Dr. Sergei Agapkin on methods of healing, a healthy back

The host of the program “On the Most Important” (“Russia 1”) told and showed Volgograd residents how to stay healthy and happy for a long time without spending money.

In honor of its 22nd anniversary, the cosmetics company MIRRA presented the residents of Volgograd with an invaluable meeting, becoming the general sponsor and organizer of the speech of the famous and popular doctor and TV presenter Sergei Agapkin on the topic “How to avoid diseases of the XXI century. Secrets of Longevity ”.

More than 400 residents of Volgograd had the opportunity to listen to a fascinating lecture by a famous TV doctor for three hours. Sergey Agapkin touched upon important topics …

Rejuvenation for 10 years without plastics …

Before choosing cosmetics, thinking about plastic and making a massive trip to a beautician for beauty injections, you should try to determine your biological age. What it is? In short, this is the real age of our body, that is, its physiological state at the current moment. Age, which is determined not by the date of birth, but by the actual state of health.

There are several simple tests that allow you to independently determine your biological age. Most often, it includes tests for the state of blood vessels, checking the level of cholesterol by the iris of the eye, the state of the lungs (air respiratory organs in humans) and determining the biological age of a person using the falling ruler method. At home, you yourself can determine in 4 minutes whether everything is in order with your cholesterol, respiratory organs and determine your age (type in the Internet “determination of biological age Sergei Agapkin”).

Of course, this simple self-diagnosis cannot give a complete and 100% picture of your health. The final analysis can only be issued by a doctor, having carried out a more complete analysis. But, as they say, there is something to think about and what kind of lifestyle to choose in the future.

By the way, in Volgograd in the medical center for rehabilitation and active longevity “Sphere” on the street. Pugachevskaya, you can check whether your age in the passport corresponds to your biological age. Until the end of the year, for just 500 rubles at the Sphere center, you can undergo vascular diagnostics, find out the age of the vascular system and your stress index. The Sphere Medical Center is equipped with the latest high-tech devices, the doctors of the center adhere to the generally accepted requirements and traditions of Eastern and European medicine.

Dementia: Will Diet Save You?

Dementia is a very common modern disease. A person begins to forget dates, names of loved ones, to get confused, and in severe cases, a complete loss of personality occurs. It is believed that 47 million people live with dementia on earth, and by 2050 this figure may increase to 150 million. 20% of the population dies from dementia. There are many tests on the memini.ru website that allow you to recognize the beginnings of an incipient disease. Be sure to get these tests regularly on your own and with your aging relatives. It is known that it is easier to prevent disease than to cure. According to Dr. Agapkin, some studies have shown that in addition to treating dementia with modern medicines, it is important to follow a certain diet called MIND (mind).

What foods should be included in the diet to prevent dementia?

Products containing folic acid, vitamins B6, B12:

green leafy vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, green beans);


legumes (contain large amounts of vegetable protein, potassium);

berries (blueberries and strawberries are especially useful);

fruits (the most useful are apples, pears, peaches);

whole grains (the shell of the grain contains a large amount of B vitamins, zinc, that is, what is needed to prevent dementia);

nuts, seeds (contain polyunsaturated fatty acids);

fish and seafood (contain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids), especially fatty fish, oysters;

chicken (contains a lot of trace elements to prevent dementia);

olive (rapeseed, linseed) oil;

dry red wine (no more than 160 g per day).

What foods should you avoid to prevent dementia?

Sugar, salt, red meat, margarine, confectionery, sausages, cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, animal fats, fatty fried foods, strong alcohol.

To avoid getting dementia:

– eat right;

– move correctly;

– lead an active lifestyle (take an interest in life, read, walk, lead an intellectual lifestyle).

Important! If you suddenly notice signs of dementia, you need to check thyroid hormones and vitamin B12 levels

The social project “Memini” helps both those who have not yet encountered the problem of dementia, and those who have to live with it in their families. In each city, the curators of this project conduct events in which they tell how to prevent age-related intellectual disabilities, conduct tests to identify the first symptoms in a timely manner, and conduct classes in support groups for caring relatives. On our website memini.ru communicate, share experience, support each other hundreds of people.

Awareness of the problems of dementia in Russia is still quite low. Due to the lack of the necessary information, this serious illness is often perceived as a common manifestation of old age, which must be resigned to and tolerated, waiting for a natural outcome. This is not the case.

