Don’t take “women” seriously

Most women dream of a serious relationship, love and fidelity for life. But they meet him – a womanizer, a ladies’ man, an eternal seducer. How to recognize this type of men and what to do if you meet him on the way?

Young girls or women who have been in a couple for a long time and have no experience of relationships with other psychotypes, without recognizing a heartthrob, begin to meet him as a partner for a serious relationship. They fall in love, open their hearts, trust, and then they experience betrayal very hard.

A womanizer cannot be taken seriously, a relationship cannot be built with him, he cannot be satisfied. Dissatisfaction, insatiability and volatility are its nature. A lover of women will never stop at just one, no matter how beautiful she may be.

Don Juan is:

– Sexaholic. That is, he has a painful, pathological, unhealthy craving for sex. He seduces out of endless insatiable “hunger”. He replaces some other need with sex. Most likely, he lacked love and acceptance from his mother in childhood, and all his life he has been trying to get attention from women. He wants everyone he is attracted to to love and accept him. And he will always be somewhere on the horizon to see an attractive girl who has not yet fallen in love with him.

– Psychopath and / or narcissist. He has an “objective” attitude towards a woman and a big problem with feelings, he does not know what love is. He can either admire (narcissist) or get satisfaction and joy from possession (psychopath). In any case, a woman has a feeling of “objectivity”.

Narcissus does not see a real woman with all the weaknesses and shortcomings, but sees the ideal Beautiful Lady (which, however, can depreciate at any moment). A psychopath sees in a woman a thing that is pleasant to own, to show off, which should be attractive in appearance and, moreover, passionate, tender, and sexy.

As a result, we see that such a man is not suitable for a serious relationship.

How to recognize a rake?

“He always forces things. He is proactive, immediately calls, immediately makes an appointment, immediately tries to achieve sex.

– Actively seduces in all ways available to him. Always looks good, carefully looks after himself. He is self-confident, knows how to attract and charm a woman.

– Always gives compliments that emphasize the femininity and sexuality of the object of attention. He addresses exactly as a woman in the gender sense, says phrases that break the boundaries of intimacy, create physical intimacy in the imagination.

— He uses tactile contact. Often touches a woman during a conversation, but does it skillfully, unobtrusively.

– In his speech, you can notice a subtle ambiguity, or “objectivity”, it may seem to you that he verbally equated you with a thing. He may prioritize fetishes, such as saying that a woman should have expensive underwear, manicures, or stilettos. But a woman does not always immediately recognize what exactly confused her in the words of the seducer.

– Paying a lot of attention to you as a woman, he will not be interested in you at all as a person. Sometimes womanizers ask a couple of questions about interests in order to deceive a lady, to create the illusion of serious intentions. But when a relationship starts, the interest in your personality disappears somewhere, the relationship comes down to just sex.

– He is absolutely not interested in your problems, work, family, children, loved ones. All this is superfluous information for the seducer, and to delve into it waste of time.

He won’t spend money on you. About will save on relations with you. He wants to get sex without investing. Attachments create attachment, which he doesn’t need.

– Even in intimate relationships, you will have the feeling that there is no intimacy, as if you can’t get through to his soul in any way.

– Sometimes social networks can give a lot of information about a man. You will see many photos in beautiful places with different women. This is if he does not hide his nature and lifestyle. But if the womanizer is hidden, if he mimics a serious man and this gives him some bonuses, for example, it is beneficial for him to be in a pair, then you will not see other women in his photo except his wife or “official” girlfriend.

What to do if you met a loving man

1. Do not think that he will change. Many inexperienced women indulge in fantasies that they can heal a heartthrob with their love. They believe he is like this because he hasn’t had “true love” yet. All the former girlfriends did not suit him, and only she loves so much and builds such relationships that will change him. Don’t be fooled by illusions. A person is motivated to get rid of a pattern only when he is suffering from it, and changes require several years of work with a professional psychotherapist. In the meantime, the womanizer enjoys his usual behavior, he will not change.

2. Don’t blame yourself. When Casanova cheats or leaves, many girls and women begin to blame themselves, thinking: what did I do wrong? and if I took better care of myself, was softer, more feminine, sexy, maybe he would not have left? It’s not your fault, it’s not about you, and you shouldn’t try to adjust yourself to the needs of a fickle man and maintain this relationship. sexaholism it is a pathology. And if you are now free from a fake relationship with an unhealthy person, that’s good.

3. End the relationship as quickly as possible. Ask yourself the question, do you need such a union: without love, spiritual intimacy, obligations? If you have feelings, if you are in the mood for a serious relationship, Don Juan is contraindicated for you, it can deeply hurt you, injure you. You will suffer and blame yourself. Open your heart to a reliable, faithful man who will appreciate you and choose you for a serious relationship.

About the Developer

Aunt Chizh – psychologist, conducts individual consultations, leads therapeutic groups. Her site.

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