Dr. Fauci warns against fall. “You are not up to date with vaccinations, you will get in trouble”
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People who haven’t taken two vaccines and booster doses against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus will run into trouble, warns Chief Dr. Anthony Fauci, medical adviser to U.S. President Joe Biden. The problem will appear especially in autumn and winter. What exactly are these people risking?

  1. According to the data of the American Kaiser Family Foundation, approx. 70 percent. Americans are not up to date with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
  2. Dr Fauci notes that the reason for this may be that many people do not classify themselves as high-risk (elderly or sick)
  3. Anthony Fauci also reminds that while the BA.5 mutation tends to bypass the immune response, there is no reason to avoid vaccination.
  4. “Vaccines are still extremely effective in preventing severe diseases, hospitalization and death” – emphasizes the expert
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Are you behind with your COVID-19 immunization? Take them now

“If you are not up to date with vaccines or booster doses, take them now or prepare for a harsh winter,” Dr. Fauci warned on CNBS.

According to the epidemiologist, the percentage of vaccinated people and those who also opted for booster doses is unsatisfactory in the US. As estimated by the Kaiser Family Foundation (an organization dealing, among others, with national health issues), on July 21, almost 228 million, or about 70 percent. Americans were unvaccinated, did not receive two vaccinations or the first booster dose.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 48,4 percent. people aged five years and older took the first booster dose and the second booster dose of only 30,9%. adults aged 50 and over who qualify.

While BA.5 is losing immunity, that’s no reason to avoid vaccines

Dr Fauci saw as a possible reason for this, the belief that many people do not include themselves in the high-risk population, that is, the elderly or the sick. However, as he warned, those who become infected prolong the life of the virus and allow it to adapt more easily, even without major complications.

«Sub-variant BA.5 Omikron, the country’s dominant COVID-19 strain, may partially avoid the protective antibodies induced by vaccines. This, however, is not a reason to avoid vaccines. Some protection against infection is better than no infection, and vaccines are still extremely effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death»- Biden’s medical advisor argues.

Check if your body is coping with the pathogens. Perform an immunity blood test package available from Medonet Market.

From New York, Andrzej Dobrowolski / PAP

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