Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

The MDU-7 milking machine and its other modifications help farmers to automatically milk a small number of cows. The equipment is mobile. The model range of MDU has minor differences in design. Each unit is designed for a certain number of cows.

Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

Features of milking machines for cows MDU

For a small household, buying an expensive milking machine is not economically viable. It is difficult to assemble the equipment yourself. Additional knowledge and experience required. In addition, homemade does not always work effectively, it injures the cow’s udder. The MDU model range was created to facilitate the work of owners of a small number of cattle. Due to the wheels, the unit is easy to transport. The equipment is compact, lightweight and easy to maintain.

MDU 36 is considered the most productive model. Households use machines where, after the letter abbreviation, the numbers from 2 to 8 are in the marking. Of the entire line, only the MDU 5 milking machine for cows is based on the dry principle of operation. Other models have a closed lubrication cycle. These devices are characterized by a minimum consumption of engine oil.

The MDU installations consist of the following nodes:

  • Electrical engine;
  • vacuum type pump;
  • starting device;
  • fan or oil cooling system;
  • collector;
  • pressure regulator;
  • pulsator.

Of the additional equipment, each unit is equipped with hoses for transporting milk, a can. Tanks are mostly made of aluminium.

All MDU models are arranged and work according to the same principle:

  • The pump creates a vacuum in the system, pumping the milk out of the teat cup body and transporting it through the hoses to the can.
  • The pulsator equalizes the pressure periodically with the same time frequency. From its differences, the rubber inserts inside the teat cups are compressed and unclenched. There is an imitation of sucking the nipples with the lips of a calf.

Mechanical milking does not injure the udder of the animal. After filling the can with milk, the milkmaid pours it into a large container.

All MDU equipment is located on a durable steel frame made of lightweight profile. Before starting milking, the machine is placed on a horizontal solid surface. In motors with a closed lubrication system, maintain the oil level above the red mark.

Attention! The milking unit must not be placed on a loose surface. A running motor will create strong vibrations throughout the equipment.

Doilny apparatus MDU-2

Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

MDU 2 equipment has several modifications. The devices of this line are designed for milking cows and goats. The most popular is the MDU 2a milking machine, reviews of which are more often positive. Model 2a is designed for milking six cows. An aluminum can with a capacity of 19 liters is supplied from the factory to collect milk. Optionally, you can order a stainless steel container with a capacity of 20 liters. The unit is completely assembled, after unpacking it is ready for work. Milking can be carried out near the cow or at a distance of up to 10 m.

Important! Model 2a has a closed lubrication cycle. For filling use synthetic or semi-synthetic engine oil. Consumption from 0,4 to 1 liter per year.

Model 2v allows you to connect two cows at the same time. The device is equipped with a water ring pump with a 1,1 kW electric motor. Productivity – 20 cows per hour.

Model 2k is used for milking goats. One device is designed for 15 heads, but each animal is connected in turn.


The MDU 2a installation has the following characteristics:

  • electric motor power – 1,1 kW;
  • connection to the mains 220 volts;
  • maximum productivity – 180 l / min;
  • weight without packaging – 14 kg.

The manufacturer guarantees a service life of up to 10 years. The average cost is about 21 thousand rubles.


When using the machine for the first time, cows are taught to operate the engine. For several days in a row, the installation is simply run in idle mode. When the cows are no longer afraid of the noise, they try to carry out milking. The udder is thoroughly washed, massaged. Milking glasses are put on the nipples. Silicone suction cups should adhere tightly to the udder. After starting the engine, the working pressure will be created in the system. The beginning of milking is easy to determine by the flowing milk in transparent hoses. At the end of milking, the motor is turned off. Pressure is released from the system so that the glasses can be easily removed. It is impossible to tear off the suction cups by force, since the udder is easily injured.

A detailed process of using the milking machine is shown in the video:

Milking machine MDU-2a

Reviews about the milking machine MDU-2

Valery Pavlovich Sychev, 57 years old
I bought the MDU 2a device for 7 cows, it does an excellent job. Installation is easy, mobile. Milk is expressed completely, no milking is necessary. The equipment is easy to transport around the barn.

Doilny apparatus MDU-3

Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

The manufacturer presented the milking machine for cows MDU 3 with three models with the letter abbreviation “b”, “c”, “TANDEM”. The first two models have similar characteristics. Most often there are reviews about the MDU 3b milking machine, designed for ten heads of cattle. From the factory, the unit is equipped with an aluminum can with a capacity of 19 liters. Having made an additional payment, they order a separate container made of stainless steel for 20 or 25 liters. Unit 3b allows milking near the cow or at a distance of up to 20 m.

The milking machine MDU 3v has similar parameters, but 3v-TANDEM provides milking of 20 cows. In addition, two animals can be connected to the equipment at the same time.


For models MDU 3b and 3c, the following characteristics are inherent:

  • electric motor power – 1,5 kW;
  • the motor is powered by 220 volts;
  • maximum productivity – 226 l / min;
  • weight without packaging – 17,5 kg;
  • oil consumption – maximum 1,5 l / year.

The unit is equipped with an emergency valve. The average price is about 22000 rubles.


Working with devices MDU 3 is no different from using models 2a. The nuances of working with the milking machine are described in the manufacturer’s instructions that come with the equipment.

Reviews about the milking machine MDU-3

Valentina Egorovna Sinitsyna, 58 years old
Among the MDU devices, the 3v-TANDEM model was chosen on the recommendation of familiar farmers. We have 17 cows, and it makes no sense to buy a milking machine with a lower capacity. The equipment works great. Milking fast, high quality. The downside is the heavy weight. The equipment was installed permanently.

