Doppler examination – what is it? Indications for the performance and interpretation of the Doppler test results

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Doppler examination (Doppler ultrasound) is a non-invasive diagnostic test that allows you to assess the condition of arteries and veins, primarily to detect their obstruction caused by, for example, atherosclerotic changes. also useful in detecting health and life-threatening aneurysms.

Indications for a Doppler examination

Doppler examination allows you to assess the efficiency of veins and arteries and accurately indicate places where lesions have appeared, such as obstruction, venous embolism and aneurysms. Narrowing of veins or arteries in the form of atherosclerotic plaque or blood clots poses a real threat to the patient’s life, as it can cause such dangerous conditions as stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism. For this reason, it is very important to detect abnormalities in blood flow in time and take countermeasures.

Indications for performance Doppler examination there are suspicions of atherosclerotic changes in arteries and other blood vessels, varicose veins, suspected aneurysms and other conditions indicating abnormal blood flow in veins and arteries.

By USG Doppler the blood flow and changes in the carotid arteries, subclavian arteries, heart (often combined with the so-called Doppler examination of the heart echo), abdominal organs, genital organs as well as lower and upper limbs are examined. An indication to Doppler examination there are also neoplastic tumors – then the blood flow in the lymph nodes is assessed, liver tumors are differentiated and their degree of malignancy is assessed.

What does a Doppler scan look like?

Doppler examination is based on the use of the so-called the Doppler effect. The Doppler head placed on the patient’s body sends an ultrasound wave that penetrates the body. This wave bounces off moving blood particles and returns to the head. The signal is sent to an ultrasound machine that records changes in the frequency of the sound wave reflected from the flowing blood. The test result is presented as an image on the monitor (places where blood flow is lower or stops at all are marked on it).

Doppler examination is non-invasive and painless. No special preparations are required for it. Only in the case of performing Doppler ultrasound of the liver and renal arteries, one should report for a Doppler examination on an empty stomach. The patient takes off his clothes from the places where the Doppler head will be applied, then lays down on the couch. The doctor carrying out the Doppler examination puts the head of the apparatus on the skin covered with a special gel. The image of the reflected ultrasound waves is visible on the monitor and allows you to constantly assess the blood flow and the condition of blood vessels (arteries and veins). The Doppler examination is accompanied by the sound of the blood flow – changes in noise are also an indication to the doctor that something disturbing is going on at a given location.

Interpretation of the results of the Doppler examination

Score Doppler examination we get it immediately in the form of a chart or a colored drawing described by the doctor.

Doppler examination may be the basis for referring the patient to surgery or starting pharmacological treatment. The Doppler apparatus allows you to measure blood flow through the vessels and measure the cross-section of arteries and veins, and thus – on the basis of this examination, venous capacity can be accurately determined. Doppler examination detects arterial stenosis caused by atherosclerosis, venous thrombosis and other pathological changes in blood vessels located in the abdominal cavity, neck and extremities. On the other hand, Doppler examination does not detect atherosclerotic lesions and other abnormalities in blood flow in the brain, because the bones of the skull prevent ultrasound from propagating to this area. Magnetic resonance imaging is performed to assess the efficiency of the blood vessels in the brain.

Doppler examination is also used to assess the blood supply to some internal organs. It also works well in detecting neoplastic changes, because many neoplastic tumors are highly supplied with blood.

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