Drawing pains in the lower back can occasionally disturb even a healthy person, but more often they signal serious pathological conditions that must be diagnosed in time.
Pain that occurs after sleep or after a long stay in one position is usually transient and should not cause any concern. This condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own after a short time.
If the discomfort in the lower back does not go away or even intensifies, then they are undoubtedly worth paying attention to.
Diseases manifested by pulling pains in the lower back:
Osteocondritis of the spine. Pain syndrome can be provoked by physical activity, weight lifting. Unpleasant sensations often radiate to the lower limb or groin and are aggravated by movement. It is difficult for the patient to lift his leg up from a supine position or tilt his head forward, because this leads to an increase in symptoms.
Intervertebral hernia. The severity of pain depends on the size of the hernial protrusion, on its pressure on the adjacent structures and, first of all, on the nerve endings. The condition requires timely diagnosis with the subsequent appointment of the correct treatment regimen. With a large hernia, the patient may need to consult a neurosurgeon. If the disease is started and conservative treatment is not carried out in time, then there is a risk of developing polyneuropathy with further paralysis of the lower extremities.
Lower lobe pneumonia. In addition to the pain syndrome that occurs due to compression of the pain receptors of the lung pleura by the infiltrate, the disease is manifested by cough, fever, weakness, general malaise, loss of appetite. A chest x-ray will help to definitively establish the diagnosis and identify the cause of the bothersome lower back pain.
Myositis of the lumbar muscles. Pain syndrome occurs 1-2 days after hypothermia or exposure to a draft. May be accompanied by a temperature rise, swelling and redness of the inflamed muscle.
Cardiovascular diseases. They can cause pulling pains in the left sections of the lower back, sometimes accompanied by discomfort in the left arm. It is especially important to pay attention to them if the patient has a chronic pathology of the heart and blood vessels: ischemic disease, angina pectoris or at rest, rheumatic changes in the valvular apparatus, congenital or acquired heart defects. Conducting an ECG and echocardiography will help to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.
Kidney diseases. Drawing pains can manifest as nephritis, dysmetabolic nephropathy, renal colic, traumatic damage to the kidneys and their structures, as well as other pathologies of the excretory system. Any change in the nature of urination should be alert (it can become more frequent, become less frequent, be accompanied by pain, become uncontrollable, etc.), as well as in the urine itself. It may contain mucus or blood, change color, smell. Of particular importance is the appearance of edema, because they can signal the occurrence of acute or chronic renal failure.
Digestive system diseases. Drawing pain can manifest biliary dyskinesia, acute and chronic pancreatitis. Pain in gastroduodenitis can radiate (give) to the lower back. Pain syndrome may indicate the onset of surgical pathology (eg, appendicitis with an atypical location of the appendix or intestinal obstruction). If the pain gradually increases, its character changes to stabbing or acute, the symptoms of intoxication increase, you should urgently consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination.
Pregnancy. Unpleasant sensations in the lower back are usually caused by the mechanical pressure of the pregnant uterus on adjacent structures and an increased load on the spinal column. At the same time, pulling pains in the lower back may indicate the approaching process of childbirth.
Gynecological pathology. Pain caused by inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix can radiate to the lower back. Pressure can be exerted by fibroids, a benign tumor of the uterus, in which the latter increases to its size during pregnancy and exerts mechanical pressure in the same way. Drawing pains can manifest as an ectopic pregnancy, for which the earliest possible diagnosis is important in order to prevent rupture of the organ in which the fertilized egg is fixed.
Worm infestation. Some parasites, going through their development cycle in almost all organs of the human body, are able to form large conglomerates (balls) both in the intestine itself and outside it.
oncological problems. Drawing pains can manifest malignant neoplasms of the kidneys, lungs, intestines, etc. Metastases of the main focus have similar symptoms and are also manifested by pain. The pain becomes more intense over time, accompanied by fever, apathy, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss.
Whatever the cause of lumbar pain is, if it increases, if any additional symptoms appear, if there is no effect from self-administered drugs, you should definitely consult a doctor. The earlier the disease is diagnosed and its therapy is started, the more favorable the course of the disease can be expected. In cases of late seeking medical help and self-treatment, the risk of complications increases significantly.