Dracaena: species, varieties and names
Dracaena was brought to Russia from Africa, at home it is called the dragon tree. Most species are similar to a palm tree, but have nothing to do with it. Today there are many varieties of dracaena, among which varieties with brightly colored leaves stand out. Let’s consider the most attractive ones.
Variegated dracaena: types and names of varieties
Today there are about 150 varieties of dragon trees, they are grown for aesthetic pleasure. These are unpretentious plants that are kept in homes and offices. There are varieties with flexible stems that can be intertwined to create an unusual shape.
Some varieties of dracaena look like bamboo.
The most common types are:
- “Song of India”. A flower with flexible shoots and bright leaves. There are characteristic white stripes along the edges of the leaf plate. It tolerates pruning and crown formation well. Can be grown as a shrub.
- Godsefa. Shrub dracaena no more than 60 cm high. Shoots grow densely. Leaves are oval, large, grow in several pieces. Their upper part is covered with spots of white, pink or yellow. The inflorescences are fragrant, yellow-green, growing from the sinuses.
- Golden. An ornamental plant with a shortened trunk. The leaves are large, covered with stripes of dark green color. The variety requires high humidity.
These varieties are capricious, require special conditions of detention and full care. Without this, the bright color of the crown fades, and some plants die.
Green varieties of indoor dracaena
In indoor floriculture, dracaena marginata or bordered is more common. She is mistaken for a room palm. The height of the tree reaches 1,5−2 m, the leaves are linear, dark green in color with a barely noticeable brown border. Doesn’t need special care.
Of particular interest is the bamboo dracaena or “Sandera”. Outwardly, it is very similar to bamboo, the trunk is twisted, densely covered with greenery. Dracaena is grown in water. “Sandera” does not bloom in the room.
The tree-like dracaena grows up to 3,5 m, has a powerful trunk that grows upright, and a bright green crown
No less interesting is the fragrant dracaena or “Fragrant”. It has wide, dark leaves, a thick trunk and fragrant flowers. The length of the peduncle reaches 1 m. This unpretentious and attractive plant grows quite impressive in size. There are variegated varieties. But to enjoy the smell of flowers, you have to be patient. In indoor conditions, fragrant dracaena blooms very late.
Dracaena is a beautiful plant that will easily fit into any interior. Choose the species you like, but do not forget that some require special conditions of detention.