Don Diego

A guitar and a sombrero against the backdrop of a cactus – everyone understands that this can only be seen in Mexico. The bright cheerful label of a bottle of Don Diego tequila will make you smile, even if the day has not been set at all. And the drink itself with a mild taste is simply created to distract a person from sorrows and worries.

Don Diego is a “mixto” tequila containing only 51% blue agave alcohol. But the experienced tequileros of Casa Tequilera de Arandas managed to turn this disadvantage into a virtue: the taste of the drink is unusual, with a “signature” sourness and a muted nutty note.

The history of tequila Don Diego

Casa Tequilera de Arandas is one of the few major tequila companies with 19% Mexican capital. The distillery, located in the vicinity of the city of Arandas, in the state of Jalisco, annually produces 12 million liters of 30 brands of tequila owned by the company. It exports its products to XNUMX countries.

The Tequilera de Arandas distillery is one of the largest in Mexico. It also produces several dozen brands of tequila “to order”, from the customer’s raw materials. On its own plantations, located in the fertile Los Altos Valley, the company practices organic farming methods: it does not use pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

The company created the recipe for Don Diego tequila tequilero in 2002, in the midst of the “agave crisis”, when several hundred tequila producers went bankrupt due to suddenly rising raw material prices, and their enterprises were bought up by foreigners. The market then was in dire need of high-quality and inexpensive tequila, which would be available to people with low incomes.

Tequila “Don Diego” turned out exactly as it was intended: it may well compete with more expensive brands. It is not surprising that thrifty Germans paid attention to quite a decent inexpensive alcoholic drink. To make tequila even cheaper, they bottle it not in Mexico, but directly in Germany. However, even if you come across tequila without the inscription Hecho en Mexico, this is not a fake: it’s just that the original drink may not be bottled in Mexico.

Types of tequila Don Diego

Two varieties of Don Diego tequila are produced with a strength of 38%:

  • Don Diego Silver is a young, colorless tequila with notes of sugarcane intertwined with a rich agave aroma. Taste – soft, slightly spicy, with a slight sourness;
  • Don Diego Gold is a golden tequila laced with sugarcane syrup. It has a caramel-agave smell and a slightly sweet taste, which is balanced by pepper bitterness in the aftertaste.

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