Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

Once Shaitan underestimated dogwood and was ridiculed. Of course, as befits the Evil One, he punished people, and a harsh, cold winter awaited them. Prepare dogwood tincture, appreciate the taste of this healthy berry, and a warm and very cheerful winter will certainly await you.

And it was like this: once Shaitan asked Allah for a dogwood tree, while the people were sorting out other fruit-bearing trees. His logic was clear: if the tree blooms first, then the harvest will be the first, and, as you know, it is most valued. Without waiting for the ripe berries, Shaitan gave the dogwood to people, which they were incredibly happy about, especially in autumn, when sweet and sour berries with a memorable bright taste began to fall from the tree.

What was left for stupid people? That’s right, to laugh at the Evil One, for which he arranged everything so that next year the dogwood would bear twice as much. People liked this kind of creativity, but they didn’t take into account that it takes twice as much solar heat to ripen such a number of berries and it wasn’t enough for the winter (checkmate, physics). And a very long and cold winter awaited people, with all the ensuing consequences. Since then, a popular sign says that if a lot of dogwood has ugly in the fall, wait for a cold winter.

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

It’s just that I don’t understand this sign. If the dogwood has already spoiled, then the jam from this magnificent berry, and even more so the tincture, will not let you freeze on harsh winter days. The tincture, by the way, is very good. Those who are familiar with the taste of compote or dogwood jam should also imagine the taste of tincture. In general, the drink is original and deserves its moment of fame.

Read about the beneficial properties of this berry somewhere on Wikipedia – these properties are more than enough, almost a remedy for all diseases. For us, cultural drinkers, dogwood berries are useful, first of all, by the content of various organic acids, including succinic. She, as you know, helps to cope with the disease that occurs the next day after a stormy feast. After dogwood tincture, you feel great in the morning (this statement applies only to pure dogwood tincture in good vodka, moonshine or alcohol, without sugar and other components).

Pure dogwood tincture is very easy to prepare. Pour a three-liter jar with washed dogwood berries, without tamping and shaking. Fill up to the very neck with moonshine or diluted alcohol with a strength of 60%, at least. Close the jar tightly and send it to infuse in a dark place for 3-4 months. Then drain the finished tincture through a sieve and you can drink. If too sour, add sugar or sugar syrup to taste. The recipe is simple, time-tested, but not the most interesting.

Dogwood tincture for alcohol

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

  • 250 g dried dogwood
  • 1250 ml alcohol 50%
  • 1250 ml alcohol 30%
  • about 7,5 liters of alcohol 40%
  • 6,5 g of oak chips

Pour the dried dogwood into a jar of a suitable volume and pour 1,25 liters of alcohol with a strength of 50%. Wait 10 days, drain the infusion. Pour 1,25 liters of alcohol with a strength of 30%, add oak chips. Again, wait 10 days, drain the infusion and combine it with the previous one. Bring the resulting concentrate with 40% alcohol or vodka / moonshine to 10 liters. Bottled and aged for at least six months. Chips can be left in the drink for the aging period, then you get a drink with a characteristic “barrel” taste. You can not put wood chips at all – you get a tincture with a pleasant organoleptic of dogwood and no less pleasant ruby ​​​​color. The recipe for wood chips is described in this article.

Dogwood tincture on vodka and alcohol

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

  • 1 kg dogwood berries
  • 500 ml alcohol 95,6%
  • 500 ml of vodka 40%
  • [instead of alcohol and vodka, you can take 1 liter of alcohol 70%]
  • 300-500 g sugar or honey

Rinse the dogwood, wait until the water drains and dry. Pierce each berry with a toothpick and transfer them to a jar of a suitable size. Pour in vodka and alcohol, seal the jar tightly and leave in a warm, dark place for 1-2 months. Periodically shake the contents of the jar. Drain the ruby ​​infusion through a sieve, and fill the berries in a jar with sugar to taste. Wait a week until the sugar turns into syrup and draws out the remaining alcohol from the berries. Drain the syrup through a couple of layers of gauze, squeeze the berries. Mix the syrup with the infusion and wait a couple of weeks. Filter the dogwood tincture through a cotton or coffee filter, bottle it and send it to the cellar for maturation for 6-12 months.

