Surprisingly simple, hearty, and therefore the popular dish of dumplings is desirable, perhaps, on any table. In each region, dumplings are prepared in their own way, and housewives always have a couple of tricks when kneading the dough, as well as when preparing the filling.
Dough for dumplings: recipe.
The most popular recipe for dumplings dough is familiar to many housewives. You will need: – 5-6 glasses of wheat flour, – 2 eggs, – salt, – 1,5 glasses of water.
Pour a couple of glasses of flour into warm water (sift it correctly before use) and stir so that there are no lumps left. Break the eggs into a mass and salt. Leave the dough at room temperature for 10 minutes, then stir again and add the remaining flour. It is more convenient to do it this way: sprinkle the table with flour in a thick layer and roll out and knead the dough on it with your hands, sprinkling it with flour on top. This will distribute the flour evenly and literally feel how much more you need to pour. The dough should be tough, but not crumbly. Leave it in a bowl in a warm place with a lid or towel. After an hour, you can sculpt dumplings.
You will need: – 2 glasses of flour, – 0,5 liters of milk, – water, – vegetable oil, – 1 egg, – salt.
No mixing bowl required. Sift the flour onto the table or onto a large cutting board and make a hole in the center of the resulting slide – a funnel. Beat the egg into the funnel and gently pour in the warm milk. Starting from the sides (bottom), as it were, pour flour over the funnel, gradually squeezing and mixing the ingredients. Take your time or the liquid ingredients will drip.
After mixing, you get a thick mass, which needs to be flattened into a thick pancake, salt and sprinkle with vegetable oil (no more than 2 tablespoons are needed). Knead the dough. Add a little water if necessary, but so that the dough does not start to stick to your hands. Leave for an hour and sculpt dumplings.
You will need: – 300 grams of flour, – 1 egg, – half a glass of water, – 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, – 1 tablespoon of diluted vinegar, – salt.
Beat the egg with water and salt. Add vinegar, previously diluted, and oil to the slurry. Leave at room temperature for half an hour, then replace with flour, constantly adding it to the desired thickness of the dough. Place the dough in a plastic bag, tie, cover with a towel and leave for an hour.
To make the minced meat soft, the meat must be minced twice.
During the time until the dough reaches, you can make the filling for the dumplings. Traditionally, it is customary to mix pork and ground beef in equal proportions, as well as add onions twisted in a meat grinder. Depending on the amount of onion and the fat content of the minced pork, the dumplings will be juicier.
Sheep meat is often added to dumplings. By the way, it is not necessary to turn it in a meat grinder, dumplings with minced meat have a special taste. In the Urals, it is customary to add cloves of ground garlic and heavy cream to the filling for dumplings. The minced meat becomes fragrant and very tender. Residents of the Far North, as well as those who live near the taiga, add chopped mushrooms to the minced meat. Before this, the mushrooms must be boiled.
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