Don’t drink hydrogen peroxide! It might even kill you!

Hydrogen peroxide is a commonly used disinfectant. Perfect for minor cuts or abrasions. Unfortunately, supporters of alternative medicine sometimes use it orally, which doctors say may end tragically.

Hydrogen peroxide, or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), is a reactive form of oxygen that has been promoted in recent years in some circles as a “natural remedy” for cleansing the body. Meanwhile, scientists emphasize that drinking it can lead to many serious diseases and even death.

“Consuming highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide can cause an embolism that disrupts the heart, respiratory and nervous systems, which can lead to permanent disability or death,” said Dr. Benjamin Hatten of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, lead author of the study. Although touted as a “superwater” by alternative medical communities, the reality is that peroxide should never be consumed under any circumstances, the researcher adds.

Dr. Hatten analyzed the medical records collected over 10 years regarding oral poisoning with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (concentration 10% or higher). It turned out that almost 14 percent. (13,9) of the reported cases, there were blockages, and 6,8%. cases ended in death or permanent disability of the patient.

What else can drinking hydrogen peroxide end? Hydrogen peroxide can cause seizures, shortness of breath, stroke, pulmonary embolism, heart attacks and psychiatric symptoms. The only chance for patients who consumed highly concentrated peroxide was to quickly implement hyperbaric oxygen therapy. – Hydrogen peroxide should only be used externally. It’s a corrosive liquid, you mustn’t drink it. And – as with other poisons and hazardous substances – we recommend keeping it in its original packaging, away from children to lower it reduces the risk of accidental ingestion, concludes Dr. Hatten.

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