Double chin

Unpleasant, but true: a double chin can be a problem for even the most slender girl. Let’s try to understand the prevailing stereotypes, understand why this aesthetic flaw appears and begin to act to prevent its occurrence.

What is a second chin

The second chin is not to be confused with anything. At first glance, this is excess fat that accumulates under the lower jaw in the chin area, forming a characteristic fold. From a double chin, neither women nor men are immune.

It can even appear in teenagers. But, as surveys show, when evaluating photographs of people with varying degrees of severity of the second chin, most respondents more often notice the second chin in women. So draw your own conclusions! In general, a double chin does not decorate anyone:

  • adds age;

  • makes the face heavier;

  • makes the oval blurry and fuzzy.

In any case, the presence of a double chin is a signal that it is time to pull yourself together and take care of your body.

Causes of appearance in women

Poor posture and tension in the neck muscles are the main causes of a double chin.

So why does the second chin appear? And how to get rid of it? The first thing to learn is that this problem is complex, connected not only and not so much with excess weight or its sharp set, but with incorrect posture, violation of the static cervical region and the functioning of the lymphatic system as a whole.

Incorrect posture

One of the most common causes of a double chin in women is poor posture. About 20 superficial and deep muscles form our neck. When we sit, work, read a book, embroider or knit, muscle balance is disturbed. With the habit of stooping, the muscles of the neck shorten, and the platysma, a superficial muscle that is woven into fibers in the lower part of the face, slides down and pulls the entire lower part of the face with it. From here, a second chin appears, lowered corners of the mouth, loss of a clear oval of the face.


Heredity is another factor influencing the appearance of such an unpleasant defect as a second chin. Look carefully at your older relatives. If they have a normal weight, but at the same time they have a noticeable fat fold under the lower jaw, then most likely this problem will affect you. But do not rush to get upset ahead of time. There are effective methods: special exercises and cosmetic procedures that help control the area under the chin.


Excess weight, as well as its sharp loss, also often causes the appearance of a second chin. The crease under the lower jaw is an ideal place for the accumulation of fat. Under its weight, the tissues of the lower part of the face sag.

Flabbiness of the skin

With age, the muscles of not only the body, but also the face lose their elasticity, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin is noticeably reduced. It can also contribute to the formation of a double chin.

Disorders in the work of the lymphatic system

The habit of stooping, walking with lowered shoulders, tilting your head down, leads to tension in the neck muscles. As a result, the vessels in the cervical region are pinched and blood circulation is disturbed. But this is half the trouble. A very common cause of a double chin is the incorrect functioning of the lymph nodes. That is why doctors recommend exercises to improve lymphatic drainage.

Prevention of the second chin

The second chin is not a sentence. It is possible to get rid of it.

Avoiding a double chin is actually pretty easy. With a systematic approach, in 2-3 months you can achieve good results if you follow a few simple rules:

  • try to keep weight under control;

  • provide yourself with regular physical activity;

  • exclude fatty and high-calorie foods from the diet;

  • choose the right (orthopedic) pillow;

  • monitor posture;

  • perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the cervical region.

  • use cosmetics with a lifting effect, applying them with massage movements not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté.

Review of the best means with a lifting effect

Healthy-Food recommends adding these products to your arsenal to fight for facial contouring.

Day cream for all skin types with a lifting effect Rénergie Multi-Lift, Lancôme

The special Up-Cohesion technology based on cyathea extract and guanosine improves the mechanical properties of the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

Multi-corrective face cream Super Multi-Corrective Cream, Kiehl’s

Cream with jasmonic acid, known for its renewing and firming properties, beech extract, which gives the skin elasticity, and fragmented hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture, there is no reason to doubt that in a month the skin will become more even and elastic, the face oval will tighten, and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Cream for the neck, décolleté and oval face Neovadiol Phytosculpt, Vichy

The novelty is notable for its excellent composition. The phytoactive from the extract of wild fern leaves enhances the renewal of skin cells, is involved in the restoration of elasticity, the complex of proxylan and hyaluronic acid helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, restoring it layer by layer, Hepes accelerates the regeneration processes from the inside.

