Dragon man: characteristic according to the Chinese horoscope

The Dragon Man has inner freedom, is very relaxed, is drawn to creativity and flight, does not seek to bind himself with obligations or contracts. Such a person has a unique ability to ignite the hearts of people with his own faith in ideals and unshakable conviction.

The Dragon Man is very generous and active, cannot sit in one place for a long time. He is literally overflowing with vital energy, which attracts a large number of fans.

The peculiarity of the Dragon man is that he loves only himself most of all. He can be brave, loyal, adventurous and caring. But on the other hand, he is able to become a real egoist, for whom the feelings and needs of other people will always come second.

The Dragon Man is very extravagant and charismatic, so he will never go unnoticed. Women love him, but he rarely falls in love himself. Wherever he appears, he causes not only respect, but also the admiration of others. In any society can become the center of attention.

The Dragon Man is very spoiled for attention, especially female. As a result, he can become arrogant and arrogant, and his authoritarianism has a fine line with selfishness. At the same time, he is completely sure that he is not capable of making a mistake, therefore he is always right in everything. However, depending on which Western sign of the Zodiac the male Dragon was born under, slight adjustments are made to his character.

Male Dragon-Aries: characteristic

Born under the sign of Aries, the male Dragon is a real optimist, has inexhaustible energy. It is pleasant and fun to communicate with him, he always confidently goes through life. The Dragon-Aries man is very ambitious, so he always sets himself new goals.

He is not only lucky, but self-confident, talented and stubborn, so he easily achieves almost everything he wants. However, even if he rises to the top of success, he remains attentive to others, he has a kind of immunity to the so-called “star disease”.

The main distinguishing features of the Dragon-Aries man are determination, love of freedom, the desire to always and everywhere be the first. Both in feelings and in work, he is used to going ahead, it is extremely rare for him to have rivals, because it is pointless to stand in his way or enter into an argument, and sometimes even dangerous.

This is a good businessman, an excellent leader, he can quickly make important and correct decisions, act swiftly. But his actions will always be well thought out and logical.

Male Dragon-Taurus: characteristic

The Taurus man born in the year of the Dragon is decisive, thoughtful, able to see the perspective even where others have not noticed it. This is a real diplomat, it is pleasant to communicate with him, he is very hardworking and responsible, organized and collected.

Able to think flexibly, always clearly represents the sequence of actions. The Dragon-Taurus man loves life, always attracts attention with his optimism and incredible charm. He just has a huge and inexhaustible supply of patience, thanks to which he always brings the projects he has started to the end. This allows him to achieve well-deserved success and respect.

This is a bright and creative person, which can sometimes be expressed in extraordinary behavior, spontaneous actions and love for everything beautiful. The Dragon-Taurus man combines thoughtfulness, practicality and purposefulness at the same time.

Male Dragon-Gemini: characteristic

Such a man is very energetic, sometimes even restless. The Gemini Dragon man is very reckless, agile and purposeful. He has so much energy that it will be enough for work, and for personal life, and for friends. However, the Gemini Dragon man cannot be limited in anything. The fact is that he needs to gain fame, is looking for opportunities to prove himself.

It is important for him to constantly demonstrate his own achievements and talents. He should feel important and necessary, receive well-deserved encouragement in a timely manner, because his praise only stimulates him to new creative and working feats.

He needs new acquaintances and impressions, interesting hobbies and exciting activities. The Gemini Dragon man has many positive qualities, which include caring, generosity and generosity. He has a strong intuition, which helps to avoid many problems and even emerge victorious from the most difficult and confusing situations.

Male Dragon-Cancer: characteristic

The Cancer man, born in the year of the Dragon, has different talents, and simply endless potential. Such a man is an extraordinary and interesting personality. He is literally full of energy and enthusiasm.

It is very important that the Dragon-Cancer man direct his overflowing energy in the right direction, and then at a young age he will be able to achieve great success in various fields. He has a strong, bright and open character, does not like gossip and intrigue, knows how to wait for the right moment to move on to action.

The Dragon-Cancer man is able to bring almost any idea to life. He has an out-of-the-box thinking and a sharp mind. Very brave and lucky, which allows him to achieve great success in life. At the same time, he will never rest on his laurels.

Male Dragon-Lion: characteristic

The Dragon Man, born under the sign of Leo, is very interesting, bright, intelligent, noble, self-confident and determined. He has a lot of talents, thanks to which he provides himself with a comfortable life. This is an incredibly energetic person, because he is constantly in search of something interesting and new.

He can find pleasure in everything, in any conditions he is able to arrange a real holiday for himself. The Dragon-Leo man is always bright and interesting, even if he works in a field of activity that does not stand out in any way.

Such a man is very hardworking, can work with a large number of people, knows how to inspire and lead colleagues. Fearlessly rushes into battle and comes out of any situation as a real winner. Able to work in the shortest possible time to achieve success. For the Dragon-Lion man, not only money, but also social status is of great importance.

Male Dragon-Virgo: characteristic

This is a serious and pragmatic person, the Dragon-Virgo man is always responsible and businesslike. He has a healthy passion, great masculine strength, interest not only in life, but also in the people around him. Such a man has a special sense of compassion.

