Doesn’t it dazzle in your eyes? 11 apartments with terrible wallpapers

Be careful, viewing these photos can make you feel sick!

Interior design is a complex, sometimes capricious thing. After all, you need to keep within the budget, satisfy the wishes of potential tenants, and amaze guests with the sophistication of the atmosphere, and fit into fashion trends. But sometimes only one thing turns out. Especially if the landlord is his own designer. Therefore, it is not surprising that the apartment turns into a collection of random things, where the furniture does not fit the wallpaper, the wallpaper does not fit the floor, and the ceiling lives its own life.

But we’re talking about wallpaper. Still, it can be said to be the supporting structure of any interior. They can fix a lot or, conversely, spoil everything irrevocably. And it doesn’t matter if they are expensive or cheap, designer or from the nearest construction market – if the wallpaper does not fit the rest of the environment, all hopes for a stylish interior will collapse.

As, for example, in these photos – the wallpapers are obviously not cheap, but they make the narrow corridor even narrower, and the ceiling of the color of childish surprise generally breaks into dust all claims for a cool design.

A separate art form is dark patterned wallpaper designed to look chic and evoke associations with the palace interior. But in fact, given the low ceilings and the abundance of decor, they look ridiculous. And the furniture was too shabby for the palace.

Monograms sometimes give way to large bouquets. But it doesn’t get any better. Yes, obviously there was no attempt to invest a fortune in this renovation, but even cheap paper wallpaper can be quite cute.

A large ornament is generally a controversial thing. Not only is such wallpaper more difficult to glue, that they are only suitable for large rooms, as they eat up space, overload it, but they are also diluted with a completely creepy carpet and curtains that do not fit anything. Plastered brickwork or even newspapers would have looked better.

There are also daring decisions: you want to live in a palace, but there is an apartment in an ordinary high-rise building. So why not pretend that there is a palace after all? The main thing is that none of the home or guests should try to walk into the distance along an imaginary suite.

The floral print is also ambiguous. The owners of this apartment are proud of them: the photo of the wall with glossy wallpaper in the ad is the most. And even the roses on the table are designed to set off the beauty of the roses on the wall. The only pity is that nothing else can be combined with this wallpaper – no linoleum, no curtains, no polished table.

Cute, light, modern – but this eerie accent wall! Imagine waking up to THIS every morning. You will look at THIS every night when you go to bed. Is this exactly what you want from a living room bedroom?

And here we have an attempt at zoning using a floral print. A head in flowers, as you can see, many people like to sleep – I wonder if this design will soon get bored? After all, zoning, to put it mildly, was not very successful.

And here the glossy embossed wallpaper, coupled with the glossy ceiling, just ate the whole space. The curtains with lambrequins and floral patterns on the bedspread also added a cluttered feel. Moral: Don’t complicate anything.

Here, I clearly wanted the sun in the kitchen, to add brightness to the atmosphere. There is nothing wrong with that, but doesn’t it seem like an overkill? Large geometry with a sunflower on the walls, a motley countertop, a bulky sofa – in itself looks strange. And the colors of kitchen cabinets do not fit into all this at all.

And you can even stick quite sane wallpaper so creatively that it hurts your eyes. It is even more painful if you take a photo of a really bad quality. That and look swaying even before viewing.

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