Double entanglement of the umbilical cord of the neck: consequences

Double entanglement of the umbilical cord of the neck: consequences

The happy expectation of the baby was overshadowed by unpleasant news. After the ultrasound, the doctor reported that the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around the fetus’s neck. The expectant mother is terrified – she is afraid that the child will suffocate right in the uterus or during childbirth … A short medical excursion will shed light on this problem.

Double entanglement of the neck with the umbilical cord and fetal breathing

The average length of the umbilical cord is usually equal to the size of the fetus – about 50 cm. Sometimes the norm is exceeded, and loops are formed on the neck of the unborn baby. The entanglement is single, double and multiple. The condition is quite common – 37% of late pregnancies are accompanied by such a diagnosis.

How dangerous is double cord entanglement?

The first question of the expectant mother: “Can my baby suffocate in the womb?” The unequivocal answer is no! The fetus in the womb receives oxygen not through the respiratory system, but from the blood, through the umbilical cord. The baby begins to breathe a few seconds after birth, when the respiratory center of the nervous system turns on. Therefore, the possibility of the baby suffocating in the uterus is zero.

Most complications during a double-wrap birth are due to improper medical procedures. Intrauterine fetal death due to entanglement happens extremely rarely, in especially difficult situations

Can a tightly tightened umbilical cord obstruct oxygen access? According to statistics, 75% of stillbirths caused by oxygen deprivation of the fetus are due to injury and infection. The remaining 25% are genetic disorders. Thus, tight entanglement does not cause intrauterine oxygen deficiency.

Consequences of double entanglement with the umbilical cord

Most of the concerns are related to childbirth. Will the doctor be able to free the baby from the loops of the umbilical cord in time? An experienced obstetrician is trained in special techniques for removing and cutting the umbilical cord. One or two loose loops do not cause problems for doctors.

If the entanglement is strong, the following complications may occur after childbirth:

  • short-term suffocation;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • chin trembling;
  • spinal microtrauma;
  • increased nervous irritability.

To avoid these consequences, doctors usually suggest a planned cesarean section or perform emergency surgery during labor.

Double entanglement with the umbilical cord should not cause undue concern. Follow medical instructions punctually, monitor the fetus regularly. Choose the birthing plan that your doctor advises, and your baby’s health will be safe.

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