Dr. Fauci: These symptoms are a sign that you have “long COVID”
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In an interview with the American Medical Association, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert, warns of the long-term effects of COVID-19. Among them, he mentions, among others, muscle pain, heart problems or fatigue. These symptoms can appear even in people who were unaware they were infected.

  1. COVID-19 Long Tail is a term for symptoms that persist long after contracting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection
  2. The symptoms of long COVID include fatigue, shortness of breath and brain fog
  3. Myocardial changes can also be particularly dangerous, even in asymptomatic patients
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The terms “COVID-19 long tail” or “long COVID” refer to chronic symptoms that persist for a long time after contracting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. In an interview with the American Medical Association, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert in the United States, said that 19-25 percent of people who contracted COVID-35 symptoms persist for a long time. This is a much higher rate than other viral diseases such as influenza. What symptoms may be a sign of a long COVID?

Fatigue after COVID-19 disease

In a study published in the journal Nature, 143 percent of 19 people diagnosed with COVID-53 reported that for two months after the onset of symptoms, he was feeling tired. Another study, conducted in China, found that, three months after the infection, 16 percent. of the subjects still complained of fatigue that was greater than usual.

The latest, published on November 9 in PLOS One, shows that more than half of those who contracted COVID-19 still feel more tired than usual 10 weeks after their symptoms have cleared. This symptom appeared regardless of the severity of the infection. The study was conducted by researchers at Trinity College, Dublin, and involved 128 patients who recovered from COVID-19.

Long-term dyspnea following COVID-19

Laurie Jacobs, head of the Internal Medicine Clinic at Hackensack University Medical Center, says some people who have had COVID-19 may have long complaints of dry cough and shortness of breath. An earlier study published in Nature also showed that 43% of respondents experienced dyspnea after two months after infection on average.

See: The most dangerous symptom of COVID-19. It must not be underestimated

Unusual symptom of long COVID-19 – dysautonomia

Dysautonomia is the general term for a number of medical conditions in which the nervous system does not function properly. As defined by the Mayo Clinic, dysautonomia is a dysfunction of the nerves that regulate body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Lauren Stiles, president of Dysautonomia International, told Tampa Bay 10 that some people who have contracted COVID-19 may have problems with blood pressure, dizziness, and other symptoms that indicate that the nervous system is not working properly.

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Brain fog after developing COVID-19

According to Dr. Fauci, “brain fog” is a non-medical way to describe problems with concentration and focus. According to Aluko Hope, a critical care specialist at Montefiore Hospital in New York City, up to a third of patients have problems with memory and concentration after contracting COVID-19. “They do not remember phone numbers, they have difficulty expressing themselves because the word is ‘on the tip of the tongue’, they do not remember where they put the keys or how to drive a car”.

Damage to the heart in COVID-19

Dr. Fauci also noted one very disturbing symptom of long COVID – signs of myocarditis. «You don’t have to be hospitalized for this symptom to appear. A group of cardiologists performed MRI of the heart in patients after COVID-19. They found that even in asymptomatic people, about 60 percent. had signs of inflammation of the heart »said Fauci.

More on the possible consequences: Cardiologists speculate that heart disease could be a consequence of COVID-19

Dr. Fauci also reminds that we do not really know how long the symptoms of the so-called long tail COVID-19 may persist. The new coronavirus has only been with us for about a year. We will not know the real consequences of infections until a year or two.

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