Доппельбок (double buck)

“Double” strong beer, it can be both light and dark, although the former do not have such a rich malt bouquet, caramel notes and drier aftertaste are not felt in them. It can be very strong and very bitter, only average values ​​are given in the characteristics, but there is actually no upper bar.

Munich style, originated in a Franciscan monastery. Initially, the doppelbock was lightly attenuated, malty sweetness was felt in the taste, the strength was lower. It is said that the monks drank this beer like “liquid bread” to fill them up.

Tones of toast, caramel, Maillard reaction products, dark fruits, chocolate are felt in the aroma. Hop profile is weak or absent. The color varies from dark gold to rich brown, red tints are visible in the light. Beer is clear, foamy, dense. The burnt taste is not up to the standards of the style.

Alcohol is felt, but not sharp, the doppelbock warms well, it feels soft on the tongue, with moderate carbonation.

It is made from Vienna malt or Pils (light version) or Vienna and Munich malts (dark), Saaz hops, lager yeast. The maximum “malty” taste is achieved through decoction mashing.

Doppelbock is an ordinary side, but with a “double” strength, full body, depth of taste.

Доппельбок (double buck)

Strength: 7.0-10.0%.

Density: initial 1.072-1.112, final 1.016-1.024.

Bitterness Index: 16-26 IBU.

Color: 6-25 SRM.

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