Downpouring in an infant – causes, pouring through the nose and after breastfeeding

Downpouring in an infant is a very common ailment. It happens that in such a situation new parents are worried. Still, don’t panic in this case. Rainfall in an infant affects every second child. This phenomenon is completely natural. Are you wondering how a baby spills down? Find out now!

Downpouring in a baby – causes

The causes of downpour are very simple. This is because the esophageal sphincter is still somewhat weakened. Consequently, the child eats the food that it returns in a moment. Downpouring is the norm until 4 months of age. Sometimes a downpour appears in an infant when the baby overeats. Babies have a small stomach and must be removed when the food no longer fits into it. The child may also swallow air while eating, which may also lead to rainfall. In most cases, these symptoms disappear as soon as the baby starts eating solids and sits down. However, if your baby has this repeatedly, see your doctor. You do not know how to help your baby while eating and what to do to prevent the food from spilling over? At the very beginning, make sure that your baby is holding the breast or the bottle firmly. This way you can be sure that it is not swallowing air. If you are bottle-feeding, you should hold your baby upright. The holes in the bottle play a very important role during feeding. They cannot be too big or too small. Hold the bottle so that the entire teat is full of food. If your baby is crying, do not put him directly on the bottle or on the breast – soothe him first. After feeding, the baby should be held upright. Thanks to this, it will reflect the air swallowed while eating it faster. If your baby has already eaten, be sure to lay him on his back. This way you will be sure that you will not choke on food. Remember that the downpouring is painless for the baby. The amounts of food flowing out of the mouth are small. However, if you notice any other abnormalities in your baby apart from a downpour, see a doctor. You should be prompted to do so: low weight gain, discoloration of the milk poured out, fever, constipation, abdominal pain, splash vomiting. Some mums mistake a downpour in an infant for reflux. Reflux, unlike regular downpouring, causes unpleasant sensations in a toddler.

Downpouring in an infant – through the nose

It happens that rainfall in an infant takes place through the nose. Then the baby feels it a little more than the standard pouring down the mouth. However, if the food is scarce and the child does not feel any other discomforts associated with it, wait until the problem disappears by itself. The baby may be restless when pouring through the nose. Additionally, he may feel a burning sensation in his nose. At this point, it is worth giving your baby a saline solution to cleanse it of food residues.

Downpouring in an infant – after breastfeeding

Downpour after breastfeeding is the most common situation. It can happen when the mother has too little to eat, so the baby is trying to suck harder and harder. As he does so, he swallows air, and after a while the food flies out with him – through the mouth or nose. If you want to avoid this, carry the baby in your arms, be sure to vertical. The moment your baby rebounds, you can be sure that the food will not overflow. You can also lift the mattress slightly from the head. This will make it harder for the food to regurgitate. If you don’t know how to do this, place a rolled blanket under the mattress. If you have too much milk, try expressing a little before feeding. Also, avoid calming your baby by breastfeeding. The moment you put them on, it will automatically start sucking food. In this case, it is even easier to rain down. Try to make sure your baby only eats what he really needs. Downpouring can also take place after bottle feeding. Then a hole in the nipple or too short breaks between feedings may be to blame. In such a situation, consult a doctor who will select the formula according to the child’s age and development. There are milks available on the market that contain locust bean flour or potato starch. This food thickens quickly, so there is less chance it will start to rain down. If the downpouring problem is very bothersome, please report it at your next visit. Do not try to choose the milk for your toddler yourself. Better if the doctor does.

Name of the disease / condition Downpouring in an infant
Wstęp A harmless ailment consisting in regurgitation of food in a child.
symptoms The symptom is food coming back. This can be through the mouth or nose.
The reasons Weak esophageal sphincter, swallowing air, too much or too little food.
Treatment Usually it passes by itself.
Prognosis It does not lead to any complications.
Prevention Adequate holding of the baby during feeding, carrying it on the hands to push it off, appropriately selected modified milk.

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