Dream figure: complexes of simple exercises for housewives and young mothers

Dream figure: complexes of simple exercises for housewives and young mothers

We work out at home and admire our perfect body!

After pregnancy, she created the Project X weight loss project and trains participants on the author’s intensive fat burning program. The uniqueness of her program is that training takes up to 15 minutes a day, and the result is up to 15 kg per month.


Complex for young mothers CrossFit WOD

1. Jumping jack (repeat 8 times)

2. Sit-ups (repeat 8 times)

3. Squat (repeat 8 times)

4. Burpee (repeat 8 times)

This is one circle!

The task:

Complete the maximum number of laps in 5 minutes. Nonstop.

Complex for housewives

Running on the spot (1 minute)

Squat (50 times)

Abduction (50 times per leg)

Plank run (1 minute)

Jumping Jack (repeat 50 times)

Burpee (30 times)

This is one circle!

The task

Complete 3-4 laps.

Description of exercises

Jumping jack

1. Starting position: stand up straight, legs together, arms at the seams, back straight.

2. In a jump, spread your legs wider than your shoulders. Use your hands to clap over your head.

3. In the jump, return to the starting position.

Repeat 8 times (at one time the legs are considered to be open and closed).

Sit app

1. Starting position – lying on your back, legs are bent at the knees, arms are straightened and lie above the head. The buttocks, lower back, upper back and feet are facing each other in a frog position.

2. Begin to move the body upward, while exhaling at the same time. Our task is to rise due to the effort of the abdominal muscles, while trying not to round our back, we put our hands on the floor in front of our feet. At the top, the body should be at right angles to the floor.

3. After touching the floor, slowly begin to descend downward on inhalation, making the movement fast enough, but under control. Keep your arms straight above your head and touch them to the floor, then repeat the movement from the beginning.

Repeat 8 times.


1. Starting position – standing with your legs apart shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, do not lower your neck.

2. While inhaling, smoothly do the squat, putting your hands in front of you. Watch your back, it shouldn’t be rounded.

3. The hips should be in line with the knees. The knees are not working – the movement from the hips.

4. Return to starting position.


1. Starting position – standing position, feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Sit point-blank squat.

3. Bring your legs back sharply, lower your body to the floor. Hands are tense, feet on toes.

4. Hold this position for a second. Then return to the point-blank squat, make a jump. Spread your arms above your head and clap your hands.

Keep your back straight. The muscles of the core, thighs, legs and arms are tense.

Running on the spot

1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the seams, back straight.

2. Raise your right leg up in front of you, then land on your right leg, lifting your left leg up. Imitate a run, land on your toes, keep your back straight.

3. Help yourself with your hands – bring the opposite hand to the front leg forward, the other back.

Duration – 1 minute. It is not the number of repetitions that matters, but the technique.


1. Starting position: hands and knees on the mat. The arms are straight, the knees are under the hips, the back is straight, the neck is extended forward.

2. While inhaling, take your straight right leg with the heel up, pinching the buttock. Hold it for 1-2 seconds at the top point.

3. As you exhale, return your leg to its original position. Repeat on the left leg.

Repeat 50 times on each leg.

Plank running (climber)

1. Starting position: stand in the bar on straight arms. The body should form a straight line from crown to toe. The body and arms are tense.

2. The upper body does not move. Quickly pull up the knees of the left and right legs one at a time.

Duration – 1 minute.

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