Bad mood

According to statistics, 40 percent of Russians constantly experience a lack of sunlight, vitamins, and positive emotions. All this and much more leads to the fact that many of our compatriots live in a state of chronically bad mood or even depression. Such people want to sleep, cry, they have no desire to do something, to get carried away with something, they constantly experience panic attacks: have I turned off the iron, have I closed the apartment, have I sent the file. Is it about you?

Dr. Agapkin believes that anyone can help themselves. Yes, depression is a serious illness that cannot be cured on your own, without the help of a specialist, medications and antidepressants. But antidepressants available to everyone will help not to get depressed, for example:

physical activity: dancing, swimming, etc .;

full night sleep, at least 7-8 hours a day;

normalization of the intestinal microflora (95% of the joy hormone serotonin is produced in the intestines);

proper nutrition (you must include foods rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, glucose, magnesium, B vitamins, tryptophan in your diet);

body massage (reduces the level of cortisol – the stress hormone);

bath or sauna;

high quality dark chocolate;

self-expression of a person in various forms of art.

And recently, American scientists have found that bright light and sun rays help in the treatment of depression. Therefore, do not save money and turn on many incandescent lamps during the dark time in your apartment. And if possible, walk with your family in sunny weather in the fresh air and, whenever possible, go to hot countries or where the sun is shining.

Remember to be considerate of your family members. Sometimes taking a step in one direction together will help both you and them. Love and you will be loved!

The happy life of your child in the future depends only on you – mom and dad. You are the one who is laying the seeds of the future. All family members need to understand that they are appreciated, loved and respected. Remember to say thank you to each other, hug and kiss. Especially children should feel and know that their parents love them and can protect them at any time. In Volgograd, the children’s clinic “Margosha” for the first time in the city has developed a unique service that will benefit mother and daughter. From November 1, the clinic has an action “Look at us, gynecologist! Mother and child for only 1200 rubles. ” Experienced specialists will delicately conduct a medical appointment and tell the closest people on earth – mother and daughter – all the features of age medicine. In addition, the clinic “Margosha” employs specialists in the following areas: pediatric laser surgery, pediatric and adolescent gynecology, pediatrics, pediatric endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, dentistry, ultrasound, ENT and the entire range of care for children.

Back pain

According to statistics, about 90% of people suffer from nonspecific back pain and, according to Dr. Agapkin, do not need serious treatment. But the remaining 10% of patients with back pain have just some kind of serious illness that requires medical or surgical treatment. Most people go to doctors for an MRI scan, use a huge amount of medications, and this either helps or does not help them for many years.

Dr. Agapkin, during a speech in front of Volgograd residents, gave an example when patients with nonspecific back pain were divided into two groups. One was treated using a well-known scheme: massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc. And the other was given a booklet with recommendations on nutrition, physiotherapy exercises and convinced that when your back hurts, you must move. Who do you think the pain went away faster? Those who followed the recommendations of the booklet: did exercises, walked a lot and led a healthy lifestyle and did not hope for a miracle pill and some unique medication method, but helped themselves to recover. But the key words are “I did something myself,” and I didn’t hope that everything would go away by itself, despite the fact that he would just lie on the couch.

Dr. Agapkin believes:

the spine is created for movement, so physical activity is necessary;

for the health of the heart and blood vessels, the spine requires at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, or 30 minutes 5 days a week, or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity, that is, 15 minutes a day 5 days a week;

positive and energetic people solve all their health problems faster;

if you say: “I suffer from back pain,” then you will suffer! Better say: “I live (fight) with a bad back.” Do you feel the difference? Then, instead of being a victim, you will control the situation;

backbending exercises are one of the most effective exercises for back pain;

do not forget that measure is needed in everything: if you have never done anything, then you do not need to do it the first time as if you want to get to the Olympics. It can only hurt.

One of the sponsors of Dr. Agapkin’s speech in Volgograd was the Eva beauty and health center, which has been engaged in the prevention of natural healing systems of the body using unique massage techniques for several years. One of them is shiatsu. An ancient Chinese healing technique to relax and restore health involves rhythmic pressure with fingers, palms, or elbows on energy points and lines throughout the body. Shiatsu allows you to create optimal conditions for relaxation in a short time. And when the body and mind are relaxed, then clarity comes. After a few sessions of shiatsu, you can significantly improve your quality of life and get rid of many problems.

We thank the holiday agency “Panda Club” in Volgograd for the healthy atmosphere of the holiday and cheerful Aibolit

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