
Khodynka is an unexpected space in the Moscow cityscape. Almost impossible space in the city center! And now — a large entertainment center has been built on this site.

I, I confess, underestimated literary criticism, which, in turn, overestimated artists, attributing to them the gift of foresight and bestial intuition — you never know the coincidences in life! And here you are, the very case when poetry resolves doubts. If it weren’t for Vadim Shefner, I wouldn’t have said anything like that — but then I came across his simple rhyme, and everything worked out. What all? And here’s what:

Khodynka is an unexpected space in our urban landscape. When I walked my dog ​​there for the last five years, it was an untidy wasteland framed by civilized asphalt with meaningless benches around the perimeter and a frightening installation of abandoned planes on the side. And all the same — an almost impossible space in the center of Moscow! How he intoxicated and disposed to a healthy run! And if you stop — then to a healthy reflection. What a place in terms of historical dramaturgy! Here you have a battlefield, and festivities in honor of the coronations (the commemorative coronation of Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich and his wife Empress Elizabeth Feodorovna in 1896, overshadowed by a tragic stampede — only one of four!), And a grandiose industrial exhibition, and a hippodrome, and the first Moscow airfield (1910), built mainly on donations from aviation enthusiasts, and the first air terminal building in the country (1931), and the first international flights in the history of Russian aeronautics (1922).

And a year ago — I look — they put up a chapel on the edge of our Khodynka and, with a blessing … laid the foundation for «Auchan». Well, as they say, God help you. «Auchan» and the entertaining positions attached to it were opened at an unprecedented speed, and in the aquarium with fish there, they say, even a live scuba diver swims. Now you don’t have to worry about folk festivals. Eagles!

And we will track the history point by point when this happens with the currency …

And here is the verse, the very one, of the wonderful Vadim Shefner. This year, by the way, is his centenary (1915-2002)


Do not build up the airfield, Though it is deserted and bare. Do not build up the airfield — After all, no other will be given.

Let someone pity, sympathize, Let your poverty be funny to others, But for you to disperse, to take off Only flat terrain is needed.

Vadim Shefner (called!)

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