Don’t get hit with the Bikini operation

The weather has changed, the thermal sensation is more pleasant and our brain’s perception of many things changes. Daylight is more intense and everything is seen consciously or subconsciously, in short, differently.

Soon the heat will tighten and we will strip off our clothes to go to the pool or the beach, and suddenly the alarm goes off … how have I collected these kilos during these months? …

I urgently need the bikini operation!

You do the test, you take a bikini out of the closet and you try it on, (the same for men from now on but with the loose shorts that we used in the previous season)….

Conclusion, you prefer not to continue looking, begins that state of mind better known as “Depression”. Now is when you start to get in the hands of the hunters of the annual bikini operation.

Everything has to be fast, you have little time so get to work … it is time you took the succulent catalog of Diets and Magic Products today.

Sometimes, you can join the gym, but it tends to be very lazy if you are not used to doing constant moderate physical activity that we also like or enjoy.

The most bizarre thing you can imagine exists. It seems incredible but there is more witchcraft in the XNUMXst century than in the Middle Ages. And the worst thing is that thousands of people are tempted by these fraudulent sources, victims of misinformation, ignorance or simply despair.

Reality or fiction? That is the question.

The trick used by all miracle diets It is very simple … They are strictly hypocaloric, and without any scientific basis to support it. Whatever the type, doing a scientifically based review is not the case in this article, we would use thousands and thousands of words and perhaps, we can see them separately at least the most representative in other articles.

Once the subject is captured, the process is always the same, as they are very hypocaloric, they lose weight quickly in a short time, generally we will lose fat, bone mass, muscle mass, etc., which is totally contraindicated.

  • Sparks! You tell yourself… it works! So you already have a method for every time you want to remove those extra pounds. You religiously pay the stipulated amount and transfer it to your friend on duty.
  • The effect lasts very little, and already in the summer, the initial psychological effect counts, that first time you arrive at the beach where many have not seen you for 11 months, and you think … Look at Fulanita (how fat she has become! ) !, and you want to take off your dress, while everyone is looking at you.
  • Now you will see (you think) and you take off your dress slowly and sexually, but what you have not realized is that if you continue like this, in addition to putting your health, your muscles at risk, regardless of your complexion, you will lose ” Bellows ”, your skin will become dehydrated due to its aging, your bones will weaken, and your posture will cease to be correct, and then, there will no longer be a remedy to be beautiful. No magic diets, no pickled truncheons.

For samples, a Real example

There, at the other end of the beach, is she, María, is 41 years old and plays with her 3 children (who also provided her with a long and painful delivery since they weighed about 4 kg each at birth).

He has an imposing silhouette, and his face reflects serenity, control, security, intelligence as well as a trunk supported by legs that any current model would like.

María follows her Diet, healthy, balanced and moderate, in addition she has been practicing her favorite sport for years, accompanied by good friends, constantly and reinforced with certain muscle strengthening exercises where the physical activity that she practices does not reach so much.

He learned to eat and is always happy in this regard, not one day a year, and I mean one day, because the effect of magic diets also does not last psychologically.

As soon as you get lost, because of course, you are hungry due to the few calories you eat unbalanced, you take on the previous weight, even more.

In the middle of summer, you are the same as before submitting to the magic of the crystal ball, beginning to excuse yourself, of course, so much going out there! …

But it doesn’t matter so much anymore, you are used to going in a bikini or a swimsuit and in September I will do the diet again. We will replicate the return of the cows, frequenting the gym, where there is nothing better to detoxify and / or purify the excesses of summer.

A nuance, if what you are intoxicated … run urgently to the nearest hospital … do not do what they call a detoxifying diet, because it does not exist, it is another trick, and if you have to purify yourself, then you are a pool … no a human being…

Your life is stressful, full of ups and downs, and you can also hurt yourself in the medium term, osteoporosis, problems in the menstrual cycle, falling into anorexia or bulimia, accelerated aging …

María, like every year, will visit the market in September to see, smell and taste the seasonal fruits and vegetables. She will once again enjoy her Diet, which is not a prison for her, but quite the opposite, it is the one that gave her freedom.

She learned to eat years ago, she was obese and did not take care of herself. But it is over, knowing herself, facing her fears, being a better person and enjoying life has become a reality in her life.

Demystifying the Magic Diets

Years go by for the magic diet, its obsolescence is programmed, year after year it recurs on several calendar dates to recover the indications of the magic diet, which produces a deficient nutritional annual statistical average, since there are several months of the year in which let it be “undressed” with knowledge.

He never learned to eat, he never learned to look in the mirror. Slowly he saddens, and he pays it precisely with food, the kilos return and as usual, more years pass and he gets fat, he does not exercise and he does not know how to eat, but he no longer has the strength for more diets. It is abandoned.

With menopause everything worsens, it is even more difficult to contain the kilos and also does not know that as life progresses the caloric needs decrease. On the contrary, María does know all these data because she is well informed.

This human behavior is the basis for the success of these physically and psychologically harmful diets, which also, because they do not meet the scientific basis established and recommended by the authorities, scientists, professionals, etc., should be prosecuted for representing fraud and a lack of the right to protection of people’s health.

All this is included in our legislation and what the future will bring us is unknown, but we must not stop alerting and preventing society from its existence, on the part of all the actors involved. Public administrations, international and national scientific committees, universities, health professionals, the media, etc., must become the main speakers of this complaint and at the same time persecutors of fraud. Unfortunately a long road ahead …

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