Don Chinto

Don Cinto is a strong (40%) tequila with a sharp taste and a rich smell of blue agave. Perfect for a men’s company, Friday evening celebrating the end of the working week. And those gathered at the table will certainly be interested in the story of a Spaniard in an old-fashioned outfit, looking shrewdly and slightly mockingly from the label.

Tequilera Hacienda La Capilla was founded in 1993. Its founder is a Mexican businessman who comes from an old family in which tequila recipes were passed down from father to son.

Historical reference. It so happened that while digging a foundation pit for the construction of a new distillery, the excavator came across the remains of the foundation of a small old distillery. “This, you see, was still driven by Don Cinto mezcal,” one of the workers joked. Everyone laughed: after all, Don Chinto is a character of Mexican folklore, a notorious troublemaker, joker and moonshiner who lived in the XNUMXth century. And when the company’s tequilero faced the question of how to name the new tequila: crystal clear, strong, with a hard “male” taste, the name of the unforgettable Don Cinto popped up in my memory by itself.

In Spanish, “caball” means “horse”. But the poor caballero Chinto had no money either to buy a horse or to maintain it. In addition, our hero did not bow to fools and did not climb into his pocket for a word, and rich patrons do not like such. In the XNUMXth century, a man without money, but with ambition, could try his luck in overseas colonies: desperate thugs were needed there. Don Chinto’s uncle already lived in Mexico and called his nephew to him.

True, while the caravel crossed the ocean, the uncle managed to go broke and take his own life. So, having set foot on the Mexican coast, the poor caballero turned out to be the heir to a piece of land overgrown with some kind of weeds.

Uncle’s plantation was in the province of Jalisco, and from the weeds, that is, the blue agave that ripened there, they made excellent alcohol. Don Cinto built a tiny distillery and started distilling mezcal.

Over time, the caballero even settled down and started a family, but he did not leave moonshine. Because of this, he had a lot of trouble with the Inquisition, but his natural ingenuity always allowed him to get away with it.

The distillery of the company Tequilera Hacienda La Capilla is located in the city of Capilla de Guadalupe, in the state of Jalisco, that is, in those very places where the legendary caballero drove excellent mezcal to the delight of the neighbors. Tequila is made from blue agave, carefully grown on the fertile soils of the Los Altos Valley. The drink is subjected to double distillation. Apparently, Don Cinto would have liked a tequila named after him.

Types of tequila Don Cinto

Tequilera Hacienda La Capilla produces two varieties of Don Chinto tequila with a strength of 40%:

  • Don Chinto Silver – a young colorless tequila with a sharp, tart taste;
  • Don Chinto Gold is a light golden tequila, the hard taste of which is slightly softened by a light caramel sweetness. The aftertaste is warm, peppery-clove, with astringent oak bitterness.

Don Chinto

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