DOGA: how to teach your dog to do yoga with you

DOGA: how to teach your dog to do yoga with you

The cat can also be attracted to Indian practices. But things will go easier with the doggie.

Yoga is harmony. And we need harmony in all spheres of life: in relationships with loved ones, with ourselves and even with our pets. Sometimes there is not enough time and energy for high-quality communication with them in the conditions of life in a big city. That is why dog ​​yoga is gaining popularity all over the world. 

“Despite the fact that the original purpose of yoga is unity with oneself and the Universe, the practice of traditional asanas acquires new modifications and goals every day. And although I myself am an adherent of classical hatha yoga, sometimes I am impressed by the creativity with which the founders of new schools approach their business. With the curiosity of a child who likes to fool around, I willingly study them. ” 

What is dog yoga 

Doga, doggy yoga, or doggy yoga, is the practice of yoga with a dog. The concept is young: the first book Doga: Yoga for Dogs by Jennifer Brilliant, describing asanas and recommendations for practicing yoga with pets, appeared in America in 2004. In 2016, Japan has already set a record for the number of people simultaneously practicing doga – 136 people. 

“Yoga practice has a calming effect on both humans and dogs,” says Noriko Onuma, head of the Japan Dog Yoga Association. “Our four-footed friends, who often have to spend all day locked in small apartments, are also stressed and need the relaxation that the mastiff provides.” 

However, the Great Dane does not imply gymnastic pirouettes performed by animals. It is rather a common practice of yoga by a person, in which attention is focused not only on breathing and the ongoing processes in the body, but also on a beloved pet and contact with him. 

General Principles  

Softly and tenderly

Dog yoga adepts do not recommend lifting a dog heavier than 5 kilograms. However, strictly speaking, if you are not a yogi with ten years of experience, your muscles are not made of steel, and your spine is not rebuilt by a chiropractor with the precision of German car manufacturers, it is better not to even lift a puppy. When bowing to the sun, warrior pose, triangle and other poses in which it is permissible to lift a dog, the spine is already experiencing a serious load, which can become critical in conditions of an imperfectly built asana. In addition, not every dog ​​will be delighted with a long flight in the air and entrapped internal organs.  

Also, do not do complex asanas in the presence of animals, in which you feel not entirely confident. This is especially true for the headstand.  

Stop chasing unusual positions and focus on contact with your pet. 

No violence

Yoga does not tolerate violence. If your furry friend licks your hands and tries to break out of the grasping embrace, release him. Allow your dog to run around, do what he likes. 

Sooner or later she will be interested in your activity and come back. Practitioners say that over time, the dog adjusts to the owner and begins to perform movements synchronously. It is always delightful, but it is not necessary to chase after it. 

Relax and have fun

Do not worry that the flow of exercise may be disrupted by sudden actions on the part of the dog. Get down to business with a sense of humor. If you feel like laughing, laugh. Laughter is the best way to relieve stress and also prolongs life. 

Stop if you are out of balance to continue practicing without looking at others. 

Relax and watch the smaller brothers. Learn from them the best qualities: cheerfulness, loyalty and spontaneity. This is an important benefit of practice. 

Doga in practice

Dogging in the studio is a real pleasure and an interesting social experience for you and your pet. But there are still very few such studios in Russia. If you are lucky and you managed to sign up, we recommend that you clarify its rules in advance (permissible size of dogs, are there any breed restrictions, etc.)

Otherwise, you can always practice dogu at home. Here are some exercises you can try right now! 

Surya Namaskar

To warm up, you can start with the classic “Bow to the Sun” complex. This includes Downward Dog, Upward Dog, and Rider Pose, in which eye contact must be maintained to engage the pet. 

If you are working in pairs, you can ask your partner to put your dog on its back while you hold the plank. Next time she will probably climb here on her own. 

Surya Namaskar is a variation

Next, you can repeat the bow to the sun with a variation: after the pose “dog face up” we add the asana “puppy”, in which the legs remain on the knees, and the hands spread across the floor. In the language of dogs, this pose is an invitation to play. 