Doilny apparatus MDU-5

Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

The milking machine MDU 5 is an air-cooled model. The unit is equipped with two fans. It is completed with MDU 5 with an aluminum can for 19 liters. Separately, they purchase stainless steel containers for 20 and 25 liters. Milking takes place near the animal or at a remote distance of 5-10 m. The unit is designed for three cows. There is an analogue of the milking machine – the MDU 5k model. Technical characteristics are similar, only the number of milking cups differs.


The unit has the following characteristics:

  • electric motor power – 1,5 kW;
  • fans – 2 pieces;
  • work from the mains 220 volts;
  • the engine is equipped with a liquid protection valve;
  • maximum productivity up to 200 l/min;
  • electric motor rotor speed – 2850 rpm;
  • weight without packaging – 15 kg.

The manufacturer guarantees a service life of up to 10 years, subject to the rules of use. The average cost of equipment is about 20 thousand rubles.


For the milking machine MDU 5, the instructions are supplied by the manufacturer along with the equipment. The principle of operation of an air-cooled unit is simple:

  • A running motor pumps air out of the system. A vacuum is formed inside the hose. The pressure drop in the milk tubes is created by vacuum pipes connected to the lid of the can. Additionally, vacuum is generated in the pulsator and hoses connected to the collector and milking cups.
  • Glasses are put on the nipples of the animal. An elastic insert wraps around them due to the vacuum created.
  • Between the insert and the wall of the glass there is a chamber where a vacuum is similarly created. When the pulsator starts to work, the rarefaction inside the chamber with a certain frequency begins to be replaced by a pressure equal to atmospheric pressure. The rubber insert compresses and unclenches, and with it the nipple. Milking starts.

The cessation of movement through the transparent milk hoses signals the completion of the process. The motor is turned off. After equalization in the pressure system, the cups are removed from the cow’s udder.

Reviews about the milking machine MDU-5

Sergey Valerievich Vorobyov, 63 years old
I bought the MDU 5 device because of the air cooling. Maintenance is easier, plus messing around with machine oil near milk is not sterile. I liked the unit. I’ve been using it for 3 years with no problems. Milking is fast, cows calmly endure the procedure.

Milking machine for cows MDU-7

Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

Model MDU 7 is designed for milking three cows. The unit is similarly equipped with a 19 l aluminum can. For a separate payment from the manufacturer, you can order a 20-liter stainless steel container. a distinctive feature is the ability to work without a pulsator and with a pulsator. The quiet functionality of the motor does not scare the cows. Milking is carried out directly next to the animal or at a distance of up to 10 m. In the second option, the use of an elongated pipeline is required. The choice of the consumer are offered teat cups made of plastic or aluminum. The pulsator is ordered two-stroke or in pairs.


The MDU 7 model has the following indicators:

  • motor power – 1 kW;
  • rotor speed – 1400 rpm;
  • maximum productivity – 180 l / min .;
  • the presence of a valve to protect the electric motor from liquid;
  • the presence of fans;
  • receiver with a volume of 2 l;
  • weight without packaging – 12,5 kg.

The equipment is designed for operation up to 10 years. The average price is from 23000 rubles.


In terms of use, the MDU 7 milking machine is no different from its predecessors. A nuance can be considered the presence of fans for cooling the motor.

Reviews of the milking machine for cows MDU-7

Tatyana Ivanovna Kozhedub, 48 years old

I bought MDU 7 for milking my two cows. I don’t know any special differences in the models, the managers just advised me. I liked the purchase. I’ve been using it for over a year. The motor runs quietly. I milk cows always at a distance of 5-6 m. The udder has never been damaged by glasses.

Doilny apparatus MDU-8

Doil machine MDU-5, 7, 8, 3, 2

According to its performance, the device MDU 8 coincides with its predecessor MDU 7. However, the model is new and more advanced. The equipment is mounted on a convenient trolley with wheels, allowing transportation. In addition, the milking machine is equipped with a remote control to help manage the operation. The unit is intended for three cows. The can is supplied from the factory in aluminum for 19 liters, but can be purchased from stainless steel with a capacity of 20 liters.

Equipment works with and without a pulsator. Milking cups made of non-toxic plastic or aluminium. Optionally, the pulsator can be ordered in pairs or push-pull.


The following characteristics are inherent in the milking machine MDU 8:

  • motor power – 1 kW;
  • rotor speed – 1400 rpm;
  • there is a transparent receiver with a volume of 2 l;
  • maximum productivity – 180 l / min .;
  • weight without packaging – 25 kg.

The MDU 8 unit is heavier than its predecessor due to the trolley, but it is easier to transport. Service life is about 10 years. The average price is 24000 rubles.


It is convenient to adapt the MDU 8 device without a pulsator to mechanical milking, as it resembles a manual process. When the cows get used to it and begin to calmly relate to what is happening, you can use the pulsator. All other operating rules are identical to models of previous modifications.

Reviews about the milking machine MDU-8

Natalya Fedorovna Polunina, 57 years old
I chose between MDU 7 and 8. I gave preference to the second model because of the trolley. It is convenient to bring the device to the place of milking and take it back to the barn. The equipment has been stable for years. Milking is neat, cows endure everything calmly.


Milking machine MDU-7 and 8 are ideal for owners of 2-3 cows. For larger herds, other models with higher performance should be considered.

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