
Now on the shelves of supermarkets it is increasingly possible to find a wide variety of expensive cheeses with mold. There are quite a lot of them: they exist with blue and white mold, hard and soft, Italian and French. But recently the heart of buyers began to win a relatively young counterpart – German blue cheese Dorblu. Moreover, this name has become so commonplace that many of our compatriots, who are not particularly versed in the varieties and types of cheese, began to call so any blue cheese. But few people know that in addition to its aristocratic taste and characteristic spicy smell, this cheese has other advantages.

A bit of history

In general, moldy cheeses have been known for quite some time. Their history has more than one century. The French have a legend, according to which the appearance of cheeses with blue mold is attributed to a certain young shepherd Rokfor. Going to have dinner, the shepherd saw a beautiful stranger and she sunk into his soul so much that he, forgetting about dinner, rushed after her. And I could return back only a few days later. Upon his return, he found his left lunch in the cave, an overgrown cheese, untouched. But this did not disgust him: out of curiosity, he broke off a piece of a strange dish and tried it. What was his surprise when he realized that the cheese spoiled with the appearance turned out to be exquisite and delicate in taste.

Blue mold cheese has a fairly large number of species: it is the famous French Roquefort, and the equally famous Italian Gorgonzola, as well as Stilton, Danablu, Saint-Agure, Fourm-d’Ambert, Cambotsola, Bavarian Blue Cheese, Bergader, Parsifal and Dorblu .

Dorblu appeared relatively recently compared to its famous noble counterparts. Nevertheless, this did not prevent him from becoming their rightful competitor and enjoying almost the same success among other elite cheeses. Dorblu (from the German Dorblu – “blue gold”) is a German brand of blue cheese, which is produced by Kezeray Champignon Hoffmeister. Although this company has been around for a long time, since the beginning of the 20th century, cheese began to be produced by it not so long ago. The fact is that right up to the 1990 year, in Germany it was almost impossible to meet the famous French or Italian cheeses with mold. It was then that the Germans thought about the production of their high-end product. So it was created dorblu.

Simultaneously with the widespread development of the German market, this cheese began to successfully conquer the hearts of Russian consumers, and also gained popularity in other Eastern European countries. In many ways, this happened thanks to the correct pricing policy. This cheese was much cheaper than its competitors, but at the same time it was considered quite famous and famous European elite cheese. But in reality this is far from the case. Dorblu is practically unknown in European countries, where there are many types of noble cheeses. It is also not mentioned in well-known European guidebooks for cheeses.

Description and method of production

The basis for the production of dorble, like other blue cheeses, is cow’s milk. Its recipe is shrouded in mystery, but it is still known that it is produced in the same way as most other analogues: the noble mold is grown in closed cellars with certain temperature parameters and sufficient humidity. According to some sources, a blue mold culture, penicillium roqueforti, is used in production. It is being prepared for about five months.

Mass production of cheese is carried out at the Kezerey Champignon Hofmeister plants of the small town of Lauben, located in Bavaria. The product has three varieties:

  • Dorblu Classic;
  • Dorblu Royal Blue;
  • Dorblu Grand Noir.

The most elite and exclusive variety is Dorblu Grand Noir.

Dorblu is often referred to as semi-hard cheese. It is distinguished by its exquisite spicy aroma and delicate salty flavor with a spicy spicy and spicy note. Its surface is not crusted, but it also contains mold. Usually it is white, less often yellowish-cream color. The interior is soft and tender, with bluish-green veins of mildew, forming a marble pattern and sometimes appearing on the surface of the cheese.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The energy value of the product is 354 kcal. The protein content is about 21 grams, and fat – 30 grams. This is a very high-calorie and very fatty product. This cheese has a high water content of about 42,41 grams, and a fairly small amount of carbohydrates is 2,34 grams.

The dorblu contains a rich vitamin complex represented by B vitamins (thiamine – 0,029 mg, riboflavin – 0,382 mg, pyridoxine – 0,166 mg, folic acid – 36 μg), as well as vitamin A – about 198 μg, vitamin E – 0,25 mg Vitamin D is about 21 mg and Vitamin PP is about 1,016 mg.

The mineral composition of this product includes the number of such elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • calcium – about 528 mg;
  • iron – about 0,31 mg;
  • magnesium – 23 mg;
  • phosphorus – about 387 mg;
  • potassium – 256 mg;
  • sodium – 1395 mg;
  • zinc – about 2,66 mg.

Useful Properties Dorblu

In addition to its delicate and exquisite taste, Dorblu has a number of useful properties for the body. For example, thanks to the mold present in its composition, the cheese is saturated with such a useful substance as penicillin. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system, has an antimicrobial effect, and is able to fight various infectious diseases.

Regular use of this product helps to strengthen the human immune system, a positive effect on appetite. Due to the presence of essential amino acids and vitamins, Dorblu has a calming effect on the body:

  • normalizes the central nervous system;
  • helps to cope with depression and nervous disorders;
  • improving sleep;
  • relieves chronic fatigue and irritability;
  • contributes to the effective work of the brain;
  • enhances attention and improves memory.

This cheese is a very nutritious product, containing in its composition a large amount of easily digestible proteins, so it is indispensable in the lives of people who actively engage in sports, it is especially useful for the growth of muscle tissue. Dorblu has a good regenerating effect. It is recommended to use it during the period of rehabilitation after serious diseases or surgeries. It is also useful for people with great mental stress. It also helps with arthritis, tuberculosis, is effective for anemia, and is also a good prophylactic agent for cancer.