Rabbit hole

The knees remain on the floor. The elbows are bent, the left hand dives under the right and rests on the back of the floor. On exhalation, the head turns to the right, the gaze is fixed on the ceiling. The spine feels nice twisting, and the pet may sniff or lick your face. Repeat the same actions in a mirror image on the other hand. Dogs will be delighted with this closeness and unusual look at you.  


We return the body to the center. We place our palms on the floor directly under the shoulder joints. We find ourselves on all fours. While inhaling, we lift our back as much as possible, like an angry cat, while exhaling we bend the spine in the opposite direction, pull the chin up. The back of the head tends to the coccyx. 

We repeat the deflections five times. To enhance the effect and attract the pet’s attention, exhalation can be made as loud as possible. 


Sit on the floor with your left leg back, trying not to bend. The right one bends at the knee so that its heel lies directly under the left ilium.  

The back and arms are straightened. The gaze is fixed on his pet. In this position, he can be stroked and patted behind the ears. But don’t forget to keep your shoulders and ilium symmetrical.

Swap legs gently.  

Roaring lion pose 

It’s game time, or a way to remind who is the leader of the pack!

Sit on your calves, spread your knees in different directions, so that your toes touch each other. The palms are on the floor and are turned with the middle fingers towards the body, and the little fingers towards each other. Hands are stretched. Lean on your hands, lean forward, straightening your chest and throwing your head back slightly. The gaze is directed to the point between the eyebrows. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, open your mouth, stretch your tongue as far as possible and release an even lingering sound “a”. Repeat 4-5 times. 

Tilted Poses

Sit on the floor with your legs as wide apart as possible. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself to your right leg, keeping your right hand on the dog if it is lying directly in front of you. Raise your left hand above your head and stretch it to the big toe of your right foot. Make sure that the chest is directed towards the dog. Don’t roll your upper shoulder forward. Stop in this pose for a couple of minutes. Try to relax. Breathe calmly while stroking your pet. 

On a deep breath, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement to the left side, stroking the dog with your left hand, the right hand extending parallel to the left leg to the left. The movements are smooth, relaxed. Return to starting position. 

Now, place both hands on the dog and bend over it with your back straight. Make sure that there is no deflection in the lower back. Stay in the pose for a few breaths.   

Extend both legs forward. You can put a small dog on your hips, a large one next to you. Lean forward with your back straight. Relax, breathe calmly. Observe the pleasant stretch on the back of your legs. Keep your hands on the dog while stroking it. 

Bring your feet together and pull them towards you. The small dog will be “in the boat.” Grab your feet with your hands, stretch your back and begin to smoothly spring with your knees. Along with this exercise, you can do yoga for the eyes: 35 knee swings can be easily combined with rhythmic blinking, which will improve blood supply and nutrition to the eyeball.

Stretch your legs again and bend forward with your back straight. You will feel that this time the muscles are more flexible and your tilt is a few centimeters deeper. 


Bend your knees, put your hands on the floor, raise your legs 45 degrees. Try to make the exercise harder by raising your arms parallel to the floor and pulling them forward. A look at a pet that has just been cradled out of your body. 

If you manage to maintain balance in this position, you are a real yogi! 

In this simple meditation position, the dog can be placed between the legs. Put your hands on the pet, listen to your own and his heartbeat. With each inhalation and exhalation, slow down your breathing, increasing the pauses between it.  


You deserve it! Lie on your back. Place the small dog on the chest or lower abdomen. Press the large one to your side, placing your hand on it. 

Close your eyes. Thank yourself and your pet for the practice. Breathe deeply and calmly. Walk your mind through your entire body, from your toes to the muscles of your face, consciously relaxing every part of your body. 

Perhaps the dog will start wandering around you, sniffing and licking your face, because the horizontal position is an equal sign for it. Allow her this joy, and let nothing distract you from savasana.  

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