Dr. Dzieiątkowski: there is no reason to be afraid of monkey pox

There are an increasing number of cases of monkey pox in Europe. Dr. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski in the program “Onet Rano.” he explained that there is no need to worry. – Infection with monkey pox is nothing new or strange. The spiral of fear is driven mainly by the media, said the virologist.

Monkey pox, a rare zoonotic viral disease, is mainly found in Africa. However, recently there are more and more cases of the disease outside this continent. It was detected in a total of 16 countries, including 12 in Europe. Dr. Tomasz Dziecistkowski spoke about this disease in the program “Onet Rano.”.

Monkey pox is nothing new

– I think that this spiral of fear is driven mainly by the media and there is nothing to be afraid of. Infections with monkey pox are nothing new, they have occurred sporadically so far in Western Europe and the United States. It is an endemic disease in Africa, said Dr. Dzie citkowski.

– It is nothing new and it is not particularly surprising. Here, the only thing that requires attention and research is how the disease is transmitted today, ‘added the virologist.

Dzieiątkowski explained that so far it was primarily a zoonotic disease or was passed on by people who lived in East or West Africa.

– The disease is mild in most cases, with a rash of course. Complications can occur, but they are very rare, ‘he explained.

Monkey pox is a dragged disease

The virologist noted that some of the recent cases of the disease are found in people who had nothing to do with Africa.

—And here you just have to figure out how they acquired this virus. This is the only mystery, he said.

He also emphasized that so far no case of monkey pox has been found in Poland.

—However, if someone is in Western Europe and has contact with an infected person, it may be the so-called dragged case. Or if someone goes on a safari to Africa and comes in contact with apes, they can also get infected, ‘he said.

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—Cases in Europe are rare. This is mainly a trafficked disease – said Dr. Dzieścitkowski.

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