«Don’t be a hypocrite!» Moral and moral values ​​- what is their essence?

Modern society, whatever one may say, is noticeably different from the society formed from previous generations. The eternal conflict of “fathers and sons”, which the Russian classic Turgenev spoke about so picturesquely, is not a momentary whim for you, but centuries-old evidence of civilizational evolution. It is so accepted that a person must understand what is good and what is bad. However, in this whirlpool of changing priorities and trends, one inseparable tandem remains: morality and morality. In general, they determine the level of development of society.

«Don’t be a hypocrite!» Moral and moral values ​​- what is their essence?

How to behave correctly in order to comply with society or not harm others? How to be guided in conversation, in relationships, life? Rules, laws, culture… We are often limited by something, but why? Why, for example, is it necessary to follow moral and ethical values? What’s the point? What will it give? Good or bad? Or maybe they do not need anyone at all? ..


Everything in our world is measurable. The same act from different positions can be regarded as a good deed or a bad one. Every society has its own norms of behavior, rules. Most often they are based on the fact that everyone is comfortable. People should not interfere with each other, cause harm, and in case of trouble, well, they simply have to lend a helping hand. If they, of course, consider themselves worthy people. Moral values ​​are a certain level of humanity, humanity, which defines society.


Knowing moral values, it is not difficult to follow them, the main thing is to want. A person who understands that one cannot survive in this vast and rapidly changing world, and a lonely life is not so good, will not create conflicts from scratch and with everyone in a row. This simultaneously means and does not mean that he follows some established rules. A person simply lives so as not to infringe on his rights, but also not to interfere with another. Moral behavior is morality.

«Don’t be a hypocrite!» Moral and moral values ​​- what is their essence?

What is the point?

It so happened that all over the world, moral values ​​are the same (unlike, for example, cultural or even social). All of them are aimed at the highest human ideals, such as:

  • respect for elders,
  • love for one’s country
  • charity,
  • loyalty and devotion,
  • helping another
  • honesty, 
  • hard work.

In fact, all values ​​are expressed either in «kindness to others», or in «work for your own benefit without harm to others.» For what? What do values ​​give us, except for the rules that must be followed?

  1.  Law. The code of any country says one thing: treat another well, otherwise punishment will follow. Moral values ​​are a set of rules that help to live in society amicably and manage people’s lives. Without such laws, the world would fall into chaos, where everyone would steal with impunity, kill, scoffed.
  2. Clear conscience. If you do not harm anyone, then there will simply be no feelings of guilt.
  3. Pride. Not the one that makes a person proud of himself and consider himself the best, but self-satisfaction. It is always nice to do selfless good.
  4. Good relationships and connections. People love good people. Obviously, following moral standards is simply beneficial.
  5. Health. A person who strives to become better, does good and loves the world, has better health because he is not subject to stress, depression, negative destructive emotions.

«Don’t be a hypocrite!» Moral and moral values ​​- what is their essence?

Despite the evidence that following moral values ​​is primarily good for oneself, many see it as suppression, limits, boundaries that block the path to freedom. This is such a, in many ways, «teenage», immature and very controversial outlook on life. To rebel and destroy is, you see, childish. At the same time, rebels and comrades protesting against restrictions, when faced with a bad attitude towards themselves, get angry, upset, even take revenge. The conclusion is simple: there is no need to obey the rules, just make others behave in the same way in response.

However, do not forget that only those who do not make mistakes themselves can make comments and “put in place”. And to read notations if you yourself do not correspond to the declared principles — mauvais ton and hypocrisy.

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