TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky, better known by his creative and professional name, Doctor Komarovsky, said that good old horseradish can help in the fight against coronavirus.
“Due to its lacrimation, horseradish can be considered as a potential means of preventing coronavirus infection … Tears contain lysozyme – a special universal antiviral protein, a rather powerful factor of nonspecific immune defense. Therefore, children who cry regularly rinse their nose with lysozyme and get sick less often, ”said Dr. Komarovsky on his Instagram.
A well-known physician clarified that horseradish is much more effective than his overseas “colleagues”. “Our local horseradish, which” knocks out a tear “and makes us sniff, makes us flush our nose with lysozyme and further strengthen our immune defenses, which is completely impossible when we use this unfortunate overseas ginger. Therefore, horseradish is definitely much more effective than ginger, ”said Komarovsky.
Recently, Yevgeny Komarovsky said that the vitamin complexes, which many hoped for, are completely useless in the fight against coronavirus.
“For the prevention of infectious diseases, vitamins are not taken, it is useless. They should be drunk with proven vitamin deficiency – if you do not have enough of a vitamin, for some reason it is not absorbed, or if you cannot drink, eat, swallow, or if, as a result of improper nutrition, the body does not receive something, ”wrote on his Instagram Komarovsky.
Evgeny Komarovsky is called the Ukrainian doctor Spock
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The doctor added that vitamins are still useful in quarantine: “If you have not properly prepared for self-isolation and bought beer, chips and nuts, then, of course, your body will not have enough. And in this case, complex vitamins will not interfere. “
All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.
Фото: @doctor_komarovskiy/Instagram