Alopecia is an undesirable ailment that the vast majority of struggling people do not know how to deal with. The condition is additionally severe when it occurs in the fair sex, whose hair is considered to be an indispensable component of women.
Daily hair loss up to 100 happens to each of us, however, when we notice that there are more of them on the comb, especially outside the spring solstice, we should look for help as soon as possible in the diet and supplements that will enable us to regain good condition after the winter.
What is behind female baldness?
Low levels of estrogen, e.g. occurring temporarily as a result of giving up hormonal contraceptives or after giving birth to a child, it leads to weakening of the hair, which consequently falls out. Contraceptive pills and pregnancy usually strengthen our hair, because then the level of estrogen increases.
By using draconian diets, we expose ourselves to the problem of baldness. In addition to the deficiency of the body’s caloric needs, we also lack vitamins and minerals, necessary for us to enjoy beautiful hair. The most disastrous for their condition are the deficiencies of zinc, iron or selenium. Consider seeking advice from a dietitian who will create a balanced weight loss plan.
In the period of baldness, you should refrain from coloring your hair with dyes, straightening your hair, permanent waving or regular hairspray. Try to limit microdamage resulting from tying your hair in a tight ponytail or too strong a bun.
Types of female baldness
Androgenetic alopecia is not the most common, but in the postmenopausal period the percentage of women suffering from this type of alopecia increases. The increase in androgens is responsible for this state of affairs. Androgenetic alopecia is characterized by bends above the forehead, as well as at the top of the head. If alopecia male type is associated with genetic conditions, it develops in women at an earlier stage of life. Remedy, or at least reduce the problem, can use oral contraception, however, you should consult this solution with your doctor.
Seborrheic alopecia can affect everyone regardless of gender, it also happens in childhood. It coexists with high production of sebum and oily dandruff, which is characterized by densely located yellow scales. When they detach from the surface of the head, we lose hair with them, which are sometimes glued to several dozen pieces together. Seborrheic alopecia is usually related to a fungal infection, so it is recommended to use antifungal agents.