Dr. Sławomir Sobkiewicz, MD, PhD died. «An outstanding specialist, a good man»

On Monday, on its Facebook profile, the Salve Medica Medical Center in Łódź informed about the death of Dr Sławomir Sobkiewicz, a well-known gynecologist and obstetrician.

As you can read on the clinic’s website, Dr. Sobkiewicz, for over 33 years of his work in the profession, with great enthusiasm and passion dealt primarily with infertility treatment, including by means of assistive reproduction methods, which include insemination and in-vitro.

A good man and an outstanding specialist

Dr. Sobkiewicz he often successfully helped couples in their efforts to have children. This is evidenced by numerous comments from patients who owe their children to the actions of the deceased gynecologist. They define it as “An outstanding, competent and factual specialist”, but also as a “good person”.

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Sobkiewicz has collaborated with many doctors in his career, with whom he shared his knowledge and experience. It was him in 1993, together with Dr. n. med. Waldemar Lech, founded the Salve and Salve Medica clinics.

  1. See: In-vitro fertilization. This is the most advanced method of infertility treatment

In the obituary published in Dziennik Łódzki there was information that the funeral will take place on Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 13.00 p.m. at the parish cemetery in Brzeziny at ul. People’s 1. The family asks not to bring flowers to the ceremony, and in return support the Association for the Protection of Monuments and the Development of Brzeziny.

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  1. Eight situations when an e-gynecologist visit is better than a traditional visit
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