Don’t tell your husband: what happens to a woman immediately after giving birth

The body has to rebuild again, and very quickly. So with the birth of a child, the stress for the female body does not end. There is still a lot to overcome.

Most expectant mothers are at the same time very much looking forward to and very afraid of this very moment – childbirth. It seems that to survive it, and then all difficulties will be behind. But in reality, this is not entirely true. A woman’s body still has a lot of work to do: recover from childbirth, establish breastfeeding. And you will have to rebuild very quickly. And a young mother will feel this on the very first day after the baby is born. Spoiler alert: the sensations will not be pleasant.


What now? Yes exactly. By the time labor begins, the uterus weighs 15 times more than it weighed before pregnancy. Now she has to return to its original size. Contraction of this organ can be very painful, comparable to a heavy period. To many, this pain resembles labor pains. Fortunately, they do not grow, but, on the contrary, decline and pass quickly.

Bloody issues

The body will get rid of what has accumulated during pregnancy for a long time to come: the remnants of tissues, fluids. In the first weeks of lochia, as this discharge is called, it can be bright scarlet, then the color intensity becomes less. In this case, tampons should not be used in any case, this is the risk of additional injury. The first six weeks are only pads, and further recommendations should be checked with the doctor.

Postpartum complications

Unfortunately, some mothers have to face this problem too. Postpartum infection may begin, and this is an additional burden on an already seriously exhausted body. It is necessary to monitor the discharge so that there is no unpleasant smell, measure the temperature. You will have to change the gaskets every four to six hours. If childbirth was difficult, there may be other complications – for example, prolapse, prolapse, or prolapse of the pelvic organs.

Toilet problems

There may be several of them. One of the problems – stress urinary incontinence. In such cases, urine leaks even from laughing, coughing, or mild exertion. Typically, this incontinence is a temporary phenomenon, it will go away by itself after 2-3 months. But if not, you should definitely see a doctor.

Other problem – pain and burning sensation when urinating. These are the consequences of the trauma suffered during childbirth. To make the pain go away It is advised to drink plenty of water, carefully monitor hygiene. If you do not feel better, seek medical attention.

The third trouble – going to the toilet is simply scary. This can even lead to constipation.

Swelling of the feet

As well as hands, even faces. After childbirth, fluid may well remain in the body, but soon this trouble will be a thing of the past. In the meantime, you need to follow the drinking regimen, from time to time lie on your back with your legs up, give preference to loose clothing. Wear compression garments if advised by your doctor. Doctors advise sleeping on the left side.

Pain in the perineum

Pain, swelling, even bruising – everything can be, especially if an episiotomy had to be done or tears could not be avoided. They advise you to carefully observe hygiene, apply cold compresses, sit on a donut-shaped pillow, and lie on your side, as well as do Kegel exercises – when you feel the strength to do this. But the main thing that is needed is time.

Swelling of the breast

Yes, it will get even bigger! Nipple engorgement, breast swelling, breast tenderness – this is a willingness to breastfeed. Now we have to establish breastfeeding, then the discomfort will decrease. To do this, you need to attach the baby to the breast as often as possible. If the temperature suddenly rises, and the chest has become “stone”, you need to see a doctor – he will tell you how to cope with lactostasis in order to prevent mastitis. It is also important to choose the right bra that will be truly comfortable.


Especially at night. This is the so-called hormonal sweating, some women experience it during PMS. The hormonal balance changes again, and the body reacts to it in different ways. There is nothing special to advise – just wait. And perhaps sleeping on two sheets so that you can remove one if it gets wet.  

Severe fatigue

How much energy you spent during childbirth can only be understood by someone who has experienced the same. It is complete devastation when not a drop of energy remains. But there is also blood loss – usually small, but it is still there. At the same time, sleepless nights have already begun, because the child after childbirth is now not separated from his mother. To cope with the loss of energy, you need to obey the old but effective advice: sleep with your child. All other things will wait. In addition, you need proper nutrition: do not try to go on a diet right away, limit yourself in healthy carbohydrates. But sweet and fatty ones are really better to eat less.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, Ph.D.

Immediately after childbirth, a woman’s body begins a new phase of development – the so-called postpartum period, which will last 6-8 weeks. Usually this time is remembered as not the most pleasant: pain, discharge, discomfort, fatigue. And outwardly, my mother has not yet returned to shape: swollen breasts, belly has become flabby and is in no hurry to pull up, swelling and bags under the eyes. 

However, you should not be upset: the main task of the postpartum period is to restore the body and return it to its normal state. Be patient, in a few weeks you will feel much more confident.

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