Doves on the balcony: how to drive them away

Doves on the balcony: how to drive them away

Feeding pigeons in the park may be even interesting, but not everyone will like the close proximity to these birds. Often they settle on open balconies, build their nests there, or simply organize mass gatherings. How to get rid of birds?

Why are pigeons on the balcony harmful?

The main trouble that the neighborhood with pigeons is fraught with is droppings. He not only forces the owners of the apartment to clean the balcony more often, but can also be dangerous to human health. Feces often contain parasites, fungi and various bacteria.

You will have to clean the balcony every day. Due to the urea, bird droppings are highly corrosive. Indelible marks can remain on furniture, railings and floors. A large number of pigeons can blot the entire balcony in just a few minutes.

Birds also carry a number of diseases that are transmitted to humans.

Another disadvantage is constant noise. Cooing from early morning until evening, claw scratching and constant fussing are quite an annoying factor. If you don’t know in time how to drive the pigeons out of the balcony, birds can get into the apartment through it and start a real pogrom. Removing them from a room can be very difficult.

How to scare away pigeons from the balcony

The easiest way to get rid of any birds is to buy a special ultrasonic repeller. He will make sounds that will not interfere with humans, but will be very annoying for birds. They will not want to approach the source of the noise. But these scarers are expensive and may not be found everywhere.

As a temporary repeller, you can use ordinary columns that need to be placed on the windowsill near the balcony. Loud and heavy music will make the pigeons fly away, but after a while, when silence reigns, they will return to their familiar place again.

Pigeons are irritated not only by loud sounds. They do not like moving objects of glare. With your own hands, you can prepare a repeller from ordinary objects:

  • pocket mirror;
  • CDs;
  • foil strips;
  • New Year’s tinsel.

You can hang these items using sturdy fishing line. They will sway and catch glare from the sun, which will keep the pigeons away from the bright balcony. It will also not be superfluous to deprive the birds of their comfort. To do this, springs or slippery tapes are attached to the railing, which interfere with a comfortable landing.

With the right approach, the fight against pigeons on the balcony will quickly end in a definite victory for a person. The main thing is not to lure the birds back and in no case feed them. If the pigeons consider the balcony as a feeding trough, it will not work to drive them out.

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