
Companies that dominated belong to a group of strength exercises called “self-loading”, in which body weight is used as load. The exercise that is practiced in the chin-up consists of holding onto a fixed bar or holding it and hanging from that point with the limbs stretched out and then doing a push-up until the bar is surpassed with the chin. To do this, we start from the position of stretched arms and apply different grips with the hands. With the help of the strength of the arms, the back and the abdomen, the chin is brought to the level of the bar.
- Requires pre-heating
- They should not shrug their shoulders
- The type of grip should be alternated between one session and another
- Eating well and taking care of your weight is essential
- It requires taking care of the technical position
This exercise allows multiple variants and with it the mobility of the shoulder girdle is worked. The hand orientation when performing the repetitions (types of grip) and the distance between them influence which muscles will be involved in the exercise. Some of the muscles that are worked in chin-ups They are: dorsal major, dorsal intraspinous, trapezius, rhomboids, pectoralis major and minor, deltoids, infraspinatus, biceps, biceps brachii, external oblique, triceps and pectoral, among others.
Grip types and width
There are multiple variants, but these are the most popular or generic. In the “pronated” grip, the palms of the hands should be down. In the “supine” grip the palms face upwards. In the “neutral” grip the palms are parallel or “facing” each other. And in the “mixed” grip the supine grip is used with one hand and the pronated grip with the other.
Regarding the width of the chin-ups, it can be a wide grip (greater than shoulder width), a narrow grip (somewhat tighter than shoulder width) and a normal grip (same width as shoulders).
The fact that the load is the total weight of the body and that it involves a large amount of joints and muscles working together and with high effort requires a certain level of physical preparation and control of the muscles that are worked in the activity.
- It allows to develop muscular strength and strengthens the shoulder and wrist joints
- Stabilizes the trunk, defines the abdomen and improves posture
- Reduces back pain
- Tones the body
Errors to avoid
- Not fully stretching the elbows causes less range of motion
- Contracting the shoulders too much, overloading the trapezius
- Using body momentum, jumping, and rocking works other parts of the body than the back and arm muscles
- Counting non-complete reps is detrimental. It is better to do 3 repetitions well done than 10 badly done