Iwona Kutyna’s guest in the program “Onet Rano.” was Dr. Michał Sutkowski. He talked about how to encourage teenagers to get vaccinated. – A meaningful campaign for young people should have three elements. All conscious people should work for what is called public health and there is no forgiveness, he said.
Registration for COVID-7 vaccination for children aged 19 to 12 will start on June 15. How to encourage these people to vaccinate was discussed in the program “Onet Rano.”, Hosted by Dr. Michał Sutkowski.
– How to encourage young people to vaccinate? I understand that a 13 or 14 year old has to take this out of the house. He must be made aware of this by his parents, first of all, asked Iwon Kutyna, who hosts the program.
– Yes, of course, definitely. Here parents, the environment, also peers, because this is usually a person who looks at all those whom he trusts, with whom he comes into contact. It has its own world. Undoubtedly, we often do not reach this world in any other aspect, let alone in such a complicated matter that divides adults, such as vaccination – said Dr. Sutkowski.
Vaccinating adolescents: a campaign is needed
– We should have campaigns that we do not have or do not have a very good one, which will be educationally based on knowledge. A 12-15-year-old is a thinking person who understands certain mechanisms, and here we can and should medically talk about knowledge. Talk with emotions as well, because people who fight vaccinations fight us, our health, public health, our lives, unfortunately affect emotions and we have to talk with the same emotions. And one more thing – the experience that a young person already has. Because some of the peers were already sick, someone died in the family.
- Coronavirus in Poland. Do the vaccinated count against the quota?
– These three elements should be woven into such a web of meaningful campaign. It is not crude, it is not that we are dazzling with fear, it is not that we are urging administratively, and that we are pushing our knees with our knees – said Dr. Sutkowski.
Dr. Sutkowski: I do not forgive the sin of neglect
– This is not only a matter of minister Dworczyk, Niedzielski, the prime minister, the health service and the media. It is a matter for every ministry, every industry, every church, every association, everybody. All conscious people should act for what is called public health, and there is no forgiveness.
And he added: – I do not forgive this omission error that can happen and that will result in it both in this group and in other groups. turnout will be very weak, we will be at 50 percent, which I unfortunately model in my presumption in the fall. And we will have the problems we had, problems with endemia, the fourth wave of coronavirus, and all other troubles resulting from it – said the president of Warsaw Family Physicians.
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