Dr Strawberry infected with COVID-19. A famous pediatrician tells how to deal with the virus in the family
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Doctor Joanna Sawicka-Metkowska, a pediatrician known online as Dr Poziomka, published a post on social media in which she shared the information that she had been infected with the coronavirus. “Hit and sink! I have COVID-19 »- she revealed. She has also written some advice for families on what to do when COVID-19 appears in the home.

  1. Dr Joanna Sawicka-Metkowska, a pediatrician active in social media, known as Dr Poziomka, revealed on Instagram that she is currently undergoing COVID-19
  2. In the published post, he advises on how to organize family life when some household members are sick and some are healthy
  3. It also points to several important, often overlooked aspects, such as the fact that, despite quarantine, we have the right to see a doctor, which is important especially in the case of children
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

«Thanks to the vigilance and care for safety, I caught the infection a few hours after the onset of symptoms. My rule is that as soon as I feel worse – I take a test. (…) However, COVID-19 is like a lottery. This time it fell on me. And on my loved ones. (…) All adults after three doses of vaccination – so I hope we will come out of it unscathed. Keep fingers crossed!” – wrote Dr Poziomka on Instagram.

In an interview with the portal abczdrowie.pl, Dr. Joanna Sawicka-Metkowska commented on her post and explained that she is a doctor who works in a hospital on a daily basis and deals with small patients outpatiently. – These are often children from the risk group, i.e. in the first year of life, and therefore I try to take care of my safety so as not to be a threat also for them, she said. Therefore, whenever she felt worse, she took a test. She revealed that so far the tests have always been negative.

The rest of the article under the video.

How to organize the life of a family with coronavirus?

– This time my daughter was quarantined due to school contact with an infected person. She had minor symptoms, but I also felt worse quickly, so I knew immediately that I was obliged to do this test. It came out immediately positive – said Dr. Poziomka. – These were the symptoms which, apart from the day of the pandemic, would in no way herald anything disturbing. It’s a bit like that more and more often it is said that the course of infection among the vaccinated is different Added the pediatrician.

– A temporary sore throat that subsided almost immediately after drinking coffee, eating something warm, and a headache. Not very different from the headache of other sinus infections. At other household members? Also symptoms of a cold, a little cough, feeling worse, weakness – nothing more.

In an interview with the portal abczdrowie.pl, the doctor gave advice on how to organize a family life when the infection is at home.

– Where we have the possibility of limiting direct, close contact, it is worth doing. Of course, there are always exceptions and situations that fall outside the rules. You have to remember that this is a complicated, living organism like a family, which is not always so easy to divide – emphasized the doctor. – Disinfecting hands, surfaces, countertops, tables, frequent hand washing, avoiding contact with tableware used by the patient. These are the basic rules that should be with us during all infections – she added.

The rest of the article under the video.

Coronavirus: in quarantine or in isolation, we have the right to a medical examination

Dr. Strawberry drew attention to an important aspect. She emphasized that it is important to listen to the patient during an infection caused by SARS-CoV-2. – I am allergic to one thing – and this applies especially to children, but not only – even if we or our relatives are in quarantine or isolation, we have the right to a medical examination. The doctor may, and in the case of children – should – auscultate the sick person. Today, every clinic should be able to admit a COVID + i patient going to the doctor is a state of necessity. It is not a breach of the quarantine – emphasized the doctor.

According to the doctor, in the home medicine cabinet in the event of COVID-19, it is worth having, first of all, antipyretic and painkillers. We do not reach for antibiotics, inhalants or steroids without medical consultation.

It is worth having a pulse oximeter – you can buy it at medonetmarket.pl at an attractive price

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Even after vaccination, we are at risk of becoming infected with COVID-19. This is determined by four factors
  2. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 among vaccinated people. They may not know they are sick
  3. Dr. Stopyra warns: any child who is not vaccinated will become ill

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