March 29, 1886 in the United States was invented Coca-. For a long time of its existence, this drink has acquired a status greater than expected. It is both a symbol of freedom, and in general a symbol of America (especially for the Soviet perception), and a super-popular drink.
And real housewives know how to help when to bring a brilliant order in the house and use it in cooking.
Circles and cleaning, cleaning
- Circles are a good stain remover. Pour the jar into a pile of dirty laundry, add washing powder and wash in the car as usual.
- Circles will help clean the pans. You can wash the burnt bottom of the pan by pouring it a little when and put on low heat for an hour. The pan with a black bottom shines like new.
- Rust can be removed from bolts and iron surfaces by lubricating them with cola. You can also remove rusty stains from the chrome bumper of the car by wiping them with a crumpled sheet of aluminum foil soaked in a circle.
- Cola is an excellent tool for cleaning car glass. If after washing the glass particles of sugar remain, it is enough to wipe it with a clean cloth.
- You can also clean darkened jewelry and old coins by leaving them for a while in a glass with cola.
Cola and home medicine cabinet
Coca-Cola is successfully used for diarrhea and nausea.
And this drink is an affordable painkiller. If, for example, you are stung by a jellyfish or a bee, you can immediately water the cola in the morning, the pain will subside.
Circles and houseplants, flowers
Cola is also used as a pesticide. To rid the plants of pests, just pour the drink on a saucer and place next to the pots. The aroma will attract snails, beetles and other pests. Once trapped, they will not get out.
Circles help to prolong the freshness of cut flowers. If you pour a little when in a vase of flowers, the flowers will last much longer.
Circles and cooking
By mixing cola with ketchup in a ratio of 50 to 50, you can make a great sauce for barbecue.
You can cook many delicious dishes with cola. Recipes for cupcakes, fried chicken wings and cocktail “Cuba Libre” you will find in the article “It turns out that Cola is a great ingredient.”