Day cream for normal skin Collagenist V-Lift, Helena Rubinstein

The cream contains special peptides, the Lipo-Reducer complex, as well as tightening polymers for a noticeable lifting effect, the facial contour becomes clearer. There is also a version for dry skin.

How to remove the second chin at home

Exercise and self-massage are excellent prevention of a second chin.

In this article, we want to convince you that a double chin is not a death sentence. It can and must be fought. In 95 cases out of 100, regular exercise, massage and home care give excellent results. And quite quickly.


We note right away that it is worth starting the fight with the second chin from the neck. By learning how to relax it and stretch your muscles correctly, you will already be halfway to success.

For the first lessons, we advise you to find a good coach. Look for a Certified Facebook Building Specialist.

And now we will give some examples of simple exercises from the second chin. They involve the skin and muscles of the neck and can be performed not only at home, but also in the office, sitting at the computer.

  • Sit straight and pull your neck up, fix your shoulders with your palms so that they do not rise. The neck stretches as you inhale, as you exhale, you need to relax. Repeat 5-6 times.

  • Put a couple of volumes of books on your head so they don’t fall off. Holding the books in their original position (without the help of hands), walk around the house for at least 10 minutes. This exercise helps to straighten your posture and stretch your neck. If you get it right the first time, do a few squats with books on your head.

  • Lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, raise your head and try to see the toes of your feet. Freeze for a few seconds. Take a starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

  • Tilt your head first to the left, then to the right, raise, lower. Make circular motions. This warm-up is best done daily for about 3-5 minutes immediately after sleep.

  • Grimacing: stick out your tongue and try to get it first to your nose, and then to your chin. Repeat 10 times.


As a prevention of the second chin, massage at home helps well. But before you get started, you need to:

  • clean the face well, as well as the neck and shoulder area, washing with a gel, foam or mousse;

  • use a tonic to restore the pH of the skin;

  • apply oil or cream to the face, neck and chest so that the hands glide easily over the surface of the skin.

And here are the exercises themselves.

  1. Warm up the skin of the neck from behind and in front with light massaging and stretching movements.

  2. Sit upright in front of a mirror. With clean hands, with pinching movements, walk along the oval of the face in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe chin and lower jaw, moving from the center to the periphery.

  3. With the back of your hand, make a few patting movements on the chin.

Salon treatments to get rid of a double chin

If home methods seem to you not effective enough, you can sign up for a salon. Here are the most effective procedures.

Plastic massage

The hands of a specialist are able to “break” fat deposits and strengthen the muscles of the face, taking into account your individual characteristics. When performing such a massage, several techniques are combined at once for a deep impact on the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, from relaxing to lymphatic drainage, which help restore lymph outflow, free from excess fluid and contribute to a deeper study of tissues. On average, 8-10 procedures are required with a frequency of once a week.

Ozone therapy

During the procedure, an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected into the chin area, which activates lipid metabolism. As a result, fat ceases to accumulate under the lower jaw, and existing deposits are quickly and effectively split. An additional bonus from this procedure is the stimulation of collagen synthesis, increasing skin elasticity. To enhance the effect, the procedure is often supplemented with a massage. The required minimum is 6-10 procedures with a frequency of 1-2 times a week.


The procedure is carried out with the help of injections. A cocktail of lipolytics is injected under the skin. They perform two tasks at once: on the one hand, they emulsify fats, that is, they break them into droplets, and on the other hand, they increase the permeability of the membranes of fat cells, which makes it possible to remove the resulting emulsion: it enters the intercellular space through the altered membrane, then into the bloodstream and is excreted through the liver. The procedure is quite painful. The second chin disappears. But after a while it may return. Consider this.

Laser liposuction

A quick way to get rid of a double chin. But surgical, that is, it can be called a mini-operation. With the help of micropunctures, a special solution is injected into the chin area, and then the adipose tissue is “melted” by a laser beam and pulled out with the help of cannulas. After removing fat, the deep layers of the skin are again treated with a laser, which leads to its tightening and compaction.

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