Dogs can help children avoid asthma

Young children who have a dog at home are less likely to develop asthma, reports JAMA Pediatrics.

According to a Swedish study conducted on 650 children (Uppsala University), contact with a dog in the first year of life is associated with a 000% lower exposure to dogs. risk of developing asthma by the age of seven.

When animals clean their fur, they lick themselves, sensitizing skin cells covered with saliva – animal dandruff. Recent research, however, suggests that contact with your dog’s hair in childhood may be beneficial. Living on a farm with numerous animals is even more beneficial to your health – your asthma risk is cut in half.

The results obtained support the theory of the “hygienic” origin of allergies, according to which pets can strengthen the immune system and prevent allergies. However, more work is needed – previous studies have produced conflicting results.

Of course, in the case of a child who is already allergic to dogs, buying a puppy would not be a good idea, Swedish scientists say. Animals are a common cause of allergies – according to Allergy UK estimates, half of British children with asthma are allergic to cats and 40% to dogs. On the other hand, a pregnant woman does not need to be afraid of the presence of an animal in the house.

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