Dominance is the desire and ability to occupy a dominant position in a group and exert a predominant influence on others, to dictate one’s will to others. The household name of a dominant person is a strong personality.
Dominance according to Cattell
In the Cattell test, dominance is described by such characteristics as Independence, Independence, Perseverance, Stubbornness, assertiveness, self-will, sometimes Conflict, aggressiveness, refusal to recognize external power, a tendency to authoritarian behavior, a thirst for admiration, a rebel.
According to Cattell, the feature of the opposite dominance is Submission, described as gentleness, compliance, Tact, meekness, courtesy, Dependence, resignation, helpfulness, deference, Shyness, willingness to take the blame, modesty, Expressiveness, a tendency to easily get out of balance.
Manifestations of dominance
Independence, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, assertiveness, willfulness, sometimes conflict, aggressiveness, refusal to recognize external power, a tendency to authoritarian behavior, a thirst for admiration, a rebel.
The opposite of dominance is subordination — gentleness, compliance, tact, meekness, courtesy, dependence, resignation, helpfulness, respectfulness, shyness, willingness to take the blame, modesty, expressiveness, a tendency to easily get out of balance.