Dr. Grzesiowski: The Delta variant multiplies 1000 times faster. What does it mean?
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– Superwariant Delta is not only more infectious, but multiplies over 1000 times faster – writes immunologist Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski on Twitter. The expert cites research published in Nature. New discoveries are critical to the epidemic.

  1. The Delta variant of the coronavirus has been considered more infectious from the beginning than its predecessors (including even the Alpha variant derived from the UK)
  2. It turns out, however, that the bad news does not end there. The Delta variant, as scientists have found, is multiplying rapidly
  3. This means, among other things, that the incubation time of the virus in the body is reduced
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Why did the Delta variant become dominant? New study

Since December 2019, when the COVID-19 pandemic began in Chinese Wuhan, the coronavirus has been mutating all the time. There were new variants – South African, Brazilian, Californian, as well as British and Indian, i.e. Alpha and Delta. Before the latter got out of India, the British variant was the dominant one. He was responsible for the difficult situation in Great Britain at the turn of 2020 and 2021, as well as for the second wave of the pandemic in Poland.

Today, the Alfa variant has basically gone into oblivion, replaced by the Indian Delta variant. From the beginning, it was considered highly contagious and therefore could pose a serious threat to the world. Today we know that this is actually the case. The difficult situation prevails, among others in Spain, Portugal, France and the UK. Experts predict that the fourth wave of the coronavirus caused by the Delta variant will reach Poland in August or September.

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Scientists in China set out to find out why the Delta variant is so infectious. To this end, they tracked the first 62 cases of infection with the Indian mutation in their country. Then they checked what the virus load was in the body, i.e., in simplified terms, what its concentration was. It turned out to be 1 thousand. 260 times higher than those infected with the original virus.

Dr. Grzesiowski: Delta multiplies 1000 times faster

The higher concentration of the virus in the infected makes it much easier to catch the Delta variant from them. But that’s not all the immunologist Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski writes about on his Twitter account.

«We have new evidence – the ‘superwariant’ DELTA is not only more contagious, but multiplies MORE THAN 1000 TIMES faster, shortening the incubation period to an avg. 4 days, longer elimination time and more complications. Vaccines by 90 percent reduce their risk! » – emphasizes the expert.

The combination of high virus concentration and its rapid incubation seems to explain why the Delta variant is gaining dominance in other countries, including Poland (as recently reported by Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska).

Another problem is that the short incubation time makes it even more difficult to track the contacts of the infected, which essentially makes it impossible to put such people in quarantine.

Adding it all together, Delta is really hard to stop, epidemiologist Benjamin Cowling of the University of Hong Kong told Nature.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. American paediatricians: face masks in schools for everyone
  2. Will the fourth wave be an “epidemic of young people”? Disturbing data about Delta
  3. How long does immunity last after COVID-19? The town where the Italian “patient zero” died was examined
  4. What will be the fourth wave? “We are not in danger of a collapse of the health service”

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