Dr. Sutkowski: the scale of new COVID-19 infections is difficult to determine
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In the program “Onet Rano”, Dr. Michał Sutkowski shared his assumptions about the fourth wave of coronavirus infections in Poland. «We will have a large wave of infections in early September, or even at the end of August, but the scale is very difficult to quantify. A lot depends on vaccination »- said the family doctor.

The fourth wave of COVID-19 in Poland. Its scale is difficult to estimate

When will the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic appear in Poland? This question is answered in the program “Onet Rano.” Dr. Michał Sutkowski, the president of Warsaw Family Physicians, tried to answer.

– In Poland, the shift in Western European countries is at the level of 6-7 weeks. This was the case in the first and second waves, and it will be so now. This means that at the beginning of September or even at the end of August we will have a large wave of infections, but the scale is very difficult to determine. Much depends on vaccinations. If we vaccinate 5-10 percent. more this phenomenon will not be that big. But there may be a situation where the scale of infections is huge, as in Great Britain or Spain, in the order of tens of thousands of infections with a relatively small number of deaths – said Dr. Sutkowski in an interview with Janusz Schwertner.

  1. Pfizer only 39 percent. effective in protecting against Delta infection

– One note – in these countries, people aged 80+ or ​​75+, i.e. those who are most ill, are vaccinated in almost 100%. Our seniors are vaccinated much less. 30 percent are unvaccinated, and in some groups even around 40 percent. So things can be a lot more difficult when it comes to infections in this group. Southerners are also much better guarded, contrary to popular opinion, they show greater responsibility, administrative activities have been made in the form of profits for the vaccinated and restrictions for the unvaccinated – emphasized the doctor.

Perks for the vaccinated, restrictions for the unvaccinated

– I am not a supporter of compulsory vaccinations just because they will be ineffective. If I had known that they would be effective, I would have signed it first. But they probably will not, here today in Poland the effectiveness of compulsory vaccinations will be low – admitted Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

– But I am for the perks for the vaccinated and the restrictions for the uninhibited. We should have a solid debate, it should be based on parliament, so that the legislation is a law and not a regulation, otherwise it will be contested. We had problems, because many people claimed that they had the right, that the minister should not establish this law, and regardless of the fact that these people were wrong, the entire legislation was contested. So that we should have a conversation, at the end of this conversation there should be specific details – you are vaccinated, you can come in here, you are not – you cannot enter – said the president of Warsaw Family Physicians.

  1. They vaccinated the volunteers with AstraZeneca, and later with Pfizer. Effects? Great

– It will be freedom? Will be! Because you can get vaccinated or not. But then you will be eating dinner at home, not in a restaurant. These types of solutions are effective. And if we add the element of vaccinations paid from October 1, I think that, as in France, there will be a boom when it comes to vaccinations in general. 15 people will go out to the street, but 3 million will sign up for vaccination points – said Dr. Sutkowski.

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  3. What will be the fourth wave? We are not in danger of a collapse of the health service

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