The Dragon-Virgo man knows how to understand other people, shares experiences with them, can provide not only moral, but also material support. He is very organized, knows how to establish life in almost any conditions. He does not get hung up on routine and boring daily activities, he always maintains optimism and a fresh look at the world around him.

Such a man has an independent and strong character, thanks to which he achieves great success, constantly moving forward. This applies not only to your career, but also to your personal life, as well as your own development. He likes responsible work, in which you need to give all your best and use all your talents.

Male Dragon-Libra: characteristic

Such a man is incredibly smart and very serious. He can be called a real intellectual who can grasp information literally on the fly and calculate all the moves a few steps ahead.

The Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon, is easy-going, while he does not like to sit in one place for a long time. He can not only quickly catch fire with some new and interesting idea, but he will definitely complete the work he has begun. This is an excellent leader and speaker, using his persuasiveness and indisputable facts to set those around him in a positive way. Can inspire and lead a team.

This man will never depend on someone else’s opinion, he does not need advice, because he always does everything from the heart and always gives all his best to 100%. These qualities allow you to achieve stunning success at a fairly young age – builds a successful career, earns a lot of money. However, this is only possible if he constantly improves himself and strives to occupy a higher position, and not indulge his laziness and indulge only in entertainment.

Male Dragon-Scorpio: characteristic

The Scorpio man, born in the year of the Dragon, is very energetic, active, straightforward and honest. He can be called a real darling of fate, who in life can achieve great success. He is not afraid of risk and always boldly takes on adventurous projects.

Thanks to his own intuition and perseverance, the Dragon-Scorpio man easily copes with various difficulties that appear in his path. Most situations come out the real winner.

In his youth, he is too reckless, and can literally live out his own talents. However, with age, his character becomes more rigid, begins to reason, set specific goals for himself and persistently move towards their achievement. Such a man is responsible and hardworking, punctual and executive, but it is very difficult for him to get along in a team.

Male Dragon-Sagittarius: characteristic

The Sagittarius man, born in the year of the Dragon, is very positive, enterprising and open. He always and in everything is accompanied by success and good luck, many opportunities and roads are open before him.

It surprisingly combines rather contradictory qualities – stubbornness, rigidity and firmness, are on the fine line with its inherent good nature and gentleness. The Dragon-Sagittarius man has extraordinary abilities, great willpower, a penchant for leadership, which allows him to achieve great heights at a fairly young age, both in his career and in the financial sphere.

The Dragon-Sagittarius man loves power. It is this trait that makes him constantly move forward and actively develop. He strives to become a highly qualified specialist, so he is always interested in innovation.

Male Dragon-Capricorn: characteristic

Such a man is incredibly energetic and ambitious, determined and purposeful. Always confidently moves through life, quickly forgets about disappointments and failures. He is very stubborn and brave. It is these qualities that allow him to achieve almost all his goals.

The Dragon-Capricorn man always believes in himself, in any situation he tunes in only to win, which he easily convinces those around him. He will always strive for high peaks, because one of his main goals is becoming a leader.

This is not the easiest combination for life, but it opens up great career prospects. Can become a talented leader and organizer. Subordinates will be required to draw up an interesting and fun plan for a joint holiday. He will always take care of his subordinates.

The Dragon-Capricorn man is very sociable, so he has many friends and acquaintances, often becomes the real soul of the company. But under a cheerful and sweet appearance, a rather complex and contradictory personality is hidden, with explosive feelings and almost uncontrollable emotions.

Male Dragon-Aquarius: characteristic

Born in the year of the Dragon, the Aquarius man is positive, extraordinary and open. He has a lot of talents, is able to independently change both his own fate and the fate of other people. Such a man is brave and decisive, likes to take risks, is able to find a way out of even the most difficult and confusing situation.

The Aquarius Dragon man constantly needs adrenaline and new events, without which he simply cannot imagine his own life. That is why he is always in active movement, constantly rebuilding and changing his own life. By nature, this is a true leader who has all the important qualities necessary to lead a large team.

He knows how to set up and motivate people, distribute duties correctly. The Aquarius Dragon man became the owner of great vital energy, but he does not always direct it in the right direction. Due to his own restless disposition and the fact that he does not know how to follow the orders of others, he may not climb the career ladder and not succeed.

Dragon Pisces Man: Characteristics

The Pisces man born in the year of the Dragon is a real darling of fate. His nature has generously endowed him with many talents, in all his endeavors he is accompanied by good luck and success.

Such a man is filled with love of life and wonderful inner content. He is serious and consistent, an excellent organizer, but not the best performer. However, if he really likes the work he does, he can become an excellent performer. Able to do any business, because he is always accompanied by good luck and material well-being.

The Dragon-Pisces man is always very serious, domineering and assertive. He will never stop in front of difficulties, he is not afraid to take responsibility. You can always rely on him for everything.

He is incredibly hardworking, does not refuse requests for help, is disciplined. He can not only give good advice, but also help with deeds. He will always strive for power, therefore he easily builds a successful career in politics. Can become a good deputy or the head of a large and successful company.

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