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

If you decide to cook with honey, and there is every reason for this, then it is better to do this: after insisting, pour the berries with a small amount of water and leave them like that for a couple of days to draw out a little alcohol. Then warm this water slightly and dissolve honey in it. The resulting syrup is better to defend a little in the refrigerator, and then mix with the infusion. In the process of aging the tincture with honey, a cloudy precipitate may appear. At such moments, you don’t need to get upset, but take cotton wool or coffee filters and filter, filter and filter again.

The syrup obtained after dissolving in an alcoholized berry of sugar can not be mixed with tincture, it will already be tasty. It is better to mix the syrup with cherry tincture, diluted up to 20%, 1:1 ratio. It will turn out a light female drink, which will certainly become a hit of the season.

Tincture on dogwood jam

A very pleasant spicy drink. There are many jam recipes on the Internet. Perhaps, for our purposes, not too long heat treatment of the berry is better suited. There are, for example, recipes for dogwood jam ala “in 5 minutes”.

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

For flavor base:

  • 1,5 l moonshine 45-50%
  • 1 tsp oak bark
  • 3 pcs. allspice
  • 2 sprigs of St. John’s wort
  • 0,5 tsp oregano

For dogwood tincture:

  • 10 berries from dogwood jam
  • 100 ml jam syrup

First you need to prepare a fragrant base. To do this, add 1 tsp to a two-liter jar. oak bark (prepared), 3 medium peas of allspice, two medium sprigs of St. John’s wort (can be slightly broken) and 0,5 tsp. oregano. Pour the ingredients with 1,5 liters of purified moonshine or diluted alcohol. Keep in a cool place for 3 days, then drain and let the tincture rest for at least 5 days. Then take dogwood jam and extract 10 dogwood berries and 100 ml of syrup from it. Pour the received goodness with the previously prepared tincture and insist in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Periodically, the jar can be shaken, but without fanaticism.

After 2 weeks, the finished tincture on dogwood jam must be drained, filtered and bottled. You can drink right away, but it’s better to wait a couple of months, or better, the usual six months for this berry. Organoleptically, the drink resembles dogwood on cognac. By the way, scaling up the production of this liqueur is very simple. After draining the infusion into a jar, you can add 5 more berries from jam, again 100 ml of syrup and 1,5 fragrant bases. Further on the recipe.


In Poland, “olives” are made from cornelian cherry. At one time, Jewish merchants traded in this, diluting olives with pickled green dogwood – it was cheaper that way. Delicious, juicy and very original appetizer for anything. There are many recipes for pickled dogwood, but I have not seen “Polish olives” in Renet.

This recipe was restored from old notes by Dr. Narcyz Piórecki (he did not dare to translate his name into Russian), the director of the Arboretum Bolestraszyce arboretum (near the village of Bolestrashici). The doctor grows dogwood on the territory of the arboretum and uses its berries not only to make olives, but also to make delicious dogwood tincture with juniper berries (the recipe is attached below).

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

Take a green dogwood and pour it into a jar of a suitable size. Add grape or oak leaves, garlic and thyme to taste. Pour the berries with brine (1 g of salt per 10 liter of water). Let the dogwood stand in the brine for 3-4 weeks, then drain the water. Then the berries need to be scalded a little, namely, hold in boiling water for several minutes.

After that, pour them with hot olive oil with thyme and other herbs to taste. It remains only to wait a few weeks until the dogwood berries begin to taste like spicy olives – the original appetizer is ready.

Kizilovka on vodka with juniper

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipes

  • 1 kg dogwood berries
  • 1 liter of good vodka
  • 300-500 sugar
  • 3 juniper berries

Dogwood tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine – 5 cool recipesRinse the berries, dry and pour into a jar of a suitable volume. Add juniper berries (read how to choose them here) and pour vodka. Close the jar tightly with a lid and insist in a dark, warm place for at least two weeks. Then you need to add sugar to the tincture, mix well and wait another 7 days. Periodically, the tincture must be stirred so that the sugar dissolves completely. Drain the infusion through a sieve or several layers of gauze, the berries can be slightly squeezed. Filter the drink through a cotton or coffee filter, bottle and send for aging for six months

PS During the writing of this article, no Shaitan was harmed. The materials of the forum were used as the wisdom of the people.

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