Don’t underestimate the feeling of a clogged ear!
Don’t underestimate the feeling of a clogged ear!

The feeling of a blocked ear is quite unpleasant. Sometimes it appears spontaneously, but more often this ailment accompanies a runny nose, cold or flu. Sometimes the effect of a clogged ear also appears when riding an elevator or during a plane flight – here the pressure change is responsible, or after a bath – then the water that gets inside the ear canal is responsible for the appearance of a clogged ear.

Clogged ear. Complications:

  • It is primarily an unpleasant feeling that can irritate and cause stress and anger
  • A clogged ear also leads to problems with obstruction of the ear canals
  • Plugged ears cause problems with hearing loss
  • The disease may be accompanied by additional symptoms, such as headache, dizziness and tinnitus

Home treatment and visit to the doctor

A blocked ear can be successfully treated by yourself using the so-called. home ways. Nevertheless, if the symptoms are not relieved after about 2-3 days from the start of self-treatment, then a visit to an ENT doctor will be required. Only he will then be able to determine the cause of the problem and indicate relevant and more effective methods of treatment. If home methods do not help, you can suspect the occurrence of dangerous otitis media or rupture of the eardrum.

Remedies for a clogged ear

  1. First of all, care should be taken to clear the respiratory tract, especially if this problem occurs in the course of a cold or flu. Here you can use nasal drops or use natural inhalations with herbs and essential oils. Among them, chamomile and eucalyptus oil will work great.
  2. Another way to deal with a clogged ear can be to try to remove the earwax stuck inside. However, it is best not to remove earwax with popular cotton buds, but use special drops available without a prescription that will dissolve earwax. The problem with wax clogging the ears can occur especially in people who often swim or bathe, because water causes it to swell.
  3. If the problem of a blocked ear occurs, for example, after a plane flight or after an elevator ride, then the narrowed Eustachian tube is responsible for it. In this case, the solution will be simply chewing gum or sucking candy for a while, which should facilitate the outflow of excess air and the return of the Eustachian tube to its “normal” size. It is also important not to crouch or slouch, but to sit completely upright.

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