Dragon Bean

Dragon beans are called one of the most beautiful varieties of legumes. The motley purple-yellow color of the pods gives them a certain fabulousness. Probably something like that was thought by the one who was the first to associate the name of this vegetable with the mythical dragons.

Origin and General Characteristics

Dragon bean is an annual vegetable from the legume family, it is one of the varieties of bush beans. In the world, it is known by various names: dragon tongues, purple or Georgian beans. This kind of vegetable is difficult to confuse with other legumes. And first of all – due to the bright yellow pod, covered with a lot of purple veins. The land of this culture is considered to be the land of India and China. In Europe, the Dutch were the first to cultivate dragon beans. It happened at the end of the XVIII – at the beginning of the XIX century. Already from the Netherlands, culture came to England, France, other countries of the Old World, and then reached America.

Nowadays, this vegetable grows well in different countries of the world. It easily adapts to hot weather, but is intolerant of frost, loves well-drained mineral-rich soil. Farmers love this crop for high yields and relative precocity. Beans can be harvested after 60 days after sowing, that is, from mid-summer to autumn. By the way, in many regions this vegetable crop is also grown as an ornamental plant.

Gastronomic characteristics

Dragon tongues can be eaten at different stages of maturity. Young beans can be eaten with pods. At an early stage of ripening, the beans are painted in a pale cream color. At the stage when the vegetable gains its incredible colorful color, the pods become more rigid and fibrous. Dragon tongues are quite wide and can grow up to 15 cm in length. Fresh pods are crisp and juicy, each of which has 4 to 6 beans of a pale pistachio color, which, at the stage of full ripening, turn darker. Fresh dragon bean fruits are quite hard and starchy, with a sweetish taste with a nutty flavor.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

This bright representative of legumes is known as an excellent source of vegetable protein: 100 g of fresh beans contains more than 20 g. But in addition to proteins, dragon beans contain a lot of other components that are useful for the human body. Like all legumes, it is very rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, selenium, iodine, copper, zinc and other minerals. It also contains a supply of vitamins B, C, A, E and K, which are important for maintaining health.

In total, in 100 grams of beans, experts counted more than 3,5 g of ash substances. As for carbohydrates, their amount is approximately 47 g for every 100 g of product. But this does not mean that the calorie content of dragon tongues is off scale. On the contrary, they belong to dietary food, 100 g of which contains no more than 2 g of fat and only 50 kcal.

How is dragon bean useful?

This vegetable is one of the richest sources of vegetable protein. And proteins, as you know, the main “building material” for the human body. Experts say that the biological value of vegetable proteins is slightly lower than meat proteins. Nevertheless, proteins obtained from legumes are perfectly absorbed by the body, and besides, they contain most of the amino acids necessary for humans. Dragon beans are good for children and adults. This vegetable is no less useful to people who want to build muscle.

The rich content of dietary fiber makes Dragon tongues one of the best products for cleansing the body of toxins and wastes. The coarse fiber contained in the vegetable works in the digestive system according to the brush principle. The cardiovascular system also benefits from fiber. This component removes excess cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. In addition, fiber-rich foods are good for overweight people. Dragon beans contain an incredibly low calorie content, and thanks to fiber for a long time it maintains a feeling of fullness of the stomach.

Almost all the vitamins from group B are represented in dragon beans, so that it is useful for skin, hair and nails. Antioxidant vitamins A, E and C protect the body from free radicals, acting as anti-cancer agents and aging inhibitors. Thanks to vitamin K, dragon beans are very useful for proper blood clotting, prevention of bleeding. The rich mineral composition makes this vegetable useful for the nervous system, vision, muscles, bone tissue, as well as to maintain the proper functioning of the internal organs.

Possible harm

Dragon bean contains purines, and these substances are contraindicated for people suffering from nephritis or gout. It would be better to refrain from this product in case of disorders of the digestive organs, especially for people with gastritis and flatulence.

How to grow your own dragon tongues

This culture, although it looks very unusual, is not exotic for our latitudes. It will not be difficult to grow a few bushes with bright dragon tongues at the dacha.

To plant seed beans preferably in a well-warmed soil, when the threat of frost has passed. This is usually the middle of May. Dragon bean is a light-loving plant, although it can grow well in the shade. The best crops are pleased with the plants planted in black soil, sandy or loamy soil, and almost does not bear fruit on a sour or sandy bed.

There are two ways to plant purple beans. It’s simpler to stick dry seeds into the prepared soil. The second method can significantly reduce germination time, but for this already sprouted beans are planted. To do this, the beans are soaked for 3 hours in warm (but not hot) water, then wrapped in moist gauze and kept for 2-3 days in a warm, dark place. When sprouts appear on the beans, they can be planted on a bed previously fertilized with phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Seeds should not be deepened more than 3 cm, and the distance between the bushes should be up to 30 cm.

How to cook and eat

Young dragon tongues before use can be heat treated or eaten raw. By the way, many people like raw juicy and crispy pods of young beans, not only because of their delicate taste, but also because of their unique color among legumes. After heat treatment (even insignificant), dragon beans lose their purple-yellow pattern and acquire a delicate green color, which, incidentally, does not affect the taste and texture of the product.

Young pods of purple beans with their bright color will “cheer” any vegetable salad. This vegetable is well combined with vegetable oils, herbs and other vegetables. If the color of the pods is not important for you, you can cook the dragon tongues a little in salt water, strain and serve in a sauce of olive oil, basil and garlic. Ripe beans are used on the same principle as other varieties of this vegetable: added to soups, stews, served as an independent dish.

Fresh young pods not long retain their freshness and juiciness. To prepare bright dishes from dragon tongues in the winter or in the early spring, it is necessary to take care of harvesting vegetables in advance. To do this, the pods can be frozen or preserved. In addition, like other legumes, dragon beans can be dried.

A little secret from experienced gardeners. The most delicious dragon bean is harvested in the early morning. At this time, the pods are more juicy and crispy. The trick is that during the night the plant absorbs dew and restores the moisture it loses in the sun.

It is better to cut the pods with sharp scissors.

Draconic beans with hazelnuts and gorgonzola

For this dish you will need:

  • 300 g young bean pods;
  • 1 a tablespoon of peanut butter (made from hazelnuts, almonds or walnuts);
  • 0,5 tablespoon of wine vinegar;
  • coarse salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of gorgonzola;
  • 100 g roasted and chopped hazelnuts in small pieces.

Dragon bean pods are steamed (no more than 5-6 minutes) so that they become a little softer, but do not lose their crispy texture. Ready pods to shift to the salad bowl, salt and add vinegar, peanut butter, ground pepper, sprinkle with cheese and nuts.

Purple beans are a tasty, beautiful and healthy vegetable, worthy of a festive table, and an ordinary dinner. If your child flatly refuses all types of legumes, offer him a plate with dragon tongues. What children can resist a dish with such a fabulous name? And adults for a long time to beg for a vegetable is not necessary. After tasting this beans once, they will love it forever.

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