bird because when he was small the animal stole his food “, explains the writer.
On the other hand, almost all of us have a fear or insecurity that we do not quite recognize or overcome, so «these fears are the ones that are reflected in the classic dreams-nightmares, where dreamers have to flee or hide from someone who persecutes », says María Jesús Palmer. «The very feeling of danger and overwhelm often leads to sudden awakening. Taking a good look at it, the abrupt awakening also implies clearly remembering the dreamed plot ». For María Jesús Palmer, dream chasers represent those fears that we do not know how to face in real life and they condition us: «they do not cease to be warning dreams, since they appear when life circumstances are going to bring a new opportunity for acceptance or improvement “, sentence.
There are other types of dreams that are grouped under the name of compensatory. They show, for satisfaction of those who dream it, scenes where unfulfilled wishes are fulfilled. The author of “Manual of Interpretation of All Dreams” also differentiates erotic dreams, classified as compensatory since the person feels accepted and loved. «Dreams like soaring and flying are always positive because the dreamer moves free from ties and when he wakes up he has the feeling that your concerns aren’t really that important and they have an easy solution ».
Surely in one of those conversations about dreams, yours have coincided with someone else’s, perhaps a friend, a relative … What are you dreaming of? These are some of the most common dreams and their meanings.
Find money
Have you seen yourself walking down the street and find a small pile of coins? A little heap that doesn’t seem to end, right? Because under a few coins there are more, and so on. «This dream speaks of the inner values of each one, especially of values and virtues that are not considered as such and are often ignored. The most common meaning of this dream is that the time has come to publicly acknowledge your own merits and capabilities. Sometimes he also talks about artistic gifts and vocational programs that awaken and can provide great personal satisfaction as well as financial benefits, ”says María Jesús Palmer.
Dream of water
If the sea, rain, rivers, swimming pools, domestic water appear in your most repeated dreams … this universal symbol has a lot to tell you. «If you dream of cloudy or troubled water, it reveals altered emotions that can even affect your health. The clear or free-falling water in a cascade announces pleasant encounters and happy moments, while the waves that cannot be avoided, the boat that capsizes or the tide that rises and wets those who are dreaming symbolize precisely that: that you have to ‘get wet ‘and that, like it or not, it’s time to assume commitments and responsibilities», Explains the expert.
Fall into the void
How many times have you woken up because you fell into the void or stumbled? This dream so common among mortals speaks of economic losses or job losses, since the material base that sustains and sustains us – the ground – disappears under our feet and we fall.
Death of someone close
«Death in dreams is usually the indication that there are great personal transformations underway. Transformations such as those that represent, for example, the passage from childhood to adolescence, then to youth, maturity or old age. It also justifies the ancient belief that says: when you dream of someone’s death, you extend his life. Well, the dream indicates that that person you see die in some way rebuilds his life, reinvents himself and, ultimately, lives longer, “says the expert.