Dr. Michał Sutkowski: the penalties for the lack of masks should be severe
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Guest of the program “Onet Rano.” was Dr. Michał Sutkowski. The president of Warsaw Family Physicians pointed out that new coronavirus infections are growing at a frenetic pace, and Poles have stopped complying with the rules of sanitary safety. “Only a large number of infections, so fear and punishment work on us,” he said.

Dr. Michał Sutkowski, president of Warsaw Family Doctors in the program “Onet Rano.” he advocated greater penalties for people who do not comply with the DDM rules, as well as the introduction of restrictions in the most vulnerable regions.

Coronavirus. Infections are rising at a frantic pace

– I have a bon-moto Cierpki, not very nice for such a beautiful morning of golden autumn. Because this beautiful autumn should still be healthy, and it is getting sicker – said Dr. Sutkowski at the beginning of the conversation with Odeta Moro.

– This (COVID-19 infections – editor’s note) is already starting to grow exponentially, increasing at an insane pace. Of course, they can protect us, firstly – vaccinations, secondly – it’s boring, but we have to say it – DDM and some restrictions – added the doctor.

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– Only a large number of infections, so fear and punishments work on us. This is a sad conclusion – concluded the specialist in internal medicine and family medicine.

Necessary restrictions

Dr. Michał Sutkowski also referred to reports that the government is still delaying the introduction of restrictions in the east of the country, despite the fact that the criteria have long been met.

“We would all expect and I hope the restrictions will be introduced in early November,” he said. He also commented on Odeta Moro’s information that very few tickets were issued for not having a mask.

– The penalties should be severe, troublesome, we should talk about it, we should see the police on the street. The city guard, services, and facility managers should have the right to call the police and impose fines, he emphasized.

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He also referred to the information that the government wants to loosen the limits indicating the necessity to introduce restrictions.

“In the east, at the end of last week, we had more than 50 towns, towns, poviats in the yellow or red zone,” he said. – These limits were also exceeded by cities in Mazovia, such as Siedlce, but mainly in Podlasie, such as Bała Podlaska, Białystok – he returned.

The vaccination campaign didn’t work

Sutkowski agreed with the program leader that the vaccination campaign did not work in the eastern regions of Poland.

– I think everyone should go there and appeal. And there should be no politics here. The campaign didn’t work. There is a small group out there who have a great influence on the emotions of the whole. This group lives on slogans such as that the enemies are “they”, the enemies are politicians, doctors, journalists, ‘he said.

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– Not only the president, but it seems that everyone should appeal there. Politicians, entrepreneurs, religious associations, the Church, we have lessons to be done – added Sutkowski.

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