Dr. Grzesiowski on COVID-19 in Poland: statistics are dramatically underestimated
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Dr Paweł Grzesiowski is skeptical about the announcement of the end of the pandemic. – The virus does not read newspapers, does not watch TV, it just does its job – it circulates and infects – he said in the program “Onet Rano”. In his opinion, current COVID-19 statistics are “drastically underestimated”.

The coronavirus continues to circulate and infect

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, an expert of the Supreme Medical Council, was a guest of Odeta Moro in the “Onet Rano” program. He referred to reports about the end of the coronavirus pandemic in Poland. Even if such an end occurs in the minds of patients or authorities, it does not mean that it will happen. The virus does not read newspapers, does not watch TV, it just does its job – it circulates and infects – he said.

In his opinion, current COVID-19 statistics are “drastically underestimated”. – It does not even make sense to quote this data now, because it is completely unreliable – he noted. – At the moment, in Poland, we are forgetting about epidemiological supervision on a macro scale. Therefore, we do not know how many patients are infected, how many will go to the hospital, how many may die – said Dr. Grzesiowski.

New variants may appear

The expert emphasized that “we should be ready for anything”. – I am afraid that we are going back to the beginning of the pandemic – to the situation from two years ago, when we only found out from hospitals how many COVID-19 patients are hospitalized. This is the worst option, because then we have no chance for any preventive measures – he emphasized.

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Grzesiowski spoke about the coming months with the coronavirus. – The virus will most certainly not go away. We still have almost half a year until September, so new variants may appear. We know from previous waves that a new variant could cause a new global pandemic wave in about three months. So in fact anything can happen until autumn – assessed Dr. Grzesiowski.

However, we should also be ready for some new variant to emerge, mutated enough to seriously threaten our immunity again. – added the expert, noting that the classic concept of population resistance at the moment “seems inappropriate” due to the fact that the virus is constantly changing.

Have you been infected with the coronavirus?

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