Dorota Gardias has breast cancer. We explain its symptoms and treatment methods
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Dorota Gardias informed that she had breast cancer. The presenter has been feeling a slight pain in her chest for some time, now she is undergoing surgery. We explain what this cancer is, what its symptoms are and how it is treated.

  1. Dorota Gardias is struggling with breast cancer. The presenter is undergoing an operation, the prognosis is very good
  2. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor, this type of cancer most often occurs in Polish women
  3. Breast cancer does not show any symptoms for a long time, it is difficult to detect it, therefore preventive examinations are extremely important
  4. Breast cancer can also be treated, but it all depends on the stage of the disease, the malignancy of the tumor, and the presence of metastases.
  5. You can find more such information on the TvoiLokony home page

Dorota Gardias has breast cancer

– When I heard that it is a cancer and I need to have an operation as soon as possible, my life flashed before my eyes – said Dorota Gardias for the magazine «Party».

The weather will be operated on and doctors assure her that the prognosis is very good. He urges: – Do not ignore any disturbing symptoms, because we have someone to live for.

  1. See also: Dorota Gardias has breast cancer. He’s waiting for an operation

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that arises from the cells of the breast gland. It is a cancer that most often occurs in Polish women. Usually the diagnosis is made in women between the ages of 55 and 65.

Breast cancer it is extremely dangerous because initially it does not give any obvious symptoms. Often, neoplastic changes are detected during preventive breast examinations.

You can check your risk of developing breast cancer by doing a diagnostic testing package that you can buy from Medonet Market.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The first symptoms do not appear until the disease develops. At first, it is difficult to notice any symptoms. Therefore, regular visits to the gynecologist are extremely important, as well as self-examination of the breasts. If you notice any changes in your breasts, see your doctor immediately. The symptoms of breast cancer include:

  1. wrinkling or stretching of the breast skin,
  2. discharge from the nipple, also with blood,
  3. pain in the breast or in the breast area
  4. pulling out of the nipple,
  5. nipple ulcer
  6. ulceration of the skin on the breast
  7. enlargement of the axillary or supraclavicular nodes,
  8. expansion of the veins of the skin of the breast.

Breast cancer diagnosis

Most often, breast cancer is detected by mammography. The examination is quick and painless and could save your life. Because thanks to the examination, even microcalcifications can be detected. Mammography also enables the biopsy of disturbing changes. Mammography should be performed by women aged 35 to 40 every two years. After the age of 50, mammography should be done every year.

Another test that can detect breast cancer is ultrasound. It is an element of in-depth diagnostics and is used to assess breast cancer.

An ultrasound is performed when any changes appear in the breast. In the case of women between 35 and 40 years of age, the best solution is an ultrasound scan, because in this period of life the glandular tissue that produces food is predominant. After the age of 40, mammography is a better option.

If you are concerned that you may be predisposed to the disease, do Breast and Ovarian Cancer – a genetic test for the most common mutations. The test is part of the mail order, so you collect the sample yourself at home and send it to the laboratory. Results are available after 2-4 weeks.

Sign up for a breast ultrasound via Medonet Market.

Treatment of breast cancer

Treatment of breast cancer depends on many factors, including the stage of the disease, the degree of the cancer’s malignancy, and the age of the woman. One solution is to remove the tumor surgically. The procedure may be sparing, involving the removal of only the tumor, and sometimes radical, involving the removal of the entire breast (mastectomy). After the procedure, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used.

  1. Radiotherapy is a local treatment for breast cancer. The energy of ionizing radiation destroys cancer cells. Radiotherapy is one of the most commonly used treatments.
  2. Chemotherapy – this method uses drugs to kill cancer cells, which stops the growth of cancer cells. Unfortunately, chemotherapy can also destroy healthy cells.
  3. Hormone therapy is a pharmacological method of treating breast cancer that has fewer side effects than chemotherapy. It allows you to inhibit the growth of hormone-dependent neoplasms. Hormone therapy is the use of drugs that block the function of estrogens and prevents the further development of the tumor or its recurrence.

Breast cancer – prognosis

The success of breast cancer treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the malignancy of the cancer, and the presence of metastases. The occurrence of cancer in one breast increases the risk of cancer also in the other breast and even within five years of the diagnosis of the disease. Even a unilateral mastectomy requires breast health monitoring.

This may interest you:

  1. Substances in everyday items can increase the risk of breast cancer
  2. Why are more and more women getting breast cancer? The doctor explains
  3. Mastectomy – types, indications, benefits and risks. The course of mastectomy

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