- Dragon-Aries woman: characteristic
- Dragon Taurus Woman: Characteristics
- Gemini Dragon Woman: Characteristics
- Dragon Cancer Woman: characteristic
- Dragon-Lion Woman: Characteristics
- Dragon-Virgo Woman: characteristic
- Dragon-Libra Woman: Characteristics
- Dragon-Scorpio Woman: Characteristics
- Sagittarius Dragon Woman: Characteristics
- Dragon-Capricorn Woman: Characteristics
- Aquarius Dragon Woman: Characteristics
- Dragon Pisces Woman: Characteristics
A woman born in the year of the Dragon inherited many of its mythological qualities and fabulous properties. But such character traits as looseness, inner freedom and an incredibly strong craving for creativity are most clearly manifested. The Dragon Woman will always strive to fly, while she does not want to bind herself with any obligations or agreements.
The Dragon Woman makes a strong impression on those around her. She always and everywhere feels like a real queen, while she has a penchant for megalomania. But this is not surprising, because the Dragon is a symbol of inexhaustible energy, success, strength and wisdom, which is always manifested in action.
However, even despite all these qualities of character, internally the Dragon woman is condescending towards her surroundings. She can easily and quickly forgive insults and insults, especially if a person goes to meet her.
The Dragon Woman is very charming and attractive, sexy and cheerful, attractive and captivating. At the same time, she is also endowed with a sharp mind, from early childhood she is literally surrounded by attention. But depending on the sign of the Zodiac under which the Dragon woman was born, small adjustments are made to her character.
Dragon-Aries woman: characteristic
Aries woman born in the year of the Dragon is very noble, good-natured and generous. She strives to create complete harmony in her life. She is friendly, so she can easily find a common language with any person, supports a conversation on any topic.
The life position of the Dragon-Aries woman is active, she is easy-going. Always and in any situation remains self-confident, not afraid of life changes. She is incredibly lucky, quickly makes useful acquaintances, overcomes all obstacles in her path. From the outside, it may seem that she is like a magnet attracting money to herself.
Such a woman has great ambitions, she has pronounced leadership qualities, which she shows not only in work, but also in relationships. If he makes an important decision, he always pays attention to all the small details, sees only the essence and never drowns in trifles. The Dragon-Aries woman loves to lead and strives to take a high position in order to show her leadership qualities.
Dragon Taurus Woman: Characteristics
The Taurus woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is incredibly charming and sweet. She has a unique charisma, so she is able to charm almost anyone. At the same time, she attracts attention not only with a short skirt, but even with the most modest outfit, which looks just fine on her. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are always many admirers next to her, but at the same time she does not have a penchant for female tricks or intrigues.
The Dragon-Taurus woman will never lose her taste for life, she knows how to enjoy every moment, she always gives those around her optimism. She has not only a bright, but also an independent personality, while she strives to prove herself, to take a worthy place in society. Such a woman always succeeds in what she undertakes – she builds a successful career and family.
At the same time, the Dragon-Taurus woman is quite soft, kind, not devoid of warmth and charm. The fiery energy of the Dragon gives her inner confidence in her own victory and an inexhaustible charge of vivacity.
Gemini Dragon Woman: Characteristics
Born in the year of the Dragon, the Gemini woman is always elegant and has a sophisticated appearance. She not only knows how to take care of herself, but also has a sympathetic and kind character. The Dragon-Gemini woman is literally overwhelmed with love for life, always ready for change, easily overcomes all life’s difficulties.
This is a very creative, active and energetic person. Everything is easy for her, so in life she achieves great success. But her main life goals are not always related to the role of a wife or the creation of a family. It is extremely rare that her family will come first, because communication and career success are much more important for her.
It is important for a Gemini Dragon woman to show her abilities, to open up. She is able to achieve success in a variety of creative professions, but it is important for her not only to showcase her work, but also to receive recognition. The Gemini Dragon woman will not be satisfied with creativity as a hobby, because she needs a creative ladder of success. Only if she receives recognition of her own uniqueness, will she be morally satisfied.
Dragon Cancer Woman: characteristic
The Cancer woman born in the year of the Dragon is friendly, good-natured, cheerful, romantic, fair and kind. At the same time, she knows how to sympathize and worry. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with her, you can share everything that is painful with her and at the same time be sure that she will not only sincerely, but also completely disinterestedly provide support.
She easily merges into any society and team, quickly adapts to a new environment. Shows maximum care and patience in work, quickly learns new things, has all the qualities to occupy any position, even the position of a leader.
The authorities always appreciate her for diligence, punctuality and responsibility. She can be entrusted with a large and complex project, and be completely sure that the work will be done efficiently and on time.
Dragon-Lion Woman: Characteristics
Such a personality always stands out for its beauty, grooming and brightness. The Dragon-Leo woman is very popular with men, causing great envy in women. For her, luxury is important in everything, the status of “queen” is more suitable for her. She is very energetic, sociable and incredibly interesting person. Has a rich imagination, a lot of creative abilities.
The Dragon-Lion woman is a real generator of interesting ideas. Thanks to self-confidence, incredible perseverance and dedication, she easily brings all plans and projects to life. Not only is she a hard worker, but she is also incredibly diligent in her work, is not afraid to take risks and almost always comes out on top.
The Dragon-Leo woman is a natural leader, has excellent organizational skills, loves not only to lead, but also to command her subordinates. She knows how to inspire people and lead them. Thanks to these qualities, she achieves great success even at a young age.
