Since this is a man’s friend, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for him.
“I want to get a dog,” a friend of mine once said, who was difficult to suspect of love for animals: she did not like walking so much that she even took a taxi to work. “Why do you need a dog, Sveta?” – we were amazed. “You can run with her,” she replied. We fell silent together and mentally sympathized with that dog – it was obvious that if she got a dog, he would soon become as plump and short of breath as the owner herself.
Sveta is not alone in her delusions. Many people choose a dog according to the principle “like it or not like it”, without thinking at all that some breeds simply have no place in city apartments.
Moscow watchdog
Moscow guard dog – relative of St. Bernard
She was taken out for the guard service, so her character is not easy. This is a beautiful dog, but often aggressive, since its task is to protect the territory and keep strangers out. In the summer heat, she is lazy, because she suffers greatly from the heat. The dog is not well even in the shade, so the apartment needs an air conditioner that has to work around the clock. In addition, it sheds a lot. Upholstered furniture, things, floor – everything will be in its wool, which is difficult to get rid of. In general, it is not important for the dog in the apartment, and it is not easy for the owners. And yes, she needs to walk a lot, especially during the growth period. This is important to strengthen the dog’s paws and avoid further joint and bone problems.
German Shepherd
This dog loves space, so keeping it in a cramped apartment is akin to animal mockery. In addition, this breed has a very specific “flavor”. Well, yes, you understood everything correctly – it stinks of a dog. In the fresh air it is not critical, but in the apartment … The German Shepherd also sheds twice a year, filling the entire apartment with its fur. During these periods, you have to vacuum and do wet cleaning several times a day. The German Shepherd needs to walk a lot, and it has so much strength that it is sometimes simply unrealistic to cope with it. To entrust such an activity, for example, to a child will not work – you will have to wind kilometers yourself.
Great Dane
The breed is fastidious, which needs a lot of space for a comfortable existence. You cannot keep him in the yard, as he easily catches cold. And in the house he needs a couch or his own sofa – he does not like it on a thin mat. The weight of this dog can reach 100 kilograms, and the height at the withers is almost a meter. Such a large dog must obey the owner unquestioningly. Therefore, you will have to spend time not only on walks (by the way, the Great Dane is not located for a long walk), but also on training. And with an instructor, and this is also additional money.
St. Bernard
Strong, hardy, friendly large breed dog, and it is also slobbering and very, very fluffy. “I sometimes wipe my drool even from the mirrored ceiling in the bathroom,” the owners write about them. However, if you are ready to constantly wipe, vacuum and walk, then you can get a St. Bernard. The only thing is that the apartment should be spacious, because this dog is not just large – it is huge. You will have to walk a lot with him, the dog needs movement for the health of the joints. Careful care is needed for the coat – bathing with a special shampoo, combing several times a week with a stiff brush. And also – wipe your eyes and wipe your mouth immediately after eating. But in a booth or aviary, St. Bernard is still much more comfortable.
Collie and other herding dogs
Such as the Mountain Dog, South Russian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog and others. They are balanced, active, sociable. But at the same time they like to bark, which, you see, your neighbors will not like at all. Collie and other “shepherds” are created to live in the open air. They need to walk for a long time, frolic in the fresh air – lying on their sides in an empty apartment is harmful to the dog’s psyche. And yes, from her, as, indeed, from all long-haired dogs, there is a lot of wool on the floor, things, furniture.
Hunting dogs for whom running is vital – will they keep up with the rhythm of city life? If not, then it is better not to have such a dog, even though they are beautiful. Some do not even shed, which is captivating. However, are you ready to wind 10-15 kilometers with your pet every day? If not, don’t even think about buying an Afghan or Greyhound.
Cane Corso
A fashionable breed of dogs today, but there are nuances in its content. It needs a lot of space, but you can’t keep it outside – the Cane Corso cannot stand the winter cold. The house or apartment should be warm. In addition, the renovation must be of a certain type: laminate or tiles on the floor will not work. On a slippery surface, the puppy’s paws will disperse and form incorrectly. With a Cane Corso, you need to walk literally until you are blue in the face, otherwise, at his leisure, he will smash the whole apartment. Moreover, walking on a leash is not enough – the Cane Corso needs free range. Where can you get it in the middle of the city?
Potentially dangerous dog breeds
According to the Law on Responsible Treatment of Animals, there are breeds of dogs that cannot be walked without a leash and muzzle anywhere and never. An exception is if the dogs are walking in a fenced area that belongs to the owner of the dog. The list includes akbash, American bandog, ambuldog, Brazilian bulldog, bully kutta, Alapakh purebred bulldog (otto), bandog, wolf-dog hybrids, wolf-dog (wolf hybrid), gul dong, pit bullmastiff, North Caucasian dog, as well as mestizo of these breeds.
Irina Volga, Natalia Evgenieva