Vitamins A and E, contained in cheese, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, as well as contribute to the improvement and restoration of vision. Due to such a mineral as sodium, the use of this product normalizes the water-salt balance of the body, and the potassium contained in it has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The presence of substances such as calcium and phosphorus in it, improves the strength of bone tissue, preventing the development of arthritis.

Recent studies by scientists have suggested that regular consumption of dorblu is a unique protection from ultraviolet radiation and may increase the time spent in the sun.

Cooking application

The wonderful taste of this cheese allows you to use it in various variations. It is incredibly tasty and as an independent product, it is especially revealed in combination with grapes, walnuts, honey and wine. From wine, you can use both dry and sweet varieties. In Germany, they prefer to use it with traditional gewurztraminer and Riesling. Elite variety Dorblu Grand Noir is recommended to serve with champagne.

Often you can meet it as sandwiches with whole grain bread, as well as with cheese platter. Experts say that in this embodiment, it is better to eat it in the least, to enjoy the spicy, savory taste and oily structure of the product.

Dorblu is used as one of the ingredients in salads, hot sandwiches, indispensable for the preparation of cheese sauces and pizza. Well suited to seafood and Italian pasta.

How to choose and store

When you buy cheese at the store, you should definitely pay attention to the appearance of the product. Too sharp or unpleasant aroma suggests that the product should not be eaten. It can be spoiled or improperly cooked. The presence of a crust on the cheese indicates its expiry date. The flesh of the cheese should be solid. Numerous small and large openings speak of poor quality products. Of course, the product should not contain any dyes or preservatives. The shelf life of such cheese is no more than two months.

Store dorble needs in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container or vacuum packaging to avoid mold ingestion on other products. It will be useful for the cheese itself, which is able to absorb various smells and as a result may acquire a completely unsuitable taste and aroma.

Cooking Dorblu at home

You can prepare this product at home, but at the same time it is necessary to strictly observe sterility, it is better to use sterile gloves for preparation or to wipe your hands with an alcohol solution.

For cooking you will need:

  • home-made cow’s milk or non-pasteurized store milk – 4 liters;
  • sour cream or sour milk – 1,5 glass;
  • tablets “Acidin-pepsin”;
  • salt;
  • shop dorblu.

A store analog will be needed in order to take mold samples from it. It must be carefully scraped off into a separate container, it is desirable that it does not contain pieces of cheese. Add it to milk warmed up to room temperature (0,5 cups), mix and leave for about an hour. Then pour moldy milk into the bulk of the milk, heated to 30 degrees. There also send a room temperature sourdough. Mix all this and set aside for five minutes.

Cooked tablets crushed into fine powder, in the proportion of 1,5 tablets per liter of milk. Add 50 ml of water and mix thoroughly into a homogeneous mass. Pour this mixture into the previously prepared milk, mix until completely dissolved and close the lid. Put in a warm place and do not touch for one and a half hours.

It is recommended to wrap a container with milk with a towel. After an hour, you can check its status. Should form a clot in the form of milk jelly, which when pressed produces yellowish serum. If it has a milky-white color, then you need to let the milk stand for about half an hour.

After that, with a knife, cut the clot into small pieces and gently stir with a wooden spoon. The main thing is not to get porridge. After defending for 20 minutes, during this time the cheese flakes will settle to the bottom.

In order to glass serum, you can use a homemade colander. For this you need a high plastic cup pierced with an awl in several places. Holes should be located at frequent distances from each other. Collect the resulting cheese flakes with a slotted spoon and place in this glass. Give the serum to drain, leaving the product approximately 12 hours. During this time, it is recommended to take out and turn the product four times, draining the resulting serum.

After twelve hours, the resulting product must be pulled out and rub well with salt. After that, leave it to dry for another 12 hours. If after this time it is still wet, you need to rub it again with salt and leave for another half a day.

From the storeroom dorble, scrape the mold again and dilute it in milk. Wait about an hour. Type the mixture into a sterile syringe and pour it into the dried cheese in frequent portions, piercing it in different places.

After that, put the cheese back in a plastic cup, previously washed and cleaned of serum residue, and, turning upside down, put it in a plastic container, covering it tightly with a lid. Put in a warm dark place and wait until the mold grows. It will cover it completely in about two weeks. In the process every two days you need to turn. Once it is completely covered with mold, you need to wrap it in parchment paper and send it in the fridge. After a week, homemade cheese is ready to eat.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

Dorble cheese is a very high-calorie and nutritious product, and undoubtedly its consumption in large quantities can lead to weight gain and even to obesity. Frequent consumption of products with mold contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby worsening the beneficial intestinal microflora. And if you do not pay attention to it, then everything can end in such a disease as dysbiosis.

It is not recommended to use such cheese to a pregnant woman and nursing moms, and you should not use it in the children’s diet. It is contraindicated for people who are allergic to dairy products, as well as those who are lactose intolerant. Cheese itself can also be an allergen.

Its unique taste qualities may be unsafe for people suffering from gastritis or gastric ulcer, as spicy and salty foods are contraindicated for them. Do not use it with high blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases.


Dorblu – German version of elite blue cheese. It is popular both in Germany and in the open spaces of Eastern Europe. It attracts with its exquisite taste, healthy properties and relatively low price. It is widely used not only as a separate dish, but also as one of the ingredients of other dishes. It is considered very tasty to use it with dry or sweet wines, as well as with champagne.

The use of this cheese in food in small doses is not capable of causing harm to the body. Actually, the use of refined and noble cheeses does not imply eating them in huge portions. And in small quantities dorblyu can even bring benefits to the body. Often this cheese is sold in stores, but it is possible to cook it at home.

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