Dr. Gavrilov’s weight loss center in St. Petersburg reviews, mistakes when losing weight at home

Dr. Gavrilov’s weight loss center in St. Petersburg reviews, mistakes when losing weight at home

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Even the strictest diets do not save for long. After a month or two, your kilos return. What mistakes prevent you from losing weight correctly and how to avoid them, tell the doctors of Dr. Gavrilov’s Weight Loss Center.

Elena Kogol, minus 30 kg: “The technique works 100%, the main thing is to believe that everything will work out”

Planet Earth is “getting heavier” every year. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2015, 700 million people will be obese and 2,3 billion will be overweight. At the same time, WHO recognizes that obesity is a disease, and a chronic one. This means that it must be treated seriously – under the supervision of specialists.

Attention: relatively safe waist parameters for women – up to 82 cm, for men – up to 92 cm.If the figure is higher, then you may have encountered obesity

Let’s say you’ve already decided to lose weight, but plan to do it yourself. After all, the rules for losing weight seem to be simple and everyone knows: you need to eat less and move more. It would seem that this is the way out, but statistics are a harsh thing, and it claims that 5% of people retain their achieved form after a year when they independently lose weight. Think about it, 95% return the usual kilograms, and some gain even more!

Why is this happening? With this question, we turned to the specialists of the Dr. Gavrilov Center. It turned out that the whole point is in serious mistakes, which inevitably make almost all those who are losing weight on their own.

Read about the first and most important mistake of all losing weight on the next page.

Elena Solovieva, minus 98 kg: “I saw an advertisement for the Dr. Gavrilov Center and decided to try again.”

First, let’s figure out the terminology, mono-methods are the usual, familiar to all of us diets, physical exercises and various drugs for weight loss sold in pharmacies.

Why mono methods do not work, said a psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in functional medicine at Dr. Gavrilov’s Weight Loss Center in St. Petersburg Nadezhda VASILIEVA.

“Weight gain is preceded by psychological reasons,” says Nadezhda Vasilyeva. – Seizing stress, a person gains extra pounds. The body learns to live with excess weight, metabolic processes slow down.

Moreover, if a person tries to solve the problem himself and goes on a diet, hunger is perceived by the body as a mortal danger. After the diet, the kilograms are returned with “friends”. Why? The body’s ability to store fat is a chronic process. And, as a rule, an overweight person not only has pronounced features of food addiction, but also has diseases: metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, problems of the gastrointestinal tract. All this together contributes to the accumulation of excess weight. The body adapts to being overweight and losing weight is perceived as additional stress.

There is also such an option that, having broken off the diet, a person goes to the gym, exhausting the body with training. The result is minimal, but there is a risk of getting problems with internal organs, joints and spine.

Moreover, we have long been convinced: the more attempts a person makes to lose weight with the help of mono methods, the worse the result. After each fasting, the body slows down metabolic processes and begins to store all the food that enters the body in the form of fat. “

Remember: if there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, weight loss is possible only with comprehensive medical supervision

What is the second mistake – read on the next page.

Mistake two: a one-sided approach to weight loss

Ilyas Lyalyaev, participant of the show “Let them talk”, minus 35 kg: “I inspired the viewers with my example”

So, a person does not see the result of self-treatment of excess weight and, finally, turns to doctors. He comes to his home clinic, describes his problems. It would seem that now everything should go in the right direction. But, alas, local therapists and narrow specialists in the fight against excess weight are not always able to help. Why is this happening, says a psychotherapist, specialist in functional medicine from the Dr. Gavrilov Weight Loss Center in St. Petersburg Andrey POLETAEV.

“According to the testimony of a person, they are referred to different doctors who do not interact with each other. A cardiologist grabs his head and prescribes statins, an endocrinologist – other medications, a nutritionist – his treatment of excess weight without taking into account psychological factors. It is right to use an integrated approach, – says Andrey Poletaev. – This task should be dealt with by doctors specializing in this problem. For example, at the Doctor Gavrilov Weight Loss Center, the psychological component is 50%, the same is the medical one. The coordinating doctor directs the patient to an appointment with an endocrinologist, gynecologist, therapist in order to avoid possible complications. A trained psychotherapist who is certified in this program works with the patient. And this, of course, yields its results. “

About the third mistake of all losing weight – read on the next page.

Alexandra Chudinova, participant of the project “Ambosadors of Harmony”, minus 24 kg: “You quickly get used to good health”

Weight loss should not be stressful or negative. But often diets and other methods of losing weight turn out to be the strongest stress for a person, which he suppresses inside. The complex approach already mentioned by Andrey Poletaev helps to get rid of such “side” symptoms. It allows you to psychologically correctly tune in to the treatment of excess weight and form new conditioned reflexes.

“Then success stories take place, each of which is unique,” ​​says Nadezhda Vasilyeva. – When the client came to us for the first consultation, she did not believe in herself and had already given up. Having understood the diagnosis, we began to act. As a result, the woman dropped 72 kilograms. The common-law husband made her an official proposal, before that they had been in a civil marriage for 12 years. When people lose weight beautifully, their lives also change. We had a 58-year-old patient who divorced her husband, but lived with him in the same apartment. Losing weight, she set a goal – to put on her wedding dress. So, the woman has changed, she goes to the beautician, to the osteopath, she began to dress differently, and the relationship with her ex-husband revived. “

But these are success stories, and people sometimes come to the Dr. Gavrilov Center with rather complicated diagnoses. Do they have a chance of losing weight? Yes, of course, experts are sure.

“Now we are seeing a patient born in 1946. She came to us with a pressure of 220, she had already dropped almost 40 kilograms, and the pressure returned to normal. At first, her husband put sticks in her wheels, bought sausage instead of cottage cheese, but now he himself has dropped 17 kilograms, ”Andrey Poletaev gives a real example from his recent practice.

According to WHO statistics, with an independent weight loss, the achieved result after a year can be maintained only in 5% of cases, in the St. Petersburg branch of the Dr.

How long does it take for a comprehensive treatment of excess weight? This very important question for everyone was answered by a psychotherapist, specialist in functional medicine from the Center of Dr. Gavrilov Andrey Poletaev: “The course of treatment goes on until the result is fixed. In this case, patients are monitored throughout the entire period of weight loss, until the result is fixed. There are also monthly free events, free body composition analysis, consultations. This is a subscription system, not limited in time. “

Free consultation at the Dr. Gavrilov Center in St. Petersburg

Dr. Gavrilov’s center provides free advice on weight loss: you can understand what is the reason for gaining kilograms, as well as learn about the mechanisms of development of the obesity situation specifically for you and the proposed actions to combat the problem. You can sign up for a free consultation with minimal recommendations HERE… 23 people have successfully completed the course.

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