Dragon-Virgo Woman: characteristic
The Virgo woman, born in the year of the Dragon, became the owner of a unique ability – she can sincerely enjoy every moment of her life, she knows how to see and feel the beauty of our world. At the same time, she has a rather rare combination of a sense of celebration and pragmatism, thanks to which she is easily realized in her chosen profession, in her work and in her family.
Very often, the Dragon-Virgo woman becomes the real soul of the company. Knows how to create a calm, harmonious and peaceful environment around him. It is always pleasant and interesting to communicate with her. She is ready to help and support at any moment.
The Dragon-Virgo woman is incredibly feminine, she has excellent business and organizational skills. She has become the owner of an independent, stubborn and domineering nature, which helps to balance a little dayin the dream.
She has a strong intuition, thanks to which she easily finds a way out of even the most difficult and confusing situations. Behind pragmatism hides his vulnerable and sensitive soul.
Dragon-Libra Woman: Characteristics
This woman is very graceful, harmonious and beautiful. But at the same time, she has inner strength, confidence and stamina. The Dragon-Libra woman became the owner of a calm and harmonious character, even in the most difficult situations she remains optimistic and does not lose faith in herself.
The Dragon-Libra woman is well aware of what opportunities she has and skillfully uses them. She always soberly assesses the situation, knows how to fully concentrate on the final result. Thanks to the calmness that she maintains in any situation, she achieves her goal and finds her own happiness.
She is not only interesting, but also fun to just live. She doesn’t think too far ahead. Possesses leadership qualities that show at the right moment. Seeks to designate their own preferences and interests, including boundaries that no one should cross.
Dragon-Scorpio Woman: Characteristics
Born in the year of the Dragon, the Scorpio woman is incredibly bright, attractive and self-confident. She instantly grabs the attention of those around her. The Dragon-Scorpio woman is incredibly energetic and emotional. She always lives with passions and emotions, not only her own, but also those of others.
He simply loves adventures, intrigues, takes an active part in various rallies and conspiracies with pleasure. By vocation, she is a real rebel, therefore she will always protect everyone, and besides, arguing with her is completely useless. She will defend her own opinion to the end and will stop at nothing until she proves her case.
The Dragon-Scorpio woman can be incredibly kind and sympathetic, but if she loses control, she can turn into a real vixen. She became the owner of an explosive character, while it is absolutely impossible to remain completely indifferent to her – she is either immensely loved or hated with all her heart.
Sagittarius Dragon Woman: Characteristics
Such a woman is incredibly active and cheerful, has a positive outlook on life. The Dragon-Sagittarius woman is open and good-natured, she treats life easily and naturally. Thanks to her own magnetism and charm, she easily finds her way to people, knows how to inspire others to do exactly what she needs.
The Dragon-Sagittarius woman tends to change places frequently. That is why she travels often and a lot, can regularly change not only work, but also her place of residence. She is simply not able to stay in one place for too long, because movement is the main meaning of life for her, otherwise she may fall into a protracted depression.
At work, she is diligent and diligent. Not only colleagues, but management appreciates her for her humanity and high professionalism. The Dragon-Sagittarius woman will always say only what she thinks. Able to achieve almost any goal that she sets for herself.
Dragon-Capricorn Woman: Characteristics
The Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is very cheerful, energetic and smart. At the same time, she is strong-willed, strong, determined and purposeful. If he sets himself a specific goal, he makes every effort to achieve what he wants. It is not only self-confidence that helps her in this, but also excellent intellectual data.
Can calculate the development of the situation several steps ahead, chooses the most optimal path. Always implemented in professional activities. Therefore, it is not surprising that already at a fairly young age, the Dragon-Capricorn woman achieves rather great heights in the business sphere.
In addition, she is very ambitious, strives to take the post of leader, can successfully run her own business. The Dragon-Capricorn woman easily establishes good relations with both colleagues and superiors.
Aquarius Dragon Woman: Characteristics
Born in the year of the Dragon, the Aquarius woman is very charming and smart, overflowing with vitality and enthusiasm. This is an incredibly creative person with a rich and vivid imagination. She is able to become a successful actress, gymnast or writer. Her fantasy literally knows no limits or limits. But only in a creative environment is she able to fully open up and show all her talents.
The Dragon-Aquarius woman is a very bright, lively, lucky, ambitious and strong personality. At the same time, she not only knows about all her talents, but also knows how to use them correctly, extracting the maximum benefit.
Thanks to her sociability and charm, she knows how to influence other people, inspiring them to follow their own ideas. These qualities allow at a fairly young age to achieve success both in professional activities and personal relationships.
Dragon Pisces Woman: Characteristics
The Pisces woman born in the year of the Dragon is emotional, insightful, impressionable and intelligent. Thanks to its brightness, sociability and cheerfulness, it stands out from the crowd. She is literally overflowing with vitality and energy, which she knows how to direct to achieve her goals.
The Dragon-Pisces woman is simply not able to remain idle, so she is constantly in a hurry somewhere. It is movement and vigorous activity that allow her to find happiness and complete satisfaction.
It is very important for her not only to become a leader, but also to organize the surrounding space as she sees fit. There are many contradictions in her life, while many of her decisions are made based on her own desires and feelings. Can do reckless things. However, even the experience she has gained does not teach her anything, therefore, she continues to behave in the same